" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-07-01 Julia

We just finished the last of the first two EI meetings for Julia.

Basically, a three month delay is needed in order to be eleigible for services. The following areas are tested: Perceptual/Fine Motor, Cognition, Expressive Language, Social Emotional, Self-Care, and Gross Motor.

They group the skills in months, so Julia falls in to the 9-11 month category.

Here are her scores.

Perceptual/Fine Motor: 10 months
Cognition: 11 Months
Expressive Language: *7 months*
Receptive Language: 10 months
Social Emotional: 10 months
Self Care: 14 Months
Gross Motor: *7 months*

As you can see the only areas in which she is eligible for services are in the Expressive Language and Gross Motor Departments.

The Occupational Therapist that came out as part of the eval confirmed something that I have thought for some time. Her muscle tone in her arms is low, as in very low. I have mentioned this to Ryun, her ped, my mother and anyone else that I have discussed her situation with. Her arms have always seemed floppy. Her lower body strength is right where it should be but the lack of muscle tone in her arms is a big issue. This combined with what appears to be a lack of confidence (which is probably due to the low muscle tone...she just trys to do it and can't...gets tired and frustrated).

Anyway, we have worked out a plan. I will be getting a phone call within a couple of weeks to schedule someone to come out. The person will come every other week and work on strength building skills.

As far as the language thing goes, the developmental specialist syas that gross motor and language kind of go hand in hand...once they get moving, they start talking more etc.

I can't event tell you what a weight of of my shoulders this is. I mean obviously, it would be better if nothing was wrong but at least I am taking steps to do something to help her out. Knowing is half the battle right?

Ok, this is the last official entry for a week! CAPE COD HERE WE COME!

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2005-06-30 Recipe

This is a new recipe I am going to try over the weekend at the Cape.

Patriotic Parfaits


2 boxes each red and blue gelatin mix.

non diary whipped topping

red white and blue sprinkles


Follow gelatin directions.

Alternate layers in cup.

Top with whipped topping.

Sprinkle with sprinkles.

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2005-06-30 Craft

This is one of the crafts we are going to make over the weekend while we are on Cape Cod.

Fireworks T Shirts


� Plain T-shirt
� Newspaper
� Glittery fabric paint
� Paper plate
� Pipe cleaners


Step 1:

Start by placing a few sheets of newspaper inside a plain T-shirt.
Step 2:

Pour one or more colors of glittery fabric paint onto a paper plate.
Step 3:

Create a stamp (for each color paint) to print fireworks: arrange four pipe cleaners in a bunch, pinch the center, then bend all eight ends over your thumb and twist them together a few times, forming a loop. Spread apart the ends and bend up the tips, as shown.
Step 4:

To use the stamp, dip it into the paint so that it's evenly coated and press it firmly onto the fabric.
Step 5:

Once you've finished your design, allow the paint to dry thoroughly, and refer to the paint manufacturer's directions before laundering the shirt.

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2005-06-30 Vacation

So, we just had the first of two meetings with Early Intervention for Julia. This was the intake part, where I just spent the better part of the last hour giving a complete family history...and signing my name a bazillion times. Tomorrow will be the actual evaluation and the determination of whether or not she is eligible.

Anyway, I am fairly confident that she will need the services but I am still looking forward to the evaluation so I can know for sure.

I am going to be spending the day packing for our trip. We will be leaving tomorrow late afternoon, probably at the height of the cape traffic time. OH FUN! I don't care though...it will be worth it.

Our plans include fireworks in Famlmouth on the 3rd, a parade on the 4th, mini golf and a trip to the Zooquarium sometime during the week. Other than that, we are going to spend our days at the beach and our nights chillin' at the house.

We are all looking forward to it (trust me Emily and Katherine are off the walls). I will try to pop back on here before we leave to update regarding Julia. Other than that though, I will be back on Firday the 8th.

YAY for vacation!

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2005-06-29 End Of The Year

Emily had her last day of second grade ever today. She came off of the bus, all excited about her day, and with marker running up and down her arm. Yeah, she had people sign her arm.

When I asked her why, she said, "Well, I figured if thwy wrote on my new shirt, you'd kill me."

Very smart she is.

She got her report card...and basically it was the same as the last one, except for some drastic improvement in reading (which she has always excelled at but she went from second grade, first book to third grade, second book...which is just big) and some improvement in history and science (check to a check plus). Virtually the only things she needs to improve upon are her organizational and listening skills.

Not only did the principal sign her report card and comment on her progress, she also sent home a letter congratulating her on her achievements this year. It was a form letter but still, I don't remember my principal doing that for me when I was in school.

At the end of the day, the entire staff of both the Goode and Burkland Schools ( same building...one side houses 1st and 2nd grade, the other 3rd-5th) came out on to the lawn and waved goodbye to the students as they left on the bus. Just how cute is that?

She brought home her special bag full of reading/math incentives for the summer, and a new book from her teacher. They have journals to fill out and at the beginning of next year, they will bring them in and get prizes and awards for the summer reading they did.

Middleborugh rocks.

Anyway,it was a happy ending to a stressful yet successful year. YAY for summer!

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2005-06-29 Progress

Remember how I said that Julia was making progress in the crawling department? I actually managed to get a picture of her in the process.

She has managed to get that one leg behind her and pivots around in place but hasn't actually crawled or scooted yet. Progress is progress though, right?

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2005-06-29 Not My Fault

You know, it's really not entirely my fault that I have the cutest kids on the planet.

Ryun should accept at least partial blame don't you think?

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