" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-09-24 Today in Review

So the morning started off rough with someone calling us at 7:45am (not gonna say who but honestly, who calls that early in the morning, on a weekend, especially knowing that we don't have any children here?) and the cordless phone incident, but it turned out to be a nice day.

I packed the rest of the playroom up (leaving a few toys to play with) and cleaned/packed up the bedroom closet. I also started the process of emptying the entertainment center of DVDs, CDs and videos. Ryun got his enitre shed cleared out (well mostly) and also managed to fit in some time to help his grandfather move some furniture around.

My back hurts which is my own fault( I attempted to pull out my dresser by myself, yeah I know, dumb). It feels a little better now, after soaking in a hot tub. I remembered at the last minute (like as my left foot was hanging over the edge of the tub ready to step in) that I am not supposed to get my stitches wet so I pulled a "Ryun" and creatively managed to wrap my leg in plastic, fastened by band aids. It didn't work (which in retrospect wasn't technically a "Ryun" thing because all of his inventions usually work) and the stitches got wet. Just a little though, so it should be fine. I have never had stitches that actually needed to be taken care of. As a matter of fact, excluding the birth of my first and third children and having my gall bladder out, I have never had stitches. The gall bladder stitches were internal and I have no idea about the others. All I know is that I didn't have to go have them taken out. TMI? Yeah, probably.

Anyway, I actually fell asleep in the tub which I haven't done in a long time. It's probably not the best idea I relaize but hey, it was relaxing and I couldn't help it.

Ryun is making one last run to the new house tonight and bringing us home something to eat. I didn't feel like cooking, and with the kids gone, it was a good excuse not to. Ordering for 2 is a bit less expensive than ordering for 4 (no I didn't forget Julia, she just doesn't eat enough to warrant ordering an entire meal for her, so we share).

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2005-09-24 Down the toilet

I just dropped our brand new cordless phone in the toilet and it doesn't work.

I certainly hope this is not an indication of the how the rest of the day will be going.


Anyway, packing and packing and packing...and more packing...all on the books for today. My father just came and helped Ryun load our washer, dryer, and refridgerator on to the back of the truck to bring over (the house we are in now came with all three of these things). When Katherine found out last night that Papa was coming to load them on the truck this morning she said, "Mama, how are we going to wash our clothes the day after tomorrow?" Heh. Funny that she wasn't concerend about what we were going to eat.

We took a break last night and watched "Fever Pitch" which was good. I had seen it in the theatres with my sister but Ryun had not seen it yet. Needless to say, he loved it.

I may or may not be back later with updates on the packing or anything else that comes to mind. For now though, I am going to get some breakfast and get going for the day.

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2005-09-23 Stitches

I came back from the doctor with four stitches in my leg. She needed to take a picture and a biopsy of whatever the heck this thing on my lower left leg is(not even sure if I have mentioned this before but though it was a bug bite until recently when I realized it had been there for 2 months). So, I have four stitches in my leg. Fun.

I should get the results back within a week or so.

And that folks, is all I have to say about that.

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2005-09-23 Doc's, Weekend

I have an appointment at the dermatologist today, to follow up on the "thing that could have been cancer but wasn't". I have another one of those "things" on my arm, which they might decide to take off. The appointment is at 10:30.

When I get back, I will be packing a suitcase for the kids and their weekend away. Heather will be picking them up tonight and bringing them back on Sunday night. They are excited about it and Ryun and I are going to have a kid free weekend to get some major crap done around here.

Anyway, that's all for now. I will be back later to update regarding my appointment. I might even have the letter to the neuro to post too.

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2005-09-22 Sucked

I didn't get to write the letter.

Today sucked. For various reasons which I am not going to get in to it sucked.

I will try to write it tomorrow.

The end.

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2005-09-22 Blinds and Neurologist

I have just finished taking down all of the blinds. Some are washed and boxed, some are drying on the porch. Next on the agenda...

Write and call Emily's neuroogist. I am going to discuss with him what has been going on with her and see if he has any thoughts. I am also going to discuss Julia with him to see what he thinks about all of that.

I always follow up my phone calls with letters just to cover myself, and to have a record of what issues I brought up etc.

