" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-09-08 Just a few random things...

It would seem like I should have more time to update with less children running around, and that might be true at some point but not now. We're moving...and I have a bunch of crap to do!

Since I am completely unmotivated today though, I thought I would share a few random things with you.

1. Two school age kids= ONE HELL OF A LOT OF PAPERWORK! Good heavens, my hand actually hurt after filling all of that out!

2. I went out today and got gas. For once, I didn't cringe at the price. Instead, I thanked God that I had a car to drive and a home to return to.

3. I think there may have been something else I wanted to say but I have no idea what it was. Can I blame it on getting old and senile? I am going to be 30 in a few weeks.

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2005-09-08 KINDERGARTEN!

Katherine is officially a kindergarten student! Hard to believe? I thought so too, so I got proof!

She was so excited! I have no idea what I was thinking when I was concerned about whether or not she would be okay. She hopped right on that bus like she'd done it a million times, and did it with a smile on her face to boot.

The house is remarkably quiet with just Julia and I here. It's a little weird, but it's nice.

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2005-09-07 Pics!

Emily is officially a third grader!

(That's our neighbor Paige in the middle, who started first grade today).

If someone could please tell me when my oldest daughter got so...mature looking, that would be great, thanks.

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2005-09-06 Nurse

OK real quick before I go to bed...

Early this afternoon, I received a phone call from Katherine's school nurse. She called to check in and see if it would be neccesary for Katherine to have a snack during the day (for the hypoglycemia). She told me that she would be more than willing to store anything I thought she might need, or that the teacher would keep something tucked away in her desk. She also wanted to see if we would want glucagon (sp?) tabs on hand in case of an attack at school. She also wanted to see if we wanted her to have Benedryl on hand for her shellfish allergy. She also told me that she had Katherine placed in Mrs. Thompson's room because it was right next door to her office, should Katherine need anything.

Can I just say, I am very impressed!

Middleboro Schools ROCK!

And now, I am going to bed.

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2005-09-06 Student Survival Kids

I decided earlier last week to make the kids "Back To School Survival Kits". I saw the idea somewhere (maybe Family Fun?) and thought it would be a great idea.

Here is what I included in them and why...

TOOTHPICK: To remind you to pick the good qualities in everyone, including yourself.

RUBBER BAND: To remind you to be flexible. Things may not always go the way you want, but it can be worked out.

BAND AID: To remind you to heal hurt feelings, either your's or someone else's.

CANDY KISSES/HUGS: To remind you that everyone needs a hug or a compliment everyday.

BUBBLE GUM: T o remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything.

PENCIL: To remind you to list your blessings everyday.

STAR: To remind you to try your best everyday.

TISSUE: To dry your tears.

PENNY: To remind you that you are worthy and valuable.

BOOKMARK: So you never lose your place.

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2005-09-06 Letter To The Teach

Content of a the letter I will be bringing to Emily's teacher today.

My daughter, Emily Ellis will be starting third grade tomorrow in your classroom. She is looking forward to her return to school and is excited about meeting you and seeing her friends.

In July of 2004, Emily was diagnosed with Epilepsy. She has not had a seizure in a number of months however, I wanted to make you aware of her condition, so you would know what was happening, should she ever have one while in school. Emily experiences tonic clonic (grand mal) seizures, usually upon waking. Generally, it takes her about 10-15 minutes for her to �come back around� after the seizing has stopped. She is medicated (Lamictal, 50 mg in the morning, 50 mg at night) and thankfully, has not had a seizure since October of 2004.

Emily was also diagnosed last year with ADHD, inattentive type. Basically, she needs to be reminded to stay on task, transitioned from one event to the next, and reminded to bring her homework/papers home every night. Sitting in the front of the classroom will also be very helpful for Emily. I have enclosed a copy of her 504 plan which was written in March of last year.

Emily is a very happy little girl and is eager to learn. I am sure she will do well in your classroom and am looking forward to a great year. If you have any questions or concerns regarding Emily, please feel free to contact me so that we can discuss them.


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2005-09-06 School, Meds etc.

Let the hectic schedule begin!

Yup, school starts tomorrow for Emily and the next day for Katherine. We go to Katherine's classroom tomorrow for a brief meet and greet, orientation type thing which I am looking forward to.

We will be making a trip to EMily's school today to drop off her Diastat at the school nurse's office, as well as meeting her teacher to let her know about Emily's seizures. I hate that I even have to do that (tell anyone) because I feel like it gives Emily a "different" label right off of the bat, but for obvious reasons, her teacher needs to know what is going on, should she ever have a seizure in the classroom. I usually (usually being last year) write a little note to the teacher, describing what happens when she has one, what to expect afterward etc. This year, I was thinking that I would photocopy her 504 plan and include it with the note. I don't want to be too aggressive but I do want to make sure that her teacher has a copy, like she is supposed to. I also talked to my friend who is a special education teacher and she said that I really should follow up with her teacher on a regular basis, making sure that the plan is being followed. her experience with "regular" education teachers is that some of them don't even read the 504's, and those that do, read them, toss them, and forget all about them. So, I figure I will start off by providing her a copy .

Anyway, that's all for today. Ryun is bringing home pizza for dinner which will be a nice surprise for the girls. We haven't ordered pizza in a very long time. IT will be nice for me too, in the sense that I don't have to cook! YAY!

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2005-09-05 Packing Progress

I meant to mention before, I have actually made some packing progress! On Friday, before we began our camping trip, I took down all of the pictures in the living room (which for those who don't now was a lot), dusted them, and packed them in a box.

My sister came over tonight and we sorted through boxes and boxes of clothing, filled an enormous size trash bag full of stuff we are going to donate, and put what was worth saving back in boxes. It was an enormous undertaking, but it feels good to have something done.

Over the course of the next couple of days, I plan on finishing up the couple of boxes of clothing that are left, and then starting the process of sorting though toys. Old things that they don't use will get donated, and things that are broken or missing pieces will get trashed. Once I have that project done, I think I will feel good about what I have accomplished.

Moving is a big pain in the ass, but I do love going through things and discovering what is needed and what isn't. It feels good to be all organized! I don't figure it will last long once we move, but we'll see.

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2005-09-05 Brown Shoes Size 12 1/2

Does anyone know if there is a high demand for size 12 1/2 brown dress shoes for girls? Just wondering. My sister and I, over the course of the weekend, have trucked Katherine to 9, yes 9 stores trying to find shoes that will match her first day of school outfit.

Payless (2 locations)
Famous Footwear
Off Broadway Shoes (no kids department)

Virtually the only other option that I can think of is Stride Rite...which will cost and arm and a leg but, if they have some goddamn brown shoes, it might be worth it.


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2005-09-05 Nocturnal

"Can I feel your baby move?"

"He's sleeping right now. He usually sleeps during the day and wakes up at night."

"Oh, so he's a nocturnal animal?"

~Conversation between my sister Suzanne and Emily~

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2005-09-04 Camping

Because I am short on time, let me just say

A picture is worth a thousand words, or in this case, quite a few thousand(Scroll down to album titled, Camping In The Yard, 05).

In brief, we had a great weekend...weather was nice...kids had fun...parents are tired.

And that folks, is about it.

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2005-09-04 In a Nutshell...

I couldn't agree more.

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