" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-09-30 FINAL

This will be the last official post before the service gets disco'd. I have a ton of things to do so this is it.

Next update: From the new home office at the new house!

Woo Hoo!

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2005-09-30 Katherine take 2

So we were on the way to the doctor's today and Katherine says, "Mom, when am I going to have a seizure?"

I said, "Never (and lets all hope that wasn't a lie)".

She really thought that seizures were just a everyday, natural part of life. That every kid, once they turned 7 was going to have one. It was kind of funny actually, if not a bit distressing. Basically, I just gave her a quick descrption of why that happens to Emily (too much "electricty" etc) and she was fine.

There is something about Katherine that is just so innocent and, for lack of a better term, literal. She takes everything so literally (like the time we said "Katherine spilled the beans" and she thought we meant that she had literally spilled some beans). She just cracks me up.

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2005-09-30 Schedule

Today: finish packing.

Tomorrow: Ryun moves, I leave for mystery birthday trip with mom and sisters, kids go to Papa's for the weekend.

Sunday: come home from trip...unpack and food shop.

Monday: Katherine's appt at endocrinologist.

Tuesday: back online again.

The end.

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2005-09-30 Katherine

Katherine woke up this morning complaining that her ear hurt. Shortly after that, I saw an instant message from my sister (who babysat for us last night while we went to the Sox game, which, BTW, was awesome) saying that Katherine woke up last night and complained that her ear was bothering her then too. So, she didn'tgo to school today and I am going to bring her to have her ears checked. She is one kid who has never, ever complained of ear pain and not had an infection, and, she tends to get them a lot around this time of year. I certainly will not be at all suprised if she does.

This morning, while we were watching Emily get on the bus, Katherine exclaimed, "MAMA, I CAN SEE SMOKE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH!"

I laughed and was about to go in to n explanation of hot breath, cold air etc when she said, "YOU know what that means...snow soon!"

Then, there was a candle holder on the railing that had white wax dripping over the sides and she said, "LOOK, THOSE ARE ICICLES!" She proceeded to run in and grab her winter coat out of the closet and put it on.

I couldn't possibly even begin to explain how much I love that kid. Damn if she isn't the cutest thing in the world.

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2005-09-29 Live From The Breaking News Desk...

I don't have skin cancer. Again. Whew.

To be honest, I think I might have been a little pissed off if I did. I am like the sunscreen Nazi, And I took the role over from my mother, who was the sunscreen Nazi when we were kids. So it just would have been wrong in so many ways if I did have it. I of course would have been pissed off on general principles too. I am pretty sure that would be a normal reaction to finding out such sad news.

But anyway, I'm good.

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2005-09-29 Update

Today will be a continuation of the past couple of weeks...packing the last of what's around here and getting the furniture ready to move.

Our landlord has a couple of people coming to see the house today (did I mention that she called and said the Purchase And Sales Agreement wasn't going to go through fro six months and did we want to stay, we had already commmited to our new place though so we said no). Apparently, she has found a few people that are interested in a short term rental. Anyway, she is coming at 2 with whoever.

Our friends bought us tickets to the Red sox game for our repective birthdays and we are all going tonight! We are meeting Ryun in Kenmore Square and then heading to the game. I am so excited! I haven't been to a baseball game since I was...well, a kid I think.

In other news, go wish Sadie a Happy 1st Birthday!

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2005-09-28 My Next Thirt y Years

FYI: Updates will be far and few between over the next week or so. Our Cable modem isn't schedules to be shut off here until Saturday and will be back on at the new place on Tuesday. I have about a million and half things to do though over the next week, so I doubt I will be spending much time here.

I don't know if I will be back online on the day of my actual birthday(Oct 4) so just in case, I thought I would share the lyrics to a Tim McGraw song that describes rather accurately what I will be doing with my next thirty years(substitute the word wife with husband though because, yeah I don't have a wife!)

I think I�ll take a moment, celebrate my age
The ending of an era and the turning of a page
Now it�s time to focus in on where I go from here
Lord have mercy on my next thirty years.

Hey my next thirty years I�m gonna have some fun
Try to forget about all the crazy things I�ve done
Maybe now I�ve conquered all my adolescent fears
And I�ll do it better in my next thirty years.

My next thirty years I�m gonna settle all the scores
Cry a little less, laugh a little more
Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear
Figure out just what I�m doing here
In my next thirty years.

Oh my next thirty years, I�m gonna watch my weight
Eat a few more salads and not stay up so late
Drink a little lemonade and not so many beers
Maybe I�ll remember my next thirty years.

My next thirty years will be the best years of my life
Raise a little family and hang out with my wife
Spend precious moments with the ones that I hold dear
Make up for lost time here ,In my next thirty years.

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2005-09-28 Noise!

A word of unsolicited advice to new or expecting parents:

Get you baby used to noise.

It is very rare that you hear the words, "Shh, the baby is sleeping" around this house (unless we just wanted the other two to be quiet anyway, and the baby sleeping was just a good excuse!).

I have vacuumed Julia's bedroom while she was in there sleeping (this is no lie) and today, I vacuumed the livingroom rug while she was playing on it. She isn't scared and actually spends most of her time chasing me all all fours, trying to grab at the vacuum.

Virtually the only noise that disturbs her sleep (and she has even slept through this on occasion) is the train whistle that blows right outside her bedroom window as it goes through the crossing. The whistle is loud enough to wake the dead though, so it makes sense.

I find that getting the baby used to noise (especially the second and third time around) has been a good thing. But that's just my humble opinion.

