" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-10-07 Kitchen

The kitchen table, complete with the basket of flowers my aunt sent for my birthday. To the left, you can see the hutch and to the right, Julia's highchair. Behind the table you can see the french doors that lead out on to the deck outside.

One side of the kitchen, including the stove, and part of my magnet collection on the fridge.

The rest of my magnets, covering up the side of the fridge that is exposed, and in major need of painting!

The other side of the kitchen, including a huge amount of empty counter space and a trash barrel in major need of emptying. YAY!

A close up of the stove area.

A close up of the other side.

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2005-10-07 Today

I briefly considered taking all three children food shopping with me today. Sanity quickly set back in and I have decided to go tonight instead.

Emily and Katherine are home due to a proffesional development day for the teachers. So, with Columbus Day being Monday, they have a four day weekend.

I am going to do some laundry, continue the organizing of the office, and send out our change of address cards.

My sister Heather is coming over tonight to watch the game/help unpack. I love these "do or die" games...so tense and exciting!

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2005-10-06 In Brief...

Stitches gone, mole on Emily's leg gone.

Results on mole in 10 days.

Going to bed...

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2005-10-06 List

I just added a notify list to this site. I am doing this entry so that I can check and see that it works. Yeah, I joined my own list, lame I know.
Update: It works so feel free to join!

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2005-10-06 Reverse Order

Today's plan was to get the kids off to school and head to the post office to pick up our mail and tell them that we have the mailbox up so they can start delivering. Then, I was going to run to the store to get a few things and come back and attack the to do list for today( arrange magnets on fridge, tranfsfer laundry, fold clothes, wash floor and organize office). Instead, I am doing things in reverse. See, I set Julia down in her playpen for a minute while I ran downstairs to get something, and when I came back up, she was asleep. So rather than wake her, I just reversed the order for the day.

She is still sleeping now and I have so far managed to wash the floor and get the magnets done. The floor needs a good "hands and knees" scrubbing but with all of the other crap I have to do, that probably won't come for a while. I am going to transfer the laundry and then head back here (the office which by the way is where the computer is now rather than n the kitchen counter) to start getting things in order.

Tonight, I take Emily to get her mole looked at and, I get the stitches out of my leg. Emily is uncharacteristically nervous about going tonight but I have done my best to convince her that it won't be a big deal.

I will update later and let y'all know how it went.

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2005-10-06 Emily

So last night, I sat down with the kids and helped them with their homework. Katherine doesn't usually have homework but she was absent on the day of her doctor's appointment so she had a few papers to do at home. I briefly considered changing the appointment time to early in the morning but then I remembered our last trip there at an early time. Way too much stress with the crazy traffic so I just kept it at 10:45.

Anyway, Emily had a math paper to do. Katherine had a few different letter sheets to work on and a math paper. I never in a million years thought that I would get all of Katherine's work done in one night (she's 5 and what five year old could possibly have the attention span to sit still and concentrate for that long?). We got every last paper done. We had 4 papers, Emily had 1 and Emily was still not done when we were.

So this got me thinking. It's times like these when I notice the ADD the most. We'll be sitting there and she'll be plugging along, and out of the blue she will say something like, "You have beautiful eyes Mama" or "Don't you think a green table cloth would look nice in the kitchen?" Seriously, she is that random. Then, she gets completely off task and it's murder trying to get her back in to homework mode. Normally, we do homework in an area that one would think is free of distraction (for example sitting at the desk in complete silence), but she always finds something.

I think this is the part of the whole thing that I just don't get. I mean for me, I have no problem sitting down and finishing a paper in the tiem that it should take. Nothing distracts me...I just sit down and get it done. I know she is different and not everyone is the same but I just don't understand.

I think this is why we clash sometimes...why even she and Ryun clash. She's different than us and we have a hard time handling her. It's weird how that works. Everyone who's anyone who knows us and knows us well always says Katherine is me...and she is. We look alike, have similar personalities, feel the same way about things etc. Most people say that Emily and Ryun are alike and to some extent, they are. There are definite similarities but in this case, they might be polar opposites. Ryun would never in a million years start something and not finish it, or let anything distract him from getting it done. He says he is going to do it and he does it.

