" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-09-10 Pics and stuff

The older brats kids...

From the left...Nate, Paige, Emily and Katherine.

And the babies...

Jackie is 2 months older than Julia. As you can see in that last picture, towards the end of the afternoon, they were getting a little cranky. It may have had something to do with the fact that I was preparing dinner right in front of them too (I know, I am cruel).

Nate and Jackie came over with their father, Michael to help Ryun move the washer and dryer we have been storing in the basement (the house came with a washer and dryer when we moved in so we brought ours down).

Our basement is basically empty which is great. It has been very convenient moving things over to the new place over the course of the past couple of weeks. Hopefully, by the time the big move comes, all of the little crap will already be over.

My parents and sister are taking the girls tomorrow so, Ryun and I are going to have a day free of children in which I hope we will get a lot done. That, topped with the fact that we will be eating at my parents (which means I don't have to cook) will probably make tomorrow a very good day!

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2005-09-10 Sanity

For about an hour or so today, I had in my care an eight year old, a six year old, two five year olds, and two one year olds.

When sanity returns, I may just post some pictures.

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2005-09-10 Busy and Productive!

I told Ryun I loved days like these.

"What days?"

"You know, the kind where we get stuff done."


He has been busy all day, running back and forth to the dump (yes, he is actually throwing stuff away!) and over to the new house with boxes from downstairs of clothing, books, and decorations.

I have spent the day going through the boxes that needed to be sorted, doing laundry, and packing decorations to go over.

The older kids have been outside most of the day (except when they are running back in to tell me who did what to who, who's climbing the tree they aren't supopsed to climb, who stuck their tongue out...you know the usual) and Julia has been happily playing/napping/eating all day.

So, it has been a productive day which is good. Ryun is taking a well-deserved break and heading out to play pool over at a friend's house tonight and I plan on packing some scrapbook stuff and chilling in front of the tv.

YAY for progress!

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2005-09-10 Every once in a while...

I feel completely overwhelmed by life in general, and all of the crap that has been going on lately.

I don't know why. Well, I mean I do no why but I don't understand why some days it is easier to deal with then others.

I have an appointment with a counselor for Emily (and me) so that we can try and figure out what in God's name is going on. I have also called her neurologist and hope to hear back from him soon. Emily is fine about the whole counseling thing...I told her we were going to go talk to someone who will give us some ideas on how to get along better. That explanation seemed to work well. I am doing it as much for her as for me...I need to know what is right and what is wrong in regards to handling the various situations that come up.

I have also been stressing about Julia lately. She has made progress but it seems to have come to a stand still. I kind of had hopes that once the crawling started, the rest would just follow. I can honestly say, and I don't think I am alone in this assesment, that I have serious doubts that she will be standing unsupported, cruising the furniture, or walking anytime with in the next few months, or ever, without some serious therpay of some sort. Call it mother's intution if you will, but I know that there is something there that just isn't right. I can't even tell you what it is but it's something. It's not just the gross motor type things that concern me either. It's kind of a general, overall feeling about her. It seems like, for lack of a better way to describe it, a piece of the puzzle that is Julia is missing.

I don't know. Every once in a while, I have days like these...days in which I wish that life could just be normal and the health of my children was nothing less than perfect.

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2005-09-09 Julia

Julia came food shopping with me today. Can I tell you how nice it was to go food shopping in the middle of the day, with a child that will still sit in a carriage? It was nice, really nice.

Anwyay, Julia was funny. Every time we would walk by something that she thought looked good she said, "Mmmm." For example, in the cookie aisle, I think she said it all the way down. I think I might have to count that as her first word because, she says it all of the time, and in the right context.

"Julia, is that good?"



She was trying to help bag the groceries too. Either that or she desperately wanted to play with the bag, probably the latter I am guessing.

She is turning in to quite the little chatterbox. Mostly, she talks when we aren't "paying attention" and when we do talk to her, she tries to out do us. Our conversations usually go something like this.

Julia: "Ba, Da, Na."

Me: "Ba, Da, Na."

Julia: "BA, DA, NA!"

Isn't she funny?

Anwyay, here's is a picture taken the other day, to which Ryun, after seeing it responded, "What was she pissed about?"

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