" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-06-12 Weekend in Review

Yeah, we are still among the living...just busy and tired!

We had a nice weekend. I tried new recipes for spare ribs and grilled veggies on Firday night. I took pics and will post the recipes and the pics soon.

Emily and Katherine were in their end of the year recital for Burtwood on Saturday and they did very well. I took pictures and will be sure to post them either here, or over at Webshots sometime in the next few days. After their recital, the girls and I went over to my parents house and spent the day in the pool. Julia loved her second time as much (if not more) than the first, Katherine ventured across the entire shallow end without holding anyone's hands, and Emily was being tossed in the air from the shallow end into the deep end by me. We came home and had the leftover veggies from the night before, and pasta tossed in sundried tomato dressing. It was good.

I spent the morning being lazy in bed, while my amazing husband took care of the kids, unloaded, reloaded, and ran the dishwasher, and baked the cake I was making for the small gathering we had at the house today for Emily's birthday. Isn't he just the best? Seriously.

Our company came over at about 3, we cooked on the grill, visited, had some cake and icecream, opened presents and called it a day. It was a nice afternoon, depsite the heat.

Anyway, I am tired and sticky. I am going to go lie down in bed, read my book and watch the Sox game, and at some point, go to sleep.

Yay for having an air conditioned bedroom!

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2005-06-10 Congrats!

Congrats to Dave and Tarri who are the proud parents of Anthony Joseph! YAY!

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2005-06-10 The Promised Pictures

She loved it! YAY!

Here are a few pictures of her in her little baby float.

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2005-06-09 Julia and bravery

Today will mark Julia's first time ever in a pool. We are packing up and heading over to Mimi and Papa's pool today...and by packing up I mean practically everything we own. Heh.

Anyway, I am anxious to see how she likes it. She has been enjoying her bath lately which I am hoping means that she will like the pool.

Katherine is very excited. It seems like she may be a bit more brave this year than she has been in the past. At the very end of last summer, she finally ventured off of the stairs and started wondering around the shallow end. She tells me that this year she will go down the slide, as long as someone is at the bottom to catch her. We will see how that goes once she is presented with the opportunity!

Anyway, I will be taking pictures (hello, this is me we are talking about!)and I will be sure to post them later.

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2005-06-08 Recipe

I am working on a project and I need your help! Can y'all do me a favor? I am collecting recipes for this project. Can you email me or leave a comment with your favorite recipe? If the recipe has any special significance ("Grandma Jane's Famous Chocolate Chip Cookies") can you include that information as well? The recipe can be for anything...desert, main meal, appetizer etc. Thanks! : )

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2005-06-08 Dreaming

How much credence do you give to your dreams? Do you believe that they are a reflection of what is going on in your life, or a fortelling of what is to come?

I am somewhat of a "dream" fanatic myself. Whenever I have a dream that I remember (which for me happens frequently), I analyze it and even look up possible meanings.

How about you?

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2005-06-08 Julia

Julia has been eating "real" food for a while now...something I have been meaning to blog about and keep forgetting to. She particularly likes carrots and potatoes, bologna and cheese, and of course, Cheerios. Like any member of this immediate family, she loves icrcream and cake too. I might wonder where she came from if she didn't.

Funny little fact: Until I got pregnant with Emily, I barley liked icecream. I am pretty sure that Ryun and I kept the local Friendly's in business during my pregnancy with Emily, and it wasn't one of those cravings that ended when I gave birth.

Anyway, back to Julia. She also got another tooth a few days ago...for a grand total of two! WOOHOO! This one didn't seem to make her as miserable as the first one did so that's a good thing. There are many more that we can see just below the gum line so I am sure she will have a whole mouthful before we know it.

She still is not pulling to standing, crawling, or attempting to walk. I am a little concerned about this so I spoke with her pediatrician the other day and we have an appt set up for next Tuesday. He will evaluate her and refer us to a specialist if needed. My first thought of course is that she has Tuberous Sclerosis which...would just be the worst possible thing. I wish the freakin' insurance company would hurry up and decide whether or not they are going to pay for genetic testing for Ryun and I. They said that a decision would be made within two weeks of getting all of the material they need. We are coming up on two weeks now.

Anyway, I have a feeling that her pediatrician might reccomend she be tested, based on Emily's diagnosis but we'll see.

Other than that, she is doing very well. She talks...a lot. She isn't saying any words specifically yet, although sometimes it seems like she says, "yeah" at the appropriate times. Mostly, she is just babbling to herself or responding to us.

She loves loves loves my sister Heather. She lights up when Heather walks in the room and is constantly reaching for Heather to pick her up. She is just starting to get "weird" around people she doesn't see very frequently, and she is very attached to Mama...which is just fine by me.

People constantly comment on how happy she is and what a cute personality she has. She is always happy and smiling. Seriously, she is just the best baby!

I am anxious for her appointment and will be sure to update regarding that as soon as we have any information.

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2005-06-07 Weekend review

I'm back!

So....great weekend. Emily's party went well...and she scored a 93 bowling! Yeah, a 93. I'm feeling pretty damn good if I make it to 60 and my 8 year old daughter gets a 93! She got a gift card to Build a Bear, a box full of arts and crafts, a popcorn maker and...other stuff that I just can't think of.

And we have a lot of leftover cake.

Heather's graduation party was Sunday. Emily and Katherine had so much fun. Wanna see?

They took turns singing "Happy Birthday" to my mother and Emily went up and sang "Maybe" from Annie. They both did a fabulous job!

Katherine shocked the hell out of me by both singing solo in front of everyone and dancing...dancing like you wouldn't believe. She is usually the quiet one who hangs in the background, but she stole the show. Emily...well nothing she does shocks me. She was her usual bubbly self, dancing and singing up a storm.

here are a few more pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Julia...cute as a button, no?

A picture of Julia with my adorably pregnant sister! YAY for being an aunt!

Ry and Julia dancing together.

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2005-06-07 Inspiration!

I think Emily was inspired by my sister's speech to my parents at her graduation from college party but, her words were her own and just...seriously isn't she the best?

Anyway, I have been busy over the past few days but I will be back later on today to update you all on the weekend...Em's party, Heath's graduation party, absolutely adorable and amazing children...and other stuff. Check back!

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2005-06-06 A Letter From Emily

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thanks for raising me and now thanks to you I'm finally getting the hang of everything you taught me. Wherever you are, I'll always love you and I'll never forget you.

With Love,


I can't even find the words...

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