" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-06-27 Weigh More Pay More

This just pisses me off. The article doesn't come right out and say it but it sure sounds like "fat" people may end up having to pay more for their health insurance or have some other "punishment" for being overweight.

For more reasons than I care to get in to, this is just wrong.

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2005-06-27 Emily and stuff

I think I have figured out why the batteries I bought at Target the other day were in the dollar bin. I took three (count them three) pictures with my digital camera and the low battery indicator came on.

So much for heavy duty.


Anyway, Emily's class did a play today. Emily did a very good job and when she was done, I took her home with me. She has two half days left and then, she will be officially done with 2nd grade!






Done with 2nd grade.

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2005-06-27 Katherine

No parent would probably ever admit that they have a favorite child but, at any given point they may admit that they have a "favorite of the moment." Right now...

Katherine tops the list.

She is going through the cutest stage. Just about everything that comes out of her mouth either makes me laugh, or shocks the heck out me.

And quite obviously, it is nearly impossible to look at her and not fall in love on the spot.

Seriously, I may be a tinsy, weensy bit biased, but isn't she just the most beautiful little thing?

I remember Emily being on the "top of the list" when she was around the same age. Five seems to be the magic number for absoulte cuteness, and smartnes, and just all around adorableness!

One of the funny things about Katherine is how she can just fall asleep anywhere. Honest to God, she could be chillin' on the floor playing with Julia one second, and the next she's zonked out on one of the couch pillows. She still needs that nap every once in a while.

Couldn't you just eat her right up?

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