I don't know. It's just weird.

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2005-10-05 Katherine's Appt

I forgot to update regarding Katherine's followup with the endocrinologist.

Not much to say really. We talked, he ordered some tests, we left. I am hoping to call tomorrow to get the results of the blood work but if not, we should be finding out by the end of the week at the latest.

He didn't really say one way or the other what he thought might be going on but he ordered liver, kidney, thyroid, various other blood tests as well as did a urine test.

So, we'll see. She has a followup in November, unless something comes up at which point we will take it from there.

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2005-10-05 Clean/Dirty

Is it me or is Providence a much cleaner and better looking city than Boston? Maybe it was seeing both cities within two days time (Boston for the Sox game, Providence for the Waterfires) but I was very impressed with Providence. I did not see one bum, no one asked me for a dime and there was virtually no trash anywhere...not even a stray piece of paper. Everything looked clean and new and just...nice.

While walking from the T to Fenway, I think I was asked by at least 10 people for money. Trash was visible everywhere and everything just looked dingy.

Providence was just beautiful. The whole experience was wonderful and I highly reccomend going!

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2005-10-04 Emily

So I mentioned before that Emily may or may not have had a seizure or two over the weekend.

She woke up twice, having wet the bed. This is completely out of character for Emily, she never wets the bed. She never even wet the bed when she was being potty trained at night. My first thought was that she had a UTI, but she has no other signs or symptoms. That, culminated with a "weird" expereince last week (I went up to tuck Katherine back in to bed and Emily, who was asleep, was blocking both ears and shaking). I asked Emily what she was doing, figuring if she answered me coherently, she most likely was not having a seizure. She mumbled something about trying to do something and that was that. At the time, I didn't really think anything of it but now, I am wondering.

I had to go get her from school today after the school nurse called and said that Emily was complaining of a headache and had a fever of 101. That probably has nothing to do with the whole seizure thing, except in the sense that children who aren't feeling well and have Epilepsy are more likely to have a seizure then than when they are feeling well.

Anyway, I called her neurologist who was not in today but will be calling me back tomorrow.

Hopefully, he will have some answers.

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2005-10-04 Senility sets in pretty quickly, huh?

Jay reminded me that today is my birthday. I mean I knew it was my birthday, I just forgot to make note of it in my last entry.

See what turning thirty has done to me already? I am losing my mind!

Anyway, Happy Birthday to me!

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2005-10-04 BACK!

Well, this update is actually coming from my kitchen counter and not the new home office as indicated in my last post but hey, it's an update so it counts.

We're moved in...obviously. It took us a little longer than planned (we have a lot of crap) but as of last night, the old house is empty and the new one is overflowing.

Our new livingroom furniture came today which was exciting. The cable guy came too. Emily was rather pleased with herself for surving three whole days without tv. Yup, she's her father's daughter.

Speaking of Emily, um, never mind. I'll post about the latest goings on with her in another entry (abbreviated version...she may have had a seizure or two over the weekend and I had to go pick her up at school today because she had a headache and a fever of 101).

My weekend away was nice. My sisters and Mom and my mother's best friend, known to my children as "Nana" took me to Providence for the weekend. We went shopping at the Providence Place Mall (I bought a book with the money my grandmother sent) and out to lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. I had never been to either that mall or restaurant. Both get my highest approval rating.

We went and watched the Providence Waterfires that night which was just beautiful. We had dinner at a very nice restaurant called Cafe Nuevo. Ryun and I will definitely be making the Waterfires a date night next summer (which he didn't know until he just read this).

I came back Sunday afternoon and have been working my butt off ever since. Big thanks go out to my sister Heather who has been a big help and has been staying here late every night helping me unpack.

I will be back at some point to post about Emily. I am sure regular updates will resume at some point in the not too distant future.

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