" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-09-20 Small Town

All of the batteries in Julia's toys are dying at once. Weird.

Anyway, Tonight is Emily's Open House at school. Normally I wouild have gotten a notice home about this but guess what? She forgot her take home folder yesterday. I only know because, like a good Mom, I frequent the Middleboro School Department's website and saw the date there.

I am not going to go on about how she forgot her stuff, and how annoying that is etc. I am just going to say that I am writing a note to the teacher every time she does, explaining why she hasn't done her homework or in yesterday's case, brought her spelling list home. I remind her every day to bring her papers home, maybe the note will remind her teacher to do the same.

The girls also have their acting class today that means dinner will be rush rush so we can get out of the house in time to make it to the Open House. It starts at 6:30 and goes until 8. There is a meeting at 7 that is supposed to be used to introduce the principal and the vice principal but guess what? Emily's principal was my principal in elementary school...so we go way back (emphasis on the way). I will probably attend anyway, just to hear what he has to say.

One of the fabulous things about growinng up in a small town atmosphere...everyone knows everyone. Katherine attended the same preschool I did as a child, In first and second grade, Emily attended the same school Ryun did as a child, and now Emily has the same principal I did. I love going food shopping and running in to people I know, or even just seeing someone who "looks familiar but I can't quite place." I love knowing the best parks, the best libraries, the best place to iceskate, best place to swim etc. Some people might not like the small town scene, but I love it!

Anyway, I am going to try and get some small stuff done today before I have to leave to get the kids from school (I pick them up every Tuesday at the end of the day so that they make to acting class in time).

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2005-09-19 LOST

LOST won the emmy for best drama. Apparently, the academy has good taste!

Speaking of LOST, it premeires on Wednesday. The time has changed from 8 to 9 pm which is good, because it won't interfere with the American Idol results show when that starts up again. This Wednesday night, ABC is airing a one hour special called, Destination LOST, which, if you still haven't jumped on the bandwagon, will give you a summary of what happened last season. It will be airing at 8, just before the premeire.

I really think you should check it out...and then come back here and tellme what you think!

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2005-09-19 Random Things In List Form

1. I am getting the cold that my kids and Ryun had. Why is it the I always get it last and worst?

2. I am pissed off at my insurance company again. I will explain at some point but right now, I can't think straight.

3. I have washed, dried and packed all curtains on the lower level of our house. I have also packed up my enitre scrapbooking area, and even some of the crap at the computer desk. On top of that, I did regular laundry and household type things. I am tired...and as mentioned above sick!

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2005-09-19 Julia

Julia appears to feel a bit better. We are still feeding her soft foods because her mouth is still sore, but overall, she seems to be back to her adorable little self.

Wanna see?

Watching her Baby Einstein video which she absolutely loves.

Being cute as usual.

I think she inherited Katherine's infamous "Laser Look."

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2005-09-19 New Parent

For my sisters shower gift, I made her a "New Parent Survival Kit." You may remember the "Back To School Kits" I made for Emily and Katherine. This was similar but obviously had some different items in it. I also gave her the cutest ouitfit and will be getting her the mattrss for her crib.

Anyway, here are the contents:

Hershey Kisses /Hugs: for you and the baby for you both deserve them.

Penny: for your thoughts.

Pen and Journal: to write down your thoughts

Clock: to remind that time will pass by too quickly�enjoy every minute!

Mirror: to remind you that you are important too.

Marbles: to replace the one�s you will lose.

Rubber band: to remind you that flexibility is key.

Tissue: to dry your tears and the baby�s.

Fireball: for when you are feeling burnt out.

Lollipop: to lick your problems.

Eraser: to remind you that all mothers make mistakes!

Puzzle Piece: you are an important part of your child�s big picture.

Rope: just in case you get to the end of yours.

Do Not Disturb Sign: to remind you to take some time for yourself.

Tylenol: when all else fails, take two!

Velcro: for when you need to get a grip!

LifeSavers: to save you from �one of those days!�

Candle: for when you are burning one at both ends.

Cotton Balls: for the times when you can�t hear yourself think.

Tootsie Roll: to remind you to let the small stuff roll!

Glitter: A glimpse of how the world looks through your child�s eyes.

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2005-09-19 Weekend In Review

I just added a link to the RSS feed for my site. I think I did it right...I clicked on it and a whole bunch of "stuff" came up, including when I have updated etc. I dunno, let me know if it works for you.

My sister's baby shower was yesterday. I still can't believe she is having a boy. This family (my immediate as well as my extended) is full of girls. Boys are like...an anomaly. Heh. Anyway, there were lots and lots of oohs and aahs and they got just about everything they registered for. My present, which will be featured in another post was a big hit and made everyone cry, which wasn't my intention but it is the barometer in which good presents are measured, right?

Emily and Katherine were fabulous little helpers. Emily passed the presents to Katherine, who in turn passed them to Suzanne. Then, they both took turns holding up (at least those things that they could lift) the items for everyone to see. They were both very well behaved(except for the brief moment in which Emily thought the function room was a gymnasium).

My aunt from California came and suprised Suzanne which was nice. Suzanne is the best person to suprise too...she always manages to remain suprised (no one spills the beans) which is great. I don't think we have ever gotten to see my aunt twice in two months...at least not since she left. Even weirder was the fact that she didn't have her son with her(she was here for only two days so he stayed home with my Uncle).

