" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-08-05 Briefly...

Been busy...tired...be back sometime over the next day or so with the details!


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2005-08-04 Shopping with the kids

A very scary thought just occured to me. This year, when doing back to school shopping, I might actually have to bring my kids with me. Why is this scary? Eight and five year old girls in the mall. Need I say more?

Emily is getting to that stage where she actually has an opinion regarding her clothes. Some things she likes, some things she doesn't. I am all set with spending money on something that she is never going to wear, so I will bring her with me to get her opinion before I buy anything. I don't plan on neccesarily letting her pick out what she wants (speaking of scary...I don't even want to imagine what she would choose) but offering her some choices (you can have this outifit or this outfit, which do you want?).

Katherine I need to bring for sizing purposes. Nothing fits her the same...sometimes the pants might be a size 6, sometimes they might be a 6x, and occasionally she has fit into a 7. She also seems to be showing great concern for how she looks lately (although mainly it's been related to her losing teeth) so her opinion will be needed too.

Gone are the days of going to pick out a bunch of clothes by myself. Darn it. That was so much easier.

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2005-08-04 I choose the lemonade

Capitalism at its best.

Yeah right.

How pathetically small the sausage man must feel now.

Poor kids were just trying to make some money, jerk.

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2005-08-04 Trailer Crashers

Wanna see something "wicked" funny?

Click here.

John Pratt is my brother in law, BTW.

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2005-08-02 Bowling

We had a kick-ass thunderstorm here last night. The most impressive part was the lightening. It lit the woods up in back of the house so well, I could actually see the train tracks.

Julia slept through the entire thing. Katherine had come down to our room earlier in the evening and was sleeping soundly until Emily came in crying, saying she was scared. It was kind of cute though. Katherine woke with a start and said, "What's wrong?" Emily said (through her tears), "We are having a thunderstorm" at which point Katherine started the water works. So now, they are both crying and scared and Emily, who seriously has just the sweetest personality sometimes says, "Don't worry Katherine, God and the angels are just bowling." Katherine responded by saying, "OK" and promptly fell back asleep.

I love the sisterly bonding. Really I do.

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2005-08-02 Murphy's Law

Tell your kid not to do something.

Kid does whatever you just told them not to do.

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2005-08-02 Julia

I had a few errands to run this morning while Emily and Katherine were at VBS. I went to the new Shaw's in Carver, to the mall to buy a birthday present for my sister, and to get gas for my car. Julia was so funny. Everytime I went to take her out of the car, she was all excited...waving her hands, kicking her feet, talking etc. Everytime I put her back in the car, she burst in to tears. Apparently, she wanted to be out and about.

Have I mentioned that she is deathly afraid of the train? Everytime it goes by, she cries (it is rather loud and runs right behind my house). Yesterday, as I was leaving the house, I could hear it coming down the tracks. I thought for sure Julia was going to lose it, so I started reassuring her ("It's okay, it's just the choo choo train , don't be afraid"). As it was coming by, I turned her so she could see it. The whistle blew, the bells rang and she...laughed. I am anxious for it to go by again, so I can see her reaction. Everytime it had gone by previous to yesterday, she hadn't actually seen it, just heard it (usually from her crib, right after she had gone in for a nap...timing is everything!). I think her fear may have been overcome by having a visual of what was making the noise. Very cool.

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