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2005-09-28 Plans For The Day In List Form

1. Early Intervention from 9-10.

2. Run to Dunkin's for a much needed coffee.

3. Put Julia in nap, pack the rest of the crap at the computer desk.

4. When Julia wakes, give her and I lunch.

5. Go up to Julia's room, pack all but her crib!

6. Get kids of bus, let them play in yard after looking through their schoolbags and asking how the day went.

7. Cook and eat dinner.

8. Help Emily with homework.

9. Get kids ready for bed. Put kids to bed.

10. Watch LOST, go to bed.

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2005-09-27 Julia

Julia has been going crazy with the milestones lately. She waves hi and bye now. Today, I was hanging up the phone after finishing a conversation with my sister and I said, "bye" and Julia waved. She is totally starting to understand the concept of the phone too. She looks at it and understands that there is someone else there besides the person she can see.

She has also started to recognize and point to pictures of people she knows. I made her this book called, "Who Loves Baby?" and filled it with pictures of, well people that love Julia! She recognizes and points to Dada, Mama Papa, and Katherine when asked, "Where's....?" Today, when I was looking at the book with her and I said "Where's Mama?" she actually pointed to me instead of the book which was huge.

She has gotten 4 teeth in the last few weeks as well. Two of her molars have come in and one tooth on the top and bottom respectively . She hasn't been the happiest kid in the world, understandably.

No major milestones in the gross motor area, but she is happily crawling around all over the place, and is starting to pick up speed. When she wants some thing, there is no stopping the girl!

She completely understands the word no, and still does whatever the heck she wants, no matter what we say. Little devil.

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2005-09-27 Medical Crap

SO, I have been thinking and let me know if you agree here, that a lot of what medical science has to say is, well crap.

I have been thinking about Emily and the ADD thing. I have been researching alternative "treatments" as opposed to medication. One thing that has been reccomended is following a hypoallergenic diet. This would mean eliminating the following things from her diet...milk, egg, peanut, shellfish, soy, and wheat. It is also reccomended that Red Dye # 40 be eliminated. This would mean eliminating so many things that I can't even list them all but just to give you an idea...jello, pop tarts, crescent rolls, many yogurt varieties, twizzlers, m & m's of all varieties, Crystal Lite, Duncan Hines cake mixes, and Doritos. This is only a very small list, for more go here.
So, when you add that list to the list of things that contain soy or peanuts or egg...tell me please, what in the hell could she eat? Not much.

Maybe it works (following these diets) but I don't think I am going to find out. It seems like too much to me. The skin reaction to peanuts thing freaks me out though, so her peanut intake might be limited (her allergist said she could eat it because she had never had a reaction but that she was at a higher risk for having a severe reaction as a result of the positive skin test). I think we have enough on our plate right now with her with out having to worry about that possibility, thankyouverymuch.

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2005-09-27 Open House and Packing

Katherine's open house was nice. Her teacher seems fabulous and her classroom is cute. They are working on graphing now, so there was a girls and boys graph (how many of each in the classroom each day), a weather graph (charting the weather each day) and an apple graph (who likes which kind of apples...red, yellow, or green). The teacher complimented Emily and told her she was an excellent reader which was nice (and true). Emily was reading the "Kindergarten Constitution" out loud to Katherine. We came home, had some yummy apple crisp which I had made earlier in the afternoon(with the apples they had brought home from their apple picking trip over the weekend) and then they went to bed. I went in shortly after that and actually slept through the night without interuption. It was nice.

I finished the bedroom yesterday and all I have left to do is put a few random things in a box (I ran out so Ry brought home more). I am going to fold and put away clothes and (finally) write the letter to the neuro today. I have to pick Emily and Katherine up for Acting class this afternoon.

That's about it. I might pack up the contents of my nightstand and the stuff on top of my bureau tonight, while watching Bones and the season premiere of The Amazing Race. Tomoorw I will tackle the baby's room, and after that the only major thing left is the kitchen, which I will be doing Friday.

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2005-09-26 More packing and open house

I ended up getting a lot done yesterday which was good. Emily and Katherine's room is almost done...just have the closet left...and I will be starting Julia's today. I feel like we are in good shape(Ryun got a lot done this weekend too) and the move shouldn't be too bad.

Katherine's kindergarten open house is tonight. She is very excited about it and so am I. I love seeing the school, meeting the teacher etc.

Anyway, that's it. I am going to go eat breakfast and head upstairs to the bedrooms.

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2005-09-25 A good cry is a good thing.

Rather than repeat, just go back and read almost every entry for the past week. Plans for today are the same.

I am however going to do something different than I have in the last few days. I am going to cook a roast beef dinner for the fam! It's cold outside and I have a craving. How convenient!

I haven't cooked a "big" dinner in a while so I think I will go all out. Roast beef, homemade mashed potatoes, maybe some winter squash just like my mother makes it, brocoli etc. My sister Heather will be bringing the kids back late this afternoon and joining us for dinner. She is going to stay and watch the season premiere of Extreme Makeover Home Edition which undoubtedly will make me(and her and maybe even Emily who will be watching it with us) cry. Everyone needs a good cry once in a while though. Am I right?

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2005-09-25 Making A (Fashion) Statement

I woke up this morning, looked at the thermostat which read 60 degrees, and happily exclaimed, "I get to wear my favorite outfit today!" My favorite outfit?

My dark blue jeans and my gray, oversized Old Navy sweatshirt. This is an outfit which I will probably never get rid of, at least not until it gets raggedy looking and holey, and maybe even not then. It's just so comfy and warm.

I live in outifts like that all winter, but nothing compares to my big gray sweatshirt.


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