" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-07-20 Shopping and Julia

Last night, my sister and I went out and shopped for Julia's birthday. We were successful and even managed to get home at a decnt hour.

I went to Border's (where I had a coupon for $5.00 off) and got her 4 books that were marked, "buy 3, get 4th free". I ended up getting her 4 books for $12.00...not bad.

We made our way over to Toys R Us where I got her a baby swing for outside, a ring stacking thingy and a toy phone(all of which we had for the other two children and can't find). I had a coupon for $3.00 off there which I used. I also bought sand for the kids sand box which they are quite happy with (we are such slackers...we have been meaning to get the sand forever and a day). It was good that we waited til now though I guess, because it was on sale.

I picked up an outfit for my nephew (God it sounds so cool to say that) at Filene's. It's so weird buying for a boy!

All in all I spent about $60.00 which, considering all of the stuff I got wasn't too bad.

In other news, Julia woke up from her nap just a little while ago and guess how I found her? Sitting up in her crib for the first time! YAY!

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2005-07-20 Busy

Yeah, I am still here...just getting things done. I think I have a general pattern on blogging less in the summer...I am just busier. All three kids as compared to 1 1/2 (Katherine counts as half because she was at preschool some of the time) is just more. Especially when the additional kid is the high maintenance one(Emily for those who weren't sure).

I do love having her home all summer with me though. High maintenance or not she just rocks. God I just love that kid!

Anyway, I am off to go pick them up from the farm. I might be back later...then again I might not.

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2005-07-19 Music and scrapbooking

I finally figured out what was wrong with my cd burner (well not really, it randomly just decided to work). The other day I made the best cd.

Frank Sinatra

Harry Connick Jr

Josh Groban

It was great background music while I finished Julia's scrapbook, although a number of times I was tempted to bust out a microphone and sing along. I didn't though. I just couldn't outdo Frank, Harry and Josh...not that I ever could.

Speaking of scrapbooking, I have been a bigtime slacker! I haven't done it in so long, and it's not like the picture taking has slowed down at all. So yeah, I have a pile of pictures to file and scrap...which I swear I am going to catch up on...sometime. Maybe that's what I will do tomorrow when Emily and Katherine go to the farm tomorrow (which is where they are right now by the way). It will give a couple of hours anyway and I can still play with Julia while I do it (yes, I am that good).

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2005-07-19 Names I Like

Just because I am bored, I am going to share with you names that I like.

And no, I am not pregnant (can't be Ryun got the old snip snip a few months back, remember?).


Alexander (definitely one of my all time faves...and I even like Alex for a nickname!)
Andrew (NOT ANDY)
Michael (NOT MIKE)
Christopher (NOT CHRIS)


Elizabeth (NOT BETH)

I had to include my own kids' names. Seriously, how beautiful are they?

Emily Terese

Katherine Elizabeth

Julia May

Beautiful names for beautiful people!

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2005-07-19 Apologies

People that hitchhike really piss me off.

They're dumb, and yeah, apologies if you happen to be one of them.

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