I am armed with a Hershey's Bar and have Barry playing in the background. I should be all set!

I may or may not post a copy of the letter here.

Stay tuned...

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2005-09-22 Random Stuff And And

I looked at my calendar yesterday and saw that today had nothing on it. I said aloud, "Oh my God, I have "nothing" to do tomorrow. This is great!" Then, I remembered that it was Thursday....and I have something to do every Thursday. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

I think I am going to take the blinds down today and wash them. It's nice that the house is in the middle of nowhere..I can take the blinds down and not worry about anyone peering in the windows. My sisters are taking the kids for the weekend so major packing is going to be done which is good since, you know, we are moving next week and all.

Also, my birthday is in 1 week and 5 days. And I am going to be 30 and just...oh my god I am getting old.

And Julia is 14 months old today, which might make me feel even older than turning 30 does. She can't really be that old already can she?

And, I am well aware that you can't start a sentence with and. I'm just doing it anyway. So neener neener neener.

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2005-09-21 Julia's PT

Julia's PT eval went..well...it went.

She has been diagnosed by a legit Physical Therapist with low tone all over...legs, arms and trunk, mostly in her arms.

Hypotonia is the official name for it, just in case you were wondering.

The PT also noticed that she had some senosry issues...she noticed (and so have I) that Julia tends not to put her feet down flat when she is attempting to maneuver. So she reccomended having Julia play on all kinds of surfaces...grass, rug, linoleum, concrete etc so that she could get used to the feeling.

Basically, Julia will have PT every other week.

I asked Vida (the PT) if there are any other underlying conditions that could cause low tone and there are quite a few (always in the back of my mind is the Tuberous Sclerosis thing). She said that if, after a number of apointments, if Julia doesn't make any progress, that she would have me have Julia further tested.

Some people (not talking to any one in particular here) might think that I like going to the doctor's or that I over emphasize or exxagerate. Let me just say, every time I have gone to the doctor's or whatever with my kids in the past year, there has been something wrong. I am not making this up...I mean it and, quite honestly, I am pissed.

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2005-09-21 Harmony...it's a good thing

~ 48% Water ~ 51% Wind ~ 44% Earth ~ 51% Fire ~

It seems your personality is in perfect harmony; your impulses are
tempered with thoughtfulness, and your emotions are balanced with a
healthy amount of reason.

In detail: You are more balanced than most people. Your Ground Chakra, (associated with the element of fire and representing our basic desires and driving force), your Creative Chakra, (associated with the element of earth and representing our need to preserve and grow), your Heart Chakra, (associated with the element of water and representing our sense of love and compassion), and your Throat Chakra, (associated with the element of wind and represents our desire to learn and communicate), appear to be on an equal footing with each others.

Link: The Elemental Balance Test written by Nitsuki on Ok Cupid

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2005-09-21 Open House, Plans, LOST

Open House went well. Emily was completely off of the walls, so it was kind of like a whirlwind but that's the way life goes with Emily. I re-introduced myself to the principal, who commented to Emily that he "was only 7 years old when I was your mother's principal." Heh. Then he asked me if he ever got me in trouble to which I responded, "No, I was a good girl, if you had, I might not have said hi!" He laughed.

We saw her classroom, met her teacher briefly, saw her gymnasium, attended a presentation in the auditorium and I joined the PTA which is something I wanted to do last year but never got around to.

Today is Julia's PT evaluation at the EI Center in Taunton. I am looking forward to that. I don't know what is is they will be doing exactly, but I am sure they will be confirming, if nothing else, the low tone in her arms which has been mentioned by her pediatrician, the EI evaluation team, and me. Anwyay, I am anxious to get that done.

Emily and Katherine have a 1/2 day of school today. They have one once a month (twice in November due to Thanksgiving)so that the teachers can have a "Professional Development Day." So, that means the rugrats will be home at about 1:30 today. Emily also starts Scouts today at 4, so between PT, Early dismissal and Scouts, I don' think I will be getting much done around here.

And LOST starts so you can be sure tonight will not be productive either!

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2005-09-20 Political Crap

You are a

Social Moderate
(50% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(38% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid

That sounds about right!

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