It was a nice weekend. I went out on Saturday night with my family (Mom, Dad, sisters, aunts etc) to The East Bay Grille in Plymouth. I had the steak tips which were really good. Afterwards, we went out to the outside bar/patio area they have and had a drink. It was nice (the drink and the outside setting).

Today...more laundry and more packing.

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2005-09-17 Doctor Update

Turns out I was right. She does have a sore throat and about a million canker sores all over her tongue and cheeks. Dr. B says that it looks like she will be "her mother's daughter". Funny...he remembered how I used to cold sores all of the time as a kid, and still on occasion now. There really isn't much we can do about it as it is considered a virus. For now though, she will be eating soft foods. It will come back, but next time in the form of a cold sore(starts as a mouth sore type thing but when it comes back it will be a cold sore).

Anyway, her ears are fine which is good.

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2005-09-17 Weekend

I am bringing Julia in to the doctor's this morning. I have been trying to wait this thing out, thinking that she is just teething but now, she keeps putting her finger in her ear and won't swallow anything that isn't baby food. She hasn't been eating baby food for months now but it's the only thing that she can swallow without gagging. Anything that requires chewing, or isn't of the softest consitency possible, she chokes and gags on. So, I think she might have a sore throat. I have attempted to look at it but do you know how hard it is to get a baby to keep their mouth open without you losing a few fingers? It's hard. I think it might hurt her ears to chew which would be consistent to an ear infection (at least when I have had one it has).

I hate going to the doctor but Motrin isn't doing the trick (she is still waking up at night crying)so I guess we'll see what he has to say.

Have I ever mentioned before that the pediatrician we take the kids to was our pediatrician whe we were kids? We didn't find this out until we were discussing where we would want to bring Emily. Anyway, it's kind of nice to have a doctor that knows us so well.

Other than that, I am going to a friends house to make favors for Suzanne's baby shower and then out to dinner to night with various family members that are coming down the night before to attend the shower tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will be going to the shower and then chilling at home for the afternoon.

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2005-09-16 Spiderman Obssesion

The food shopping is done. Thank God.

Before we left, I was gathering the diaper bag, my pocketbook etc. Just as I scooped Julia up to head out the door, the phone rings. I put everything except Julia down and answer it...and Julia starts to cry. She was actually mad that we weren't leaving right then and there. She knows what it means when she sees me getting everything together to go and is pissed if anything interupts the process. She has been doing this for awhile. She even gets mad when we leave the store and go back to the car. Apparently, she likes to be out and about.

We are going to my parents house for Ryun's birthday dinner/cake with them. I made him cupcakes yesterday and because Katherine thinks that Ryun is obsessed with Spiderman(any occasion that comes up...Birthday, Christmas, Father's Day she has to have something involving Spiderman for him) I made "spiderman Cupcakes...red frosting and black gel webbing across. Katherine was impressed.

I am hoping to come back here tonight and get some more done but we'll see.

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2005-09-16 Shopping, Best Baby, Packing

I have to go food shopping today! OH what fun! I am busy making a list and getting all of the coupons together. I hate food shopping, but I really, really hate puttting it all away. I am going to head out soon, so I can get it done before Julia wants her nap(how lucky am I...she naps everyday still, usually for a couple of hours, and always goes in between 11-12). Seriously, she really is the best baby!

And just in case you wanted to know, she still isn't really back to her usual self. Poor kid.

After we get back, I will probably try to finish packing up my desk/scrapbook area, at least with the stuff I don't use on a regular basis. Next packing project: Emily and Katherine's bedroom. God help me.

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2005-09-16 RSS

So I just found out that diaryland has an RSS feed feature set up. I have no freakin' idea what this is so someone, feel free to clue me in!

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2005-09-16 Pics

Click hereto see Julia's pictures.

Sitting number: 117486
Password: 7C552BC44B

I got the one with the teddy bear. Which one is your favorite?

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2005-09-15 Under The Weather

Poor Julia. She really isn't feeling well at all and...she is getting two, maybe three teeth at the same time. I hope she is feeling up to par soon, for her sake and mine! She hasn't been sleeping well which means in turn that I haven't. I really can't complain though. She has generally been a good sleeper from the start.

I am not exactly sure what is even wrong. Her nose has been runny on occasion and some diapers haven't been too fun, but she really doesn't appear to have anything else going on so I don't know.

Anyway, send some good vibes her way. I hate seeing her so sad!

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2005-09-15 Halloween

So I am looking for theme type ideas for this year's annual Ellis Halloween party. This is the 8th consecutive party and althoug I haven't done a theme every year(last year was the first time, we did an 80's theme and OMG was that fun!) but I am thinking I might do a theme this year too. I am looking for something original, maybe a little quirky, but definitely something that would not cost a lot for people in regard to costumes. Any thoughts?

Speaking of Halloween, I already have costumes set for the girls! Emily is going to be a pirate, Katherine is going to be a pumpkin and Julia, who will be wearing a hand me down costume from Katherine's first Halloween, will be a sunflower. Emily's costume was one from a couple of years ago that she needed for a school project and Katherine's was one my sister wore a few years ago to our Halloween party. Yay for being so organized so early!

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2005-09-15 Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my husband, who turns 32 today!

Tickets to this event is what I got him, and he was very happy! I am too, I think it will be fun! My parents are getting him(us) a gift certificate to eat somewhere in the general vacinity so we are going to t 2:15 exhibit showing, then to dinner somewhere. I bought the tickets for Saturday November 12, which is the day my parents can take the girls, and is also at a point in time in which I am hoping we will be all settled,unpacked etc. in to the new place. We are both looking forward to it!

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