" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-09-14 Julia

Sometimes, I think Julia forgets how to crawl. For example, this morning we were in my bedroom getting ready to head out for the day, and I walked out of the room saying, "C'mon Julia, come with Mama."

And she sat there and cried and cried until I came back in and got her. It's kind of funny how she does that sometimes.

Something that she does that is not so funny: She is going through this stage where she dosen't want to eat dinner. No matter what we give her she throws it on the floor. Not sure what is up with that, but I hope it is just a "thing."

I went out today and bought a few things for my sister's shower and had Julia's pictures taken. I had two free sheets left and wanted to use them up. They came out ok (I will scan and post them later) but I still think I take better pictures than the pros do sometimes.

Anyway, I have some things to do so I should go do them. I will be back later at some point with pics!

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2005-09-14 Train

One thing I will not miss when we move...the train coming by at 8:00 or so, just after I have settled Katherine and Julia in to bed. This only happens once in a while as the train appears to be on no schedule at all but, because we live at what is considered a crossing (the road that leads back to our house from 28 continues over the tracks and if followed leads to about a billion cranberry bogs), the whistle blows and the bells ring everytime it comes. Let me tell you, they don't screw around either. Frankly, they blow the damn thing so loud, I think it might even be possible that a deaf person could hear it...and they blow it a few times too. The tracks run literally in what some might consider my back yard (maybe 30-50 ft away from the back of my house).

Last night was one of those nights. Katherine, who is not generally afraid of the train when it comes by during the day, absolutely freaks when it goes by at night. There she is, quietly reading a book in bed, when seemingly out of the blue (or in this case the dark woods)the whistle blows, the bells ring and she freaks. It's fun! Last night, probably because she wasn't feeling well, Julia cried a liitle tiny bit and promptly fell asleep.

Anyway, it's kind of cool to have the train run right behind the house...just not when it wakes my sleeping babies!

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