" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-07-28 Girl Talk

I ended up getting Julia an outfit and blanket sleepers for the fall/winter. I still have about $20 of the $50 left spend, but honestly, I couldn't find anything other than what I got that was remotely cute. When did size 18 month clothes get so...non-baby-like? I mean, everything looked like I was dressing a little teenager for godsake. I am used to that with Emily and Katherine (shopping at The Gap and Old Navy seem to be the only places where I can get clothing for them that doesn't look, quite honestly, sleazy)but I thought that I might be able to avoid it with Julia for a few more years at least. Sheesh.

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2005-07-27 Losing teeth

Katherine lost a tooth this morning.

And another one this afternoon.

I told her that wasn't allowed, that Mommy could only handle one milestone at a time...kidding. I did think that though.

Anyway, this afternoon, when the second one came out she laughed, was all excited, looked in the mirror...and promptly burst in to tears.

When I asked her what was wrong she tearfully said, "I look weird."

Emily responded, "No you don't you look beautiful."

Just how cute are they?

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2005-07-27 Stuff

I am heading out shortly to bring the kids to the pool, but I wanted to update before I left.

IE called this morning and rescheduled our appointment because Jen (the specialist that was supposed to come) went home sick. So, she will be coming tomorrow instead. I am looking forward to getting this started but hey, what's one more day right?

Anwyay, I am going to spend the afternoon at the pool and then head out tonight for a meeting and some shopping. Julia got some money for her birthday so I am going to use it to purchase some fall clothes for her. I am hoping to get just a few outfits, to add to what she has already. When all is said and done, she should be all set for the fall/winter.

Anyway, that's it. I probably won't be back today but you never know.

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2005-07-26 Food

Umm, I really can spell. I just re-read my last entry and I wrote "crys" instead of "cries."



We ate outside on the deck tonight. Believe it or not, it was actually cooler outside than in. The house was stuffy, in part because I used the oven. I try to aviod using the oven on days like these but I cooked the zucchini and squash in it today, because I forgot to buy a disposable pan so I could cook it on the grill. Oops.

I like eating outside. It's such a summer thing. I mean obviously it's a summer thing...eating outside in January just isn't as fun...but yeah, you know what I mean.

I love cooking on the grill too. Tonight we had terriaki chicken with the above mention veggies, and potato salad. The chicken was cooked to perfection I must say. It was juicy and you almost didn't need a knife to cut it.

Julia loves loves loves chicken by the way. Have I mentioned that here before? Don't know. She has had it cooked numerous ways(one of the best things about chicken...it's so versatile)and has devoured it no matter how it was cooked.

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2005-07-26 The Difference Between Emily And Katherine

Scene: Emily and Katherine are leaving the farm, fighting and yelling and crying over who is going to have the last sip of the one water bottle they have left. I tell them that neither of them are going to have it and that they will have to wait until they get home, at which point I will give them both a glass of water.

Emily screams bloody murder, cries, yells, tells me I am mean blah blah blah.

Katherine says, "At least she's giving us water, after the way we just behaved."


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2005-07-26 Julia's 1 yr

Julia had her one year check up today. She had two shots (chickenpox and pneumococcal)and she did fine. She cried for a second and that was it.

She weighed in at 19lbs, 9 oz, and was 30 1/4 inches tall. For those keeping track, that's the 22nd percentile for weight, and the 85th for height. In the doctor's words, she's long and lean.

He was impressed with her progress in regard to her gross motor development and is glad that we will be getting underway with IE tomorrow. He did reccomend that she see Emily's neurologist given the situation(Emily's TS diagnosis, Julia's delay, and the insurance company not paying for genetic testing for Ryun and I). I plan on calling Em's neuro next week (he's on vacation this week) to get that underway.

All in all, it was a good appointment. Barring any problems, she will go back for a well check at 15 months.

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2005-07-25 And in the "Look What I Can Do" category we have...

Julia's newest "trick."

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2005-07-25 Weekend, Julia

I am such a slacker! I meant to update late Saturday or sometime yesterday but, I just didn't.

We had a nice weekend. The cookout here was really nice and it was good to get everyone together. I saw my nephew for the first time too. He's so tiny...and so cute! The cookout at my parents was good too, but for some reason I wasn't really myself. Nothing was wrong really... I was just blah. I was dead tired so that might have been it. I came home, helped get the kids settled and went to be around 9! I am feeling much better today.

Julia is enjoying this being one thing immensely. She is all over the place now...crawling backwards and getting up on all fours like nobody's business. She also gets in a crab walk type position. A few times she has been in a sitting position and put her hands up on the table as if she was going to pull herself up. She hasn't quite done it yet but she's gettin there.

Tomorrow, she has her 1 year checkup. I am anxious to see how she is developing!

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2005-07-23 Cookout!

We are having a cookout today to celebrate Julia's birthday. We are just having Ryun's side over today and going to Pete and Marie's tomorrow. I wanted to one big thing with everybody, but my parents are on Cape Cod for the weekend. My sister Heather will be joining us here though, and she is beyond excited that there will be three babies here (Julia, my nephew and Sadie). She loves babies and she is just fabulous with kids so it works out!

Anyway, I don't plan on being on line much (if at all) until later or perhaps tomorrow when I will no doubt post pictures!

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2005-07-22 Julia

I am not going to start this entry by saying something like, "Oh my God I can't believe my baby is a year old."

Oops, I just did. Heh.

Time goes at warp speed when you have children, doesn't it? An entire year has passed since we were blessed with such a wonderful addition to our family.

It's funny. I remember sitting at the dinner table a few weeks before Julia was born and saying to Ryun and the kids, "This is going to be one of the last dinners that will just be us." Strangely at the time, it made me a little sad, not because I didn't want to have a baby, but, but I don't know. It was just going to be a big change.

I never in a million years thought I would ever love someone as much as I love Emily.

Then Katherine came along and I thought, "This is it. My heart can't get any bigger."

And then, Julia was born...and my heart swelled again.

She brings a joy and happiness to everyday that I can't even beginto describe.

Happy Birthday Julia May. You are a blessing beyond words.

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2005-07-22 Happy Birthday Julia!

Julia is 1 year old today! Here are some pictures from this morning.

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