" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-05-18 AI 4

So, who do you think is going to get the boot tonight on American Idol?

Me, I wish all three remaining contestants could win but, you know that's not how it works.

Based on last night's performances alone, I would vote Carrie off but overall, man that's a tough call.

All I have to say about last night though is...HELLO BO!


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2005-05-18 24=not enough

Does anyone have any thoughts on how I could add and extra hour or two to the day?

Seriously,I have too much crap to do and not enough time to do it.

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2005-05-17 Genetics

Remember how I said that Ryun and I have to have genetic counseling to see if either of us have Tuberous Sclerosis? Yeah, well I just found out (after holding with the insurance company for an hour) that her Dr. has to send in a proposal, detailing exactly why we need to be tested. At that point the medical review board will determine whether or not it is paid for. How aggravating. This means that the testing probably won't get done for at least a month, and maybe longer if we actually have to pay for it. It's not like the testing is of an emergency nature, I just would like to know what in the hell is going on, and whether or not we need to have Katherine and Julia tested as well.

It seems like I have something medical to gripe about every other day. That is so not cool.

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2005-05-16 Katherine

This morning I woke Katherine up and told her it was time to get ready for school.

She said to me, "I can't go to school, I don't feel good. My hands are shaking and you need to do my bloodwork."

This was the first time she has ever recognized that she was hypoglycemic, which is cool (not that she is hypoglycemic, just that she recognized the signs).

I tested her sugar and it was 58, which was low. She ate but she still didn't spruce up. She fell asleep on the couch and when she woke up, she ran to the bathroom and threw up (the running to the bathroom was first...and a sign that she is growing up and really recognizing her own symptoms etc). I knew that throwing up could mean that her ketones were high so I tested that and they were (not dangerously but elevated nonetheless). I called the endocrinologist and the nurse said to test her every few hours, but that her ketone levels should come back down. The reading was 2.9 this morning, and it was down to 2.5 earlier. Her blood sugar came right back up after eating (148) so at least that was good. I will be testing her blood ketone level again in about an hour and hopefully, we will continue with a downward trend.

This is by far the worst attack she has ever had and the effects (tiredness and general disninterest in anything) have lasted for the day. I hope this isn't a sign of her condition worsening or changing (sometimes ketotic hypoglycemia is a pre-cursor to Diabetes).

Anyway, if her ketone levels don't go down, or get any higher than they were, we will have to go in to the endocrinologist and see what is going on.

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2005-05-16 Going down...

So, the little knob thing that turns my dryer off and on has been broken for months. We were able to get it on using a screwdriver, but the other day, even that didn't work anymore.

Obviously, we need to get a new knob but in the mean time, what did my ingenious husband do?

He hardwired and elevator call station directly to the dryer which we now use to turn it off and on.

Seriously, how creative is he? I would never think of something like that.

How many times have I said he can fix anything, even if it is not neccesarily "by the book?"

This is a perfect example.

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2005-05-16 More than you needed to know I'm sure

7 things in my room
1- movie shelf
2- my bed
3- desk
4- alarm clock
5- curtains
6- bureau
7- books

7 things to do before death
1- learn to play(or learn again I should say) to play the piano
2- Raise a happy and healthy family
3- Visit Ireland
4- Visit Alaska
5- Play with my grandchildren
6- Learn a foreign language
7- Remain close with my family

7 movies (right now)
1- Brave Heart
2- Return To Me
3- Gone With The Wind
5- The Shawshank Redemption
6- Stepmom
7- The Outsiders

top 7 things you say the most
2- Oh man...
3- Totally
4- Fine
5- Whatever
6- Whatever, dude.
7- Sorry I'm late.

7 facts about you
1- Red hair
2- blue eyes
3- Mother
4- Wife
5- Friend
6- I hate feet (except baby feet)
7- I love taking pictures.

7 things that make you mad
1- mean kids
2- spoiled people
3- everyone who drives a car...except me.
4-anyone who would ever do anything to hurt my children, emotionally or physically
5-parents that don�t care enough about their kids
6- Kids that aren't buckled up or in car seats
7- the government getting involved where they don�t belong

Do you/ Have you ever:
Smoke? I have had a cigarette before but that�s it
Read the newspaper? Yup
Pray? Yup
Gone skinny dipping? A few times, in my younger (and skinnier!) days
Had a medical emergency? Yup, when Em had her first seizure
Had surgery? Yup�I had my gallbladder removed
Ran away from home? No
Played strip poker? no.
Gotten beaten up? no.
Beaten someone up? no
Been on stage? Yup.
Slept outdoors? yes
Pulled an all nighter? so many times it isn't funny.
Been on radio/tv? Yeah...a few times.
Been in a mosh-pit? No
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Yes
Shave your head for $1000? Have I? no. Would I? no
Like candles? Yup.
Believe in love at first sight? no
Believe in forgiveness? yup
Want to get married? Already have
Want to have kids? Have 3
Said "I love you" and meant it? Yes
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day? not exactly...but similar situations.
Wish you were the opposite sex? Only once in a while
Had an imaginary friend? I don't think I did.
Loved someone you had no chance with? No
Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did? Hell yeah
Have a "type" of person you always go after? Nope.
Do drugs? Never in my life. Dead serious.
Drink? Rarely

About you
3 words that sum you up: easygoing, peakekeeper,nurturer
Jewelry worn daily: wedding band, engagement ring, claddaugh ring
Wallet: In the diaper bag
Coffee: Yes please, extra light, extra sugar
Shoes: mostly sneakers.
Cologne/perfume: Whatever smells good
Clothing you have on: Pajamas
First kiss? insignificant
Pepsi or coke? Always Coca Cola
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
Internet or phone? Internet
Suicidal? Not in the least
Stubborn? Always
Open-minded? yes
Arrogant? no
Patient? Very much so
Hyper? Far from it.
Nice: too nice sometimes I think
Happy? smetimes
What book are you reading now? True Believers, Nicholas Sparks
Worst feeling in the world? Seeing my children in any kind of pain
What's under your bed? Dust
Favorite sport to watch? Baseball, Hockeu
Siblings? 2 younger sisters
College plans? maybe
Piercings/tattoos? Ears pierced even though I never wear earings.
What clothes do you sleep in? Pajamas.
Where do you want to get married? Already got married
Who do you really hate: no one
Song that's stuck in your head a lot: none that I can think of
Favorite bands: Too many to list.

In the last 24 hours have you...
Cried? No
Bought something? no
Gotten sick? No
Sang? Lots
Eaten? A few times
Been kissed? yes
Felt stupid? Not that I recall.
Wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didnt? Yes.
Seen someone you have a crush on? no
Had a serious talk? Sorta
Missed someone? Yep.
Hugged someone? Yes.
Argued with a parent? Nope.

Social life
Best girl friend: Suzanne
Best guy friend: Ryun.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Husband
Car you drive: 99 mercury sable
Would you rather be with friends or on a date? With friends
Job: Stay At Home Mom
Church: Sacred Heart
Like being around people: Yes but I still like coming home to my own place.

Last person who...

Slept in your bed? Me...and Ryun
Saw you cry? Ryun
Made you cry? Ryun.
You shared a drink with? No clue
You went to the movies with? Suz and Heath.
You went to the mall with? No idea
Yelled at you? Probably one of my kids.

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