" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-06-03 The Usual!

Katherine's last day of preschool went well. One of the teachers dressed up like a clown and did a magic show. The kids loved it! She came home with a new pencil, a new book, and all of her "name tags" from school.

Last night was the parent information meeting for kindergarten. It was interesting to hear exactly how the program works and it has given me yet another reason to be impressed with the Middleboro school system. Honestly, I can't imagine sending my kids anywhere else.

I am slowly adjusting to the fact that she will be in kindergarten, for a full day no less! I know she will be fine and she is very excited by the prospect so that's good. She was so cute leaving school today. She kept saying to all her little friends, "Bye, see you in kindergarten!"

We went and had lunch with my sister at Mom and Dad's house, stopped in at Terri's to schedule the haircut/eyebrow waxing I am in major need of, and then came home. Julia went in for a nap and Katherine is outside playing with Paige.

Tomorrow is Emily's birthday party at the bowling alley and then Sunday we have Heather's graduation party. Next weekend we have the Burtwood recital starring Emily and Katherine, and the Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday as far as I know. I have a bridal shower, Father's Day and a birthday party the next weekend, and a baby shower the next. The weekend after that we head to the Cape for the week.

At some point, maybe in August we will get a weekend free of plans in which we can relax at home.

Either that, or tackle the millions of projects we have to do around here!

Anyway, I am going to make a food shopping list (how exciting!) and organize my desk.

Y'all have a good weekend!

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2005-06-02 Difference

One way in which Katherine is not like me...

Me and gyspy moth cattepillars? Lets just suffice it to say we don't mix.

Me and the cutest five year old on the planet?

We're cool.

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2005-06-02 Quote of the Week

"Oh God Mom, I am a growing girl, ok?"


(responding to my question, "How did you get to be 8 years old?")

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2005-06-02 Birthday and Preschool

Emily had a very nice birthday. She was very pleased with her cd player. She was so excited that she had me set it up while she was at school, and before she left she picked out which CD she was going to listen to.

My parents bought her a new bike, which brought on many, many loud screams of "I LOVE YOU MIMI AND PAPA!" Ryun lowered the seat last night when we got home, and I have a feeling that Emily will make it from the bus stop to our house in record time this afternoon, so that she can ride it.

So she is eight...and going to be in third grade...and...and...and...

Katherine will be finishing her last day of preschool ever tomorrow morning at 11:30. I think I am taking this harder with her than I did with Emily and I am not sure why. It might be because she was home with me for a whole year longer then Emily(because her birthday is at the end of the November so she misses the cutoff by almost 3 months). I don't know. I mean it is a big milestone and milestones are good but there is a bit of sadness attached to them too.

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