" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-08-01 Summer and School...

Summer always seems to go by fast but this summer...I think it might have gone even faster than others. It's August 1st! HOLY CRAP!

Does anyone else feel this way? It may have something to do with the fact that the kids were in school until June 29th. Thankfully, they don't start until after Labor Day which seems not to be the norm anymore (a lot of schools start back up at the end of August...yikes!), although, I have to admit, there are times when I think that you know, they could start now. That thought only crosses my mind when they are ready to kill each other, and only lasts until a few minutes later, when they are back to being the best of friends. Sisters are funny that way, I would know, having two myself.

All of this means that I will need to do back to school shopping this month sometime. Ughhh...

Shopping for Emily and Katherine just isn't as fun as it used to be. Pardon me but I really don't think an 8 and 5 year old should be dressed like hookers. Call me crazy. Thank God for Old Navy and The Gap. Most of their clothes are classic and preppy which, to me, is a much more attractive look.

Julia is all set for the fall (hand-me-downs are a fabulous thing, no?). She also got a few cute things for her birthday and I was able to use some of her birthday money to get her a couple of outfits.

I still have not wrapped my head around the fact that Katherine will be starting kindergarten this year. I guess I should get used to the fact seeing as she starts in a few weeks huh?

It's just crazy how quickly time passes.

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2005-08-01 Contributions and upcoming events!

Emily and Katherine are at Vacation Bible School this morning, and rather than you know, do something productive, I have been online all morning. Julia was unusually tired when we came back around 9:30 after dropping them off, so she is napping.

What have I been doing online you ask? A few things actually. I have been thinking lately that I might want to get a job...just a part time, couple of nights a week job, but a job nonetheless. So I have been looking at the various job posting sites and seeing what is out there. Basically though, unless I want to work as a cashier or something of that nature, there really isn't much, at least not much offering part time nights. I have been thinking that I should find something though, because I have actually been giving thought to the future (as in the future beyond say next week)which is something I never used to do. I know that at some point, Ryun and I will want to buy a house (right now we rent) and if we want to do that, we will need to have a downpayment. Right now, the extra money we have coming in is going toward paying off debt and any other expense that might come up (birthdays, medical etc). We have been saving a little but not as much as we will need to in order to have a good downpayment in a couple of years. That, culminated with the fact that I don't feel like I am contributing(I know I contribute in many other ways, I just mean financially), and, well, feeling sort of housebound makes me want to find a job.

I have also been loking for a job for my sister Heather. She just resigned from her job at a preschool in Plymouth and will be out of work in a couple of weeks. Resigning from a job without having another one lined up is not something she would do under normal circumstances, but the situation called for sort of drastic measures. Anyway, being the amazingly awesome big sis that I am, I thought I would help her out. I found a couple that sound promising that I will be sharing with her later.

Let's see...what else is going on? Oh yeah, my sister Suzanne turned 28 yesterday, so Heather and I are going to take her out to dinner tomorrow night. We are going to head over to Bertucci's in Randolph and then maybe catch a movie at Showcase. Suzanne has passes that she will be bringing with her which is good because the movies are so darn expensive!

On Wednesday, my aunt is coming from California with her son Sean. They are coming for 10 days and I am so excited. I am very fortunate that despite the distance between us, we have still been able to maintain a close relationship. Her visits are always something to look forward to.

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2005-07-31 Corn On The Cob

Has anyone else been less than impressed with corn on the cob this year? It seems like every time I get it, there is an ear or two that "just doesn't look good." Even the ears that look ok don't taste as good as they should.

I have bought corn at Shaws, Shop and Shop, Victory, and Roche Bros...and no matter where I go, I can't seem to enjoy it. It just doesn't taste as sweet and good as last year's did.

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2005-07-31 EI review

So, I have been meaning to get in to a little more detail regarding Early Intervention; how I feel about it, if I think it will help etc.

They don't seem to do anything more than what I do already... put things just out of her reach, encourage her to crawl, look at books and point out pictures, encourage her to make consonant and vowel sounds, repeat whatever she says etc. I still think I will find it valuable though...a little extra help is always a good thing. If I am helping her and the people from EI are helping her, I am sure she will catch up in no time.

