" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-06-28 Again

Another example of the higher-ups butting in where they don't f'ing belong.

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2005-06-28 Light Posting

We are leaving for Cape Cod this Friday. YAY! I (we) are really looking forward it. Ryun and John will be there with us for the weekend, leaving on the 4th. My sisters and I (and the kids of course!) will remain there for the week, coming home on the 8th.

We have been busy making plans (most of which consist of going to the beach!)all week. I know we will be taking the girls to The Zooquarium and miniature golfing. We are going to do the majority of the cooking at home, but will be making at least one trip to Christopher's Ribs and Seafood, which is quite possibly the best place for ribs on the earth.

I am going to bring some arts and craft type projects to do with the kids at night or if by chance it happens to rain. We are going to make Independence Day t shirts which should be fun.

Anyway, I won't be posting for the entire week and probably not too frequently over the next few days as I have a lot to do.

Julia has her EI evaluation on Friday (beofre we leave)so I will be sure to post the results of at least that, if not anything else.

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2005-06-28 One Year Later...

One year ago today, we lived what would be the last "normal" day of our lives.

Life was good. School was out, the sun was out. We were all happy, we were all healthy.

Emily and Katherine were slated to start swimming lessons at the town pool. They were looking forward to their upcoming trip to Disney with Mimi and Papa. We were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new baby, due a few short weeks later.

This was June 28, 2004.

Then, seemingly out of the blue, all hell broke loose.

June 29, 2004.

The date of Emily's first seizure.

This was the first of three that she would have in the same amount of days, each one thankfully less serious than the last.

On July 2, she was officially diagnosed.

Over the next few days, I noticed that something, something that I couldn't quite put my finger on, seemed different about Emily. The doctor said that it was probably just an adjustment period...getting used to the medicine, the trauma of what she had just gone through etc. We eventually changed her meds and for the most part, our Emily was back.

On July 8, she had her MRI. After months of waiting, blood tests, and numerous reviews of her MRI, we finally had some definitive results.

This is where we are at right now. Ryun and I will be undergoing genetic testing soon to determine whether or not we have TS, and if need be we will have Julia and Katherine tested.

It's been quite a year. There have been many bad times, but many more good. There have been many downs, but many more ups.

Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a life changing event to realize just how lucky you are.


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