" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-01-18 Three Reasons I Should Have Skipped Dinner

1. I spilled my ice tea all over the table.

2. I spilled the new pitcher of ice tea I had to make to refill my glass all over the counter.

3. I leaned in to my plate full of homemade lasagna while reaching for the italian bread and got sauce all over my clothes.

Yup, definitely should have skipped dinner altogether.

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2005-01-18 Girl Scout Cookies Beware

It's Girl Scout Cookie time again and it reminds me of last year's mishap, if you will.

Isn't that just...unspeakable?

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2005-01-18 Weirdo

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

Via Accidental Verbosity

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2005-01-17 Ryun Has A Job!

Ryun has a job!!!!!! YAY! He will be working for Embree and White Elevator and he starts tomorrow!


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2005-01-16 Emily's Page

Emily's Page is officially done! Check it out!

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2005-01-15 Special Journal

I am in the process of setting up a "special" journal for Emily. I kind of wanted to keep all of her "medical" information in one location, dedicated specifically to her. I will link here when it is done!

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2005-01-15 Why I Would Be a Good Person To Work For And/Or WIth

Because I rock...obviously. No but seriously...

My father and Ryun work for the same company...or I guess I should say worked. Yup...Pete was laid off on Friday, even though after Ryun was laid off my father siad this to the boss...

Dad: "B", I need to know if I am going to be laid off because I have a cruise planned in February which I am going to have to cancel if I am not working."

B: "Oh no, you are all set."

Mind you this was three whole days ago...it's not like he could have had any inkling that there was even a slight chance that he would have to lay my father off.

Yeah right.

Let's try a little honesty people. How about saying something like, "I am not sure what is going to happen."

So now, my father and Ryun are unemployed, although both have very promising prospects on the horizon.

The thing(s) that really just piss me off are the dishonesty and political crap that always seem to take the place of straightforwardness and loyalty.

My father and Ryun have been with the company for a year and a half. There is someone there that was just hired one month ago. Umm hello? If Ryun and Dad were crappy workers who installed unsafe elevators, didn't get their jobs done on time, and did nothing but complain, maybe then it would make sense to get rid of them first. Please. We all know that Ryun is a perfectionist and would settle for nothing less than the best. My father too, at least when it comes to work. Thye never call in sick. My father especially...I think that he would go to work dead, honest to God. They work overtime(which is of course good money but is not required of them).

I am not denying that running a company is a hard thing, or that telling someone they are laid off is probably the hardest thing a boss has to do. But you know what? It's your job...at least be honest about it. And how about a little loyalty to those who have been with you and served you well?

I don't pretend to know anything about running a company and managing employees, but I do know myself. And if it were me, I would tell the truth and remain loyal to those people who deserve it.

It just seems like the right thing to do.

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