" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-07-10 Teacher

I think I have decided what I want to be when I "grow up."


Seriously, I think I want to be a preschool teacher.

Won't that be fun?

I love working with kids of that age group. They are fun, cute and usually haven't lost the innocence of childhood yet.

My sister Heather said that I could work at a preschool as a teacher's aid, and gradually move up though the ranks to become a lead teacher. I would only have to take a class or two (and obviously renew my CPR and First Aid certifications) and that would be it. She is a teacher at a preschool now and loves it.

I wouldn't be doing any of this until Julia is a bit older of course (probably preschool age herself, which scary to say is only two years away).

Maybe it has to do with my impending birthday (the big 3 0) but I have been giving a lot of thought to "the rest of my life." First and formost as always is my "job" as a Mom (the absolute best job in the world by the way) but it is nice to think about the future and what it will bring.

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2005-07-10 Like For Real Dude

I am such slacker. I completely forgot to mention that I am an aunt, like officially.

My sister in law had a baby boy on July 3, just an hour shy of being an Independence Day baby.


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2005-07-09 Weekend

It's the weekend...and that means we have a lot to do.

Today for example, Ryun is off driving my parents to the airport (they are going to Aruba for the week). We have a wedding to attend this evening, which should be fun. The old gang from the neighborhood (well most of them anyway)will be there and that automatically means a good time.

Tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to for Ryun's cousin.

Tomorrow night, I have a date with Ty (not really, just an episode of Extreme Makeover Home, but I can pretend can't I?) It's a two parter and one I haven't seen so it should be good.

That's about it. All in all, it seems to be a rather tame weekend compared to ones in the past, but we still have a full plate.

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2005-07-08 Julia

This is a picture my father took of Julia. I have never, ever seen such a close up picture come out so good. This one is photo contest worthy I think.

Isn't she precious?

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2005-07-08 Comments and YAY!

I am happy to report that my comments are working again, so feel free to comment away!

I am also happy to report (happy, thrilled, ecstatic, and possibly downright giddy) that the doctor has finally mailed off the information to our insurance company detailing why he thinks ryun and I should be tested for TS. I called, the insurance company has it and it will take two weeks for a decision to be made regarding payment. YAY! I can handle two weeks, really I can.

I can't even begin to tell you what a relief it will be to know one way or the other if Ryun and/or I have TS.

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2005-07-08 EI And Teeth

I forgot to mention a few things regarding Julia.

She has two more teeth on the top, for a total of 6. She actually has enough teeth to use now, and occasionally when she is having something crunchy like a cheerio, she uses her teeth to break it in half. There is a visible difference in the way her mouth moves when she eats now, and I feel very comfortable with giving her pretty much anything as far as food goes.

In regard to the EI thing, I forgot to mention that the specialists that came suggested using sign language with her. Simple signs, such as "help, "more", "up", "down" etc are all that will be needed, and aren't in place of language but in addition to. So, I am going to teach myself some signs and go with that.

I should be hearing from the EI case manager sometime this week. We will be scheduling an apppointment for her to come out and get the procees started.

I am looking forward to getting things underway!

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2005-07-08 Pictures

Emily enjoying the pool at the Ocean Club.

A great profile shot of Katherine in the pool.

Julia taking in her first ever fireworks display. She was very impressed!

Katherine playing at the beach.

Emily taking a swing at Pirate's Cove.

Julia sleeping in the cutest baby way ever...up on her knees with her bum in the air!

Katherine laughing while mini-golfing.

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2005-07-08 Yummy!

You Are Strawberry Ice Cream
A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core.
You often find yourself on the outside looking in.
Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works.
You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.

Via Accidental Verbosity

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2005-07-08 American

You Are 76% American
You're as American as red meat and shooting ranges.
Tough and independent, you think big.
You love everything about the US, wrong or right.
And anyone who criticizes your home better not do it in front of you!

Via Accidental Verbosity

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2005-07-07 Vacation Review

Rather than give a play by play I have decided to share a few of the highlights of the trip.

We'll start with Julia. Over the past week she has figured out how to go from sitting to lying down and does so now with ease. She has also been "caught" rocking back and forth on all fours but, as soon as she is "discovered" she goes right down on her belly. Devil. She ate all kinds of "people" food this week, including a few pieces of a raw onion and some garlic bread. She liked both, but let me tell you those diapers were not fun. Not fun at all. I haven't completely stopped buying baby food yet, but I don't think it will be making the shopping list cut in the next few weeks.

Katherine was quite pleased with herself this week when she got a hole in one mini-golfing! I must say, I was impressed. She spent most of her time at the beach as opposed to the pool (we were stying in a house that was about 5 minutes from my parents time share so we used the pool/beach there) and had a great time collecting shells and building castles. She is definitely the most easy going of my kids...almost nothing phases her. She just goes about her merry little way, and lets everything slide off of her back.

We went to the fireworks in Falmouth, where Emily was moved to tears by the tribute to the soldiers. Moved to tears. They played "My Country Tis Of Thee" while sending off a series of red white and blue fireworks and she said to me, "For some reason, this is making me cry." A few minutes later, they were playing an instrumental version of, "My Heart Will Go On", the love theme from the movie "Titanic." She came over to me and said, "This song sounds like someone is leaving on a train and never coming back." My sister Suzanne described her perfectly when she called Emily and "old soul." Sometimes, I can't beleive that she is only 8.

Speaking of the fireworks...I think it may have been worth driving to Falmouth even if we had not been on the cape anyway. The fireworks display itself was great but the general atmosphere was even better. Emily and Katherine had so much room to run around. We usually go to Plymouth where if you move a centimeter, you might be in a strangers lap, which although it could be intersting, isn't exactly a good thing! The Falmouth Fireworks Committee also played instrumental music throughout the whole show and really made the night all the more special. It was definitely the best fireworks experience I have had in a long time.

All in all, it was a relaxing week (except for my sister Heather who woke me at 2 AM in tears asking me to take her to the ER...she had the tooth ache from hell). I felt sooooo bad for her but she made it through the week (thank God for Vicadan) and got it pulled today...and we saw two drunk people in the ER so it was kind of fun in retrospect).

I have pics, one of which now graces the top of this page(feel free to tell me how absolutely freakin'adorable my kids are) and the best of the rest, which will be here at some point tomorrow.

For now though, I am going to bed. Vacation is fun...but boy am I tired!

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2005-07-07 BACK!

We're back.

We had a great time!

I had 133 unread emails...of which 125 were crap.

I am on my way out the door to cook dinner for my Dad and sister (who had her tooth pulled out today...yuck!).

I will be back later to update with a bit more detail.

SIDENOTE: I had severe blog withdrawal while I was there so I bought a notebook and kept track of what went on.

Damn this sure is addicting!

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