" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-06-20 Coupon Freak

I have been a coupon shopping freak lately. Over the past month or so, between using coupons, store savings cards, and looking at the circulars online and via the mail, I have managed to save over $100 on the food shopping. Go me! I have also been making a list and sticking to it which helps out a lot, and usually saves a trip back to the store for forgotten items.

I am in shock over the amount of money that can be saved using coupons. I never even bothered with them until recently and now, I won't shop without them.

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2005-06-18 Just some pics

The kids found this baby turtle in the yard and we let them keep it overnight in a bucket. They named him "Johnny."


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2005-06-18 Redi-Whip

My sister came over last night and brought with her everything we would need to make icecream sundae's with the kids. We decided to squirt a bunch of Redi-Whip directly on to Julia's high chair tray.

This was the result...

Although the pictures don't quite reflect this, she was very happy! She spent more time messing with it than eating it. When she figured out that it was actually edible, she liked it even more!

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2005-06-17 Fruit Salad...Yummy Yummy

For those of you with young children who don't watch "The Wiggles", or for those of you without children at all, the title of this entry may be lost on you.

Here is a recipe for the "yummiest" fruit salad ever.

fresh blueberries
grapes (all variety of colors)
chopped walnuts

Slice strawberries.
Mix with remaining ingredients.

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2005-06-17 Weekend Plans

Why break what appears to be a tradition now?

Friday=Weekend Plans Update

Tonight is "Family Movie Night." Tonight is "Emily's Choice" which means she will be picking the movie. I am going to pop some pocorn, load it up with butter and salt (gotta make this movie thing seem as real as possible you know), turn out all of the lights in the living room, and plop down on the couch with the fam. I even have leftover popcorn bags from Emily's birthday party last year(we did a backyard carnival and rented a popcorn machine)so I will use those. I might even go so far as to print up some tickets, just so I can be a total geek. Don't even try to tell me that the kids won't love that idea though. Movie tickets (or any tickets) are cool to a kid. Trust me on this.


I have a bridal shower to go to tomorrow afternoon. We may or may not have plans tomorrow night to go to a friends house(depending on whether or not we can get a sittter for the girls). Either way will be fine with me. I am just as content to sit at home and chill with Ryun.

Sunday morning, we are going over to my parents to cook breakfast for my father, and then...I don't know. We were supposed to have a birthday party but it was cancelled due to a baseball playoff game. The Easter Egg hunt was supposed to be then but I am pretty sure almost no one could go so I don't know. If we don't do that we will probably just spend the day at the pool with the family. We'll see.

Anyway, there you have it...the customary "weekend plans" entry.

For those who just have to know.

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2005-06-16 Rome

You Belong in Rome

You're a big city girl with a small town heart

Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome

Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand

And gorgeous Italian men - could life get any better?

What City Do You Belong in? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

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2005-06-16 Conversation Remembered

My last entry reminded me of a conversation that took place when I was pregnant with Julia.

It went something like this.

"Mom, I know how the baby comes out, but how does the baby get in your belly?"

(cut to a look of "OMG WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO TELL HER?" on Ryun's face).

"The baby is a magic gift from God, Emily. God put the baby in my belly."

"Oh so one night while you were sleeping, God came to you and opened your belly and put the baby there?"


At the time I found Ryun's reaction rather humorous. What exactly did he think I was going to say?

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2005-06-16 Sleeping On A Cloud

"Mama, where was I when you were in Mimi's belly?"

"You weren't even born yet."

"Oh, so I was in God's home, sleeping on a cloud or something?"

"Yes, Katherine, that's exactly right."

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2005-06-16 Teeth

Julia has another tooth! One of the top ones finally broke through, for a grand total of three. At the rate Julia is getting her teeth and Katherine is losing hers, at some point they might end up with the same amount of teeth in their mouth. Heh.

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