" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-07-13 No Baby Food

Today was the first day that Julia did not have a single bite of "baby" food. It wasn't intentional, it kind of just happened.

She had toast and juice for breakfast, a jelly sandwich for lunch, and steak, potato, summer squash and zuchinni for dinner. She loved it all, but she especially liked desert.

This was also her first time having a popsicle. I wasn't sure how it would go over and if she would hold it the right way or whatever, but as you can see she did fine.

She even cried when it was gone.


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2005-07-13 You know you have had a productive day when...

...you have accomplished the following things.

-got kids to clean their bedroom.

-got kids to finish cleaning the playroom.

-unloaded, reloaded and ran the dishwasher.

-transferred laundry.

-folded huge basket full of baby clothes and put in bureau.

-vacuumed kitchen and diningroom.

-organized scrapbook stuff.

-windexed glass on livingroom tables.

YAY for motivation. It doesn't strike often but when it does, I go nuts!

Tomorrow I will attack my bedroom, where I plan to fold my laundry and dust the bureau and end tables, and follow that up with cleaning the master bath.

Hopefully, the motivation lasts til then!`

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2005-07-13 Proactive Things That I Have Done This Month

Joined this MSN Group.

Became a support parent for this group.

Sent away a request for my transcript from Merrimack.

Checked out the Bay State College web page and looked in to which classes I would need to take to complete a degree in Early Childhood Education, and saw which classes I have already taken that would transfer.

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2005-07-13 Battle Half Won

Last night I got two board books for Julia...one called, "Baby Signs For Mealtime" and the other is the picture book version of a Baby Einstein Video she already has called, "Baby Einstein Language Nursery."

Obviously, I wish I didn't have to do this at all, but I am kind of excited about signing with her. There are a couple of other books that I will probably get down the line sometime but I am going to start slow and let her master a few simple signs before I delve in to anything else.

I am making a call to EI today to get our bi-weekly appointments scheduled. I am hoping to start next week but we will have to see what the schedule is like.

I talked to my aunt who has an autistic son and she highly reccomended using sign language. She used it with Sean (although he is talking now so she doesn't need to use it anymore) and she found it to be really helpful.

Anyway, I am feeling so releieved to finally have some answers! Knowing is half the battle!

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2005-07-13 Seen Julia?

Where's the baby?

There she is!

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