" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-02-08 Unspeakable horror

I think I may have committed a mortal sin. If you aren�t sitting down, please do so now. Are you sitting? Yes? OK�here goes.

I just threw away a half-full sleeve of Thin Mints.

I know. The horror. An atrocity. A definite blemish on my �Girl Scout� cookie eating report. A sin no doubt.

I couldn�t help it though�no really. I was sitting here at my desk�reorganizing it as I always do and there they were. Sitting in between my Showtime water jug and my mouse. I kept looking at them�staring them down if you will. The thought of actually eating them turned my stomach, no question some kind of pregnancy related weirdness.

I mean who would actually think such unspeakable thoughts? They are after all Girl Scout cookies�Thin Mints no less.

So, I just did it�I reached over, grabbed the sleeve and threw it in to the circular file. Finished. Done. Kaput.

And as a result, I have very strong feelings that I may burn in hell for all eternity.

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