" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-05-13 The Most Important Job

The best card I have ever gotten.

"The most important job in the world doesn't offer an hourly wage or days off or paid vacations. But it does offer real feelings, shining faces, bedtime stories, small victories, priceless memories, and many wonderful moments of joy. Always remember, there's no more important job in this world than the one you do everyday with all your heart."

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2005-05-13 Weekend Plans

YAY for my sister being done with college! I am seeing so much more of her now that she is not an hour and a half away and it's been nice. Now if I could just persuade the other sister