" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-09-02 Weekend

There really isn't much else to say about the allergy thing yesterday...just that I always feel like I have accomplished a huge thing when I take all three kids with me somewhere and they all make it through, you know, alive. Heh.

So I obviously went food shopping too late last night or something because I forgot to buy the stuff to make s'mores(remember this is our weekend in the yard camping trip thingy). Yeah. So Ryun will have to stop on his way home I guess.

Ryun came home last night and set the tent up which is always a big pain in the ass. It's a good tent (three rooms, fairly new etc) but it's just one of those annoying things that always takes more time than it should. I bought burgers and dogs for dinner tonight, pancakes for tomorrow and chicken for tomorrow night. We are cheating a little bit...using indoor refridgeration and our gas grill rather than using our coolers and camp stove but it's still camping right? At least we are using our tent and not renting an RV...ha ha ha. Real camping is in a tent though if you ask me...no modern conveniences such as a bathroom and kitchen sink(although a bathroom might come in handy when you have children like mine who only have to use it in the middle of the night when it is pouring rain out).

Anwyay, we are going to have a campfire, sing campfire songs (much to Ryun's dismay) and make s'mores tonight. Tomorrow morning I have to take Emily and Katherine to get hair cuts (it was the only time she could fit us in). We will come back, spend the day doing outside things(scavenger hunt, rock painting, making school lunchboxes etc) and camp out again tomorrow night. We have a party to go to on Sunday night (with the kids) so we will conclude the camping trip on Sunday morning. Monday we are actually going to get started on the whole packing thing and Monday night, my parents are taking Emily and Katherine out for chinese food, as an end of the summer, back to school type celebration.

So, for obvious reasons, I won't be around at all tonight, Saturday day and night, and quite possibly all day/night Sunday. Camping does not include the the internet, at least not in my book it doesn't.

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2005-09-01 EI and Allergies...Abbreviated Version!

Typed a whole entry and lost it!!!!!

So briefly...

EI: Julia did well, playgroup starts next week, PT eval soon.

Allergy Testing: Allergic to oak, birch, cats and dust. Allergy testing for both Emily and Katherine in the works. No more Singulair for asthma. Two inhalers...Albuterol and QVAR.

More later or tomorrow...on my way out to food shop.


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2005-09-01 Furniture

Our new livingroom furniture...well the loveseat anyway!


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2005-09-01 EI Allergies

On today's menu we have Early Intervention and Katherine's allergy retest.

I plan on using the time I have this morning (EI at 1:30 and allergies at 5) to fold clothes and dust pictures. Oh what fun!

I am anxious to see if Katherine's allergies are any worse or different (last time: cats, dustmites and shellfish). She basically spends her mornings sneezing and her afternoons coughing(well not really in that time frame neccesarily but you get the picture). So anyway, it should be interesting.

I will be back later to update regarding that, as well as how Julia EI appointment went. Check back!

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2005-08-31 COLLAPSE!

I went out last night to a friend's house to make plans for my sister's baby shower and came home to find Ryun cleaning up ceiling pieces that had fallen to the floor in the playroom. Yeah. The ceiling collapsed. Nice huh? Apparently, it filled with water from the downpours we had off and on all day. Katherine was in there, came out to the livingroom, and told Ryun that there was water dripping from the ceiling. He went to check it, put buckets under the drips and watched as the seam pulled apart and it collapsed. So, he is going to call our landlord today, although I don't know what she is going to do. Probably put a tarp on the roof or something. They are selling the house and tearing it down so there is no sense in fixing it, and we are only going to be here for another month.

Anyway, I am spending the day cleaning and packing some small things, like pictures and whatnot. My mother and I are going to look at livingroom furniture tonight and then, she is taking me out to dinner. I am looking forward to it.

I don't expect to be back on again much, if at all.

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