" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-08-06 Update on Life

As I said in my ever so brief entry, we've been busy, hence the lack of updates. My aunt and her son are visiting from California so we have been spending our days after Vacation Bible School over at my parents where she is staying. The kids have been swimming/playing/fighting up a storm!

Julia hasn't been feeling well over the past day or so which kind of stinks. She definitely has some sort of stomach thing going on. She has officially been placed on the "BRAT" diet(Bananas Rice Apples Toast) until her stomach settles down and has been drinking Pedialyte by the gallon. Yummy grape pedialyte! She seems to be in better spirits today so that has been nice.

Emily and Katherine finshed up VBS last night with a little skit and some songs that they had learned over the course of the week. Everyone there absolutely loves my kids. One of the teachers commented on how protective and nice Emily was of/to Katherine, and how every time they saw each other (they were in separate age groups) they would give each other a hug. Everyday, they would walk in, find their teacher, and give them a big hug and a kiss. I am the luckiest Mom in the world, just in case you didn't know. Anyway, Emily and Katherine had a wonderful time and are already looking forward to going again next summer!

I am not sure if I had mentioned this heere before, but Katherine had an apointment with the nutritionist that is on staff at the pediatrician's office. I have been concerned about her weight gain (about 5 lbs in 7 months, normal weight gain for a child her age is about 3-4 lbs in an entire year). This had been a concern a couple of years ago, when she gained 11 lbs in one year. Her doc reccomended going to skim milk, cutting out all soda, and limiting juice to one glass with breakfast each morning. I did all this, and the next year she gained 5 lbs. We are still doing all of these things and she has already gained 5, so I wanted to see if there was anything else we should be doing. Without getting in to too much detail, the nutritionist reccomended a little mroe exercise and an appointment with her endocrinologist and her allergist. She thought I was doing a very good job with her as far as what she eats when and how much etc which is good. I have no idea why, but I was afraid she was going to tell me that I was not feeding her right or something, which is crazy. I will be calling on Monday to make her appointments with her specialists and take it from there.

I have been amazingly relaxed lately about all of these medical concerns (with all three kids) which has been nice. I think I might have finally gotten to the point of acceptance. These things are what they are and all I can do is my best to make sure they all lead happy and healthy lives. It all still gets to me once in a while but overall, I feel much more positive about the whole thing. It's a rather good feeling.

So that's the update. Sorry to have been such a slacker!

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