" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-06-14 Julia

As it turns out, I was right abuot Julia...not that I ever doubted that. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but it was a gut feeling, mother's instinct if you will. I just knew.

Anyway, Dr. B has referred her to the Early Intervention program. We have an appointment on June 30 for the paperwork, and then again on July 1 for her actual evaluation. I did mention Emily's Tuberous Sclerosis diagnosis to him, at which point he decided that genetic testing was in order, should Ryun and I come back with a positive result.

Interestingly enough, he said that in all his years as a pediatrician, he has never had a patient with Tuberous Sclerosis. Keeping in mind that he was my pediatrician, this was rather shocking. Afterall, TS isn't that uncommon...it is estimated that 1 in every 600 babies born has it. Still, it's certainly not as common as some things so I guess it wasn't that shocking.

It is getting harder and harder to maintain a positive attitude about all of this. I am pretty sure that he feels that Julia could very likely have TS, given her sister's diagnosis and the fact that there is no obvious physical reason why she isn't crawling or pulling to standing or anything else that she isn't doing and should be.

I can't even begin to tell you how forward I am looking to having the genetic testing done. I am a patient person but this is just itching at me and it will until we find out one way or the other if Ryun or I have this.

To be perfectly honest, I am getting angry. For those who know me, this isn't something that happens easily for me. I am so laid back and relaxed, when I am angry you know something big is wrong. It really isn't fair that any of this is happening.

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2005-06-14 Julia

Today is Julia's appointment with the doctor. I am anxious about it...but in a good way. Mostly, I just want the opinion of a professional and either way, if something is wrong or she is just "lazy" it will be nice to know one way or the other.

Anwyay, I will be back to update later on today.

Wish us luck!

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2005-06-14 Impossible

"Mama, I love you for having another baby."

"Oh Katherine, thanks, you are so sweet."

"I love you a hundred, and I love Julia and my whole family a hundred."

"Thanks Katherine, I love you a hundred too."

It's almost impossible to have a bad day when it starts like this.

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2005-06-14 Geese

This is the closest I have ever gotten to the geese. I was so close that Mom and Dad were hissing at me!

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2005-06-13 Julia

What the heck? Since I am on a picture craze today, I thought I would share one of Julia.

Seriously, couldn't you just eat her right up?

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2005-06-13 Grilled Veggies

Savory Summer Veggies

1/4 c Kraft Special Collection Sundried Tomato Vinegarette Dressing.
1 Zuchinni cut in t chunks.
1 green pepper cut in to chunks.
1 red pepper cut in to chunks.
1 onion cut in to chunks.

Poke holes in bottom of disposable aluminum pan.

Toss veggies with dressing. Place in pan.

Grill for about 20-30 minutes.

*Note: I added potatoes to the mix as well. I chopped them, boiled them for 10 minutes or so and then addes them to the veggies and grilled. They came out great!

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2005-06-13 Ribs

Orange BBQ Pork Ribs

1 c Kraft original BBQ sauce.
3 tbsp Kool Aid Orange Flavored Sugar Sweetened Drink Mix.
4lbs Pork spare ribs.

Preheat grill to medium-low.

Mix BBQ sauce and drink mix until well blended. Place 1/2 ribs in a single layer in the center of a sheet of heavy duty tinfoil. Spoon sauce mix over ribs, Bring up foil sides, fold to seal, leaving room for heat circulation. Repeat process with remaining ribs. Place on grill grate, close cover. Grill for 1 1/2 hours until ribs are tender.

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2005-06-13 Recital Pics!

As promised, pictures of Emily and Katherine at their recital. They both did very well...and remembered all of their lines!

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