" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-05-30 Weekend Complete!

Well, we had a great weekend! We both managed to get a lot of things done...made a scrapbook, cleaned the office area, organized the closet, organized the shed, built a radio etc.

It was good for many other reasons of course, including the fabulous steak dinner I cooked for us on Saturday(even though I burnt my finger on the grill), breakfast at The Mill Pond Diner, "The Movie", and the icing on the cake, icecream at Erickson's.

Today we will complete the weekend by enjoying a nice cookout and homemade cake (made by me) at my sister's house this afternoon. We will be picking up Julia on the way because, well we want to, but also because I highly doubt Suzanne and John would let us step foot on their property without her.

I am anxious to hear about the kids weekend (although I already know that the tooth fairy made a trip to NH because Em lost a tooth, that they were so well behaved in church that the lady sitting behind them told John that "his kids" were excellent, and that Emily went swimming in Lake Winnipesaukee despite the fact that the water probably wasn't even 50 degrees). Still though, it will be nice to see them and hear all of the "details!"

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2005-05-28 Weekend Summary

Stage 1 of "Operation Kids Gone" has been completed. Heh.

Suzanne came down yesterday, picked Katherine up from preschool, went and dismissed Emily from school, and headed North.

I am dropping Julia off at my parents a bit later this morning. From there, I am going to pick Emily's birthday presents up at Toys R Us. I have a gift card that has $3.00 left on it and coupon for $10.00 off, otherwise I would be going to someplace like Target or Walmart. Anyway, I know what I am getting her (a portable CD player and the Racing Stripes DVD) so I am hoping to be in and out of there pretty quickly.

I am going to come home, possibly mow the lawn, and then cook a nice dinner for Ryun and I, complete with candlelight and maybe even music.

I plan on taking full advantage of our kid-free weekend (in more ways than one, wink wink). I am going to organize the playroom closet (which currently looks like a tornado came through), start a scrapbook that I have to make as a gift (maybe finish it if I am feeling really inspired) and clean out my closet. We are also going to go see Episode III tomorrow, after enjoying a quick brunch at the Fireside Grille.

On Monday, we are going to Haverhill for a little cookout in honor of Emily's birthday, and then we will head home with the kids.

So there you have it, the usual weekend summary!

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2005-05-27 Bright round yellow

I saw the most amazing thing today. It was bright, yellow, round , and high in the sky. I think it might have been the sun but it's been so long, I just can't remember what it looks like.

Did anyone else see it?

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2005-05-26 Queen of everything!

I just thought of the coolest idea for Christmas presents. I can't say what it is because some of you may be getting one. It is of course homemade, because hello this is me we are talking about...the queen of homemade/personalized gifts! Self titled queen anyway.

I need to start working on the idea ASAP though, because not only am I the queen of homemade gifts, I am also the queen of procrastination!

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2005-05-26 Withdrawals

I ended up watching LOST and recording AI. I did catch the last minute of AI though, so I do know that Carrie won. Dammit.

I am sure that I will be suffering severe LOST withdrawals over the summer, so I may just to watch the repeats, so that I don't, you know die or anything.

Seriously, it's that good.

I am mad though because I forgot to watch Good Morning America this morning and they were going to show a scene that didn't make it in to last night's show. Oh well, I am sure it will be all over the internet in no time.

Anyway, I will be busy packing for the kids weekend away today. Fun. I have some laundry to do, and a dishwasher to empty, and a slew of other things I need to get done. So I doubt I'll be back around thses parts anytime soon.

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2005-05-26 Depression

What sets in when $10.00 barely makes a difference in the gas tank.

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2005-05-25 Observation

Internet Explorer sucks.

Mozilla Firefox rocks.

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2005-05-25 Dilemna

Season Finale of Lost=8-10pm

Season Finale of American Idol=8-10pm

Which to record, which to watch...hmmm.

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2005-05-25 An Open Letter To Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,

Just in case you didn't notice, it is May 25th. That's May 25th, not March. I was thinking that you might be confused, or perhaps you just forgot to change your calendar. Well, here's a heads up. By the end of May, the weather is supposed to be sunny and warm...at least in the 60's, but more likely the low 70's. And all this rain? Haven't you ever heard the old saying, "April showers bring May flowers"? You're a month (almost 2) behind! Time to pick up the slack!

Seriously, this is getting a bit pathetic, don't you think?



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