" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-07-12 Emily appt update

We're back from Emily's appointment. I can't tell you how good it was to go for a well check. I have been to so many doctor's appointments with her in the last year that I have lost count, and they have all been because something was wrong. Today was a nice change.

Anyway, she's good. Everything went well. She has a mole on her leg that has really changed in the past year (got bigger and has white bumps on it) so I had him look at it and he referred us to a dermotologist. Other than that though, everything checks out.


*also posted at Emily's Page*

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2005-07-12 One Reason To Buy A Minivan


"Shit, I have to get the kids to their father's house and the car only seats five. Eh what the hell, Jane and Sarah can take turns riding in the trunk."

I am sorry, but people like that just shouldn't be parents.

And don't ask me how to prevent that (idiots like that having children) and don't ask me if I even think that is morally right but seriously. What the hell?

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2003-07-12 Emily

Emily has her eight year checkup today. I will be back later to update on her progress!

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2003-07-12 Good News...

Good news: Julia can drink from a straw.

Better news: She likes Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee.


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2005-07-11 Spoiled

The girls and I are going over to Mimi and Papa's tonight for a sleepover. Mimi and Papa aren't there but my sister is and we are going to swim, cook dinner and watch our show together (Wildfire on ABC Family). The girls are excited and Ryun is probably thrilled to have a night to himself.

Before we go, I have tons and tons of laundry to put away (one of the drawbacks of going on vacation) but at least it is all washed and dried. Emily and Katherine will be spending the day outside in their pool I am sure, which is conveniently located just outside the dining room window.

I was going to take them to the library today but I have the un-airconditioned car (Ryun has my father's truck and my car will be out of comission until Ryun fixes the back brakes over the course of the next week after work) so I have decided against it. Yeah, I am spoiled like that. It is supposed to be 93 degrees today you know. Tomorrow isn't supposed to be as bad so we may go then.

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2005-07-11 Photo Shoot

Yesterday, I had a "photo shoot" with Julia. It was kind of fun, snapping one picture right after the other, without taking time to set up a pose or make sure she was smiling. Here are the results.

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before & after

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