Which brings me to the next thing. For some reason, it really pisses me off when people ask if she is walking yet. It doesn't bother me when people that know her situation ask, it's just the total strangers that ask that get to me. I say no obviously, and the next comment is usually asking or stating something to the effect of, "So she's crawling all over the place then" to which I answer...no. This answer usually gets mixed reactions...some people look sympathetic, others say, "Don't worry, she'll get there."

I have no idea why this bothers me.

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2005-07-31 Alive and Kickin'

I feel like such a slacker when I skip a day updating.

We were just busy...got some stuff done around the house and had a wedding to go to last night. We spent the day at the pool today. I have a few things on my mind to update about, which I will most likely do later this evening but for now I just wanted to let y'all now that we're alive!

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2005-07-29 Not one of my finer moments

Last night, I went food shopping and splurged a little. I bought steak tips and all of the fixings to make kabobs.

Green pepper.

Red pepper.




I left the bag with the peppers (as well as strawberries and canteloupe) in the god damn trunk.

Where is my car?

At Quincy Adams t station (Ry drove it in to work).


I am so mad. Not that they would have been any good today, after spending the night in the trunk.


I was really craving some fresh fruit for lunch.

And damn...fresh fruit is so expensive. All in all I probably just threw away $15.00 or so.


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2005-07-29 Joining the band

My sister Heather has jumped on the bandwagon!


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2005-07-28 Motivation

So, I have been thinking. It might be a good idea to start using the treadmill I paid $600 for a few years back. Right now it serves as a clothing hanger/dust collector which really, I think I could have gotten something less expensive if that were the only purposes it was going to serve.

My only problem is finding the motivation. Ideally, the best time for me to do it would be first thing in the morning, before any children are awake. I certainly can't see myself finding the time to do it during the day when the kids are around(except maybe when school starts and Julia is napping or something)and I don't think it would be good to do it before bed. I just can't seem to find the motivation or energy to get up any earlier than I have to. The kids are all up by 7:30 or so (occasionally earlier, sometimes later) and it would only be a matter of getting up an hour earlier so (1/2 hour on the treadmill, 1/2 hour to shower and whatnot). I have tried and when the alarm goes off, I hit it and fall back asleep until one of the kids wake me up.

One of these days, I am going to have to suck it up and just do it. I know I will feel and look better once I do.

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2005-07-28 Weather Wheel

Katherine just stood on the couch and took a painting I had hanging on the wall off. She brought it to me and said, "I don't like this picture anymore. I am going to hang my weather wheel I made at school there instead."


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2005-07-28 EI Update

Julia had her first EI appointment today. It went well even though Jen got lost...I live in the middle of nowhere so, that was understandable.

Basically, she got acquainted with Julia and played with her a little. Julia was very friendly and verbal, and had a great time showing off.

Basically, we have it set so she will come every other week. At the end of each meeting, we will fill out a sheet, discussing what was done that week and what we will try to accomplish next time. After 6 months, she will be evaluated again. I have a feeling, and I hope I am not speaking too soon or jinxing anything, that in 6 months she will be on track and caught up. She has made so much progress on her own, it's hard to even imagine that she won't keep going in the direction of crawling, talking etc. She is just doing so well.

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2005-07-28 Tape Recorder On

So, this morning I call Ryun. He talks to me for a few minutes, then quickly says, I gotta go, can I call you later?" I say sure, and go on with my day. A couple of hours later (after Julia's IE appointment) I go on line to look at the news.

At about the same time, it occurs to me that Ryun never called me back.

The headline on the 7 news website reads, "SOUTH STATION EVACUATED,SUSPICIOUS TICKING PACKAGE FOUND", or something like that anyway. Ryun's job is right across the street from South Station.

I call his cell...voicemail.

I call his nextel...voicemail.

I go to a different news site and see that someone left a tape recorder playing in a closed bag...hence the ticking noise.

Ryun calls five minutes later.

I breathe again.

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