" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-05-24 7 years Ago Today...

Happy Anniversary to Ryun and I!

Seven years ago today, I pledged my word before my family, friends and God that I would love Ryun...through everything, the good, the bad, the happy, the sad. I have, I do, and I always will.

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2005-05-24 Who's The Leader Of The Club

Katherine and I ventured over to the pond yesterday and took this lovely shot of Mickey and the gang. It's not the best picture but it's not bad. I love being surrounded by wildlife!

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2005-05-24 Adventures In Mouse Hunting Take 2

The other night, while my sister and I were watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition, I thought I saw movement out of the corner of my eye over by the scrapbooking desk. I looked, didn't see anything, and thought nothing of it.

Until a few minutes later when I saw the ass end of a mouse scurrying behind a box of supplies.

I yelled, "RYUN, THERE"S A MOUSE!"

He proceeded to tear apart the livingroom, armed with a metal bar. I really didn't want him to kill the damn thing (I was thinking he could trap it in a waste basket or something and bring it outside...sorry I'm all humane like that) but it seemed like it might be impossible to get him without killing him.

Or maybe it was just impossible to get him period.

He disappeared under the couch, which Ryun picked up and stood on one end, but the little bugger was gone.

I have decided that the cats are in fact not fired this time though. Here's why.

We have lived here now for two years. In two years, the cats have not let one mouse escape the confines of the basement. In the past two months, we have had two mice. It seems to me that they must be coming in from some other way. Maybe the older two cats (Joey and Pal, who just turned 4 in March) may have given up the chase but Trip, he's only 6 months old or so. And that cat can run and jump like nothing you've ever seen.

Anyway, Ryun is going to buy a trap or two so we canget the little shit.

Incidently, my sister and I watched the rest of Extreme Makeover with our feet up on the couch. Yeah, we were both horrifed at the thought of a mouse running over our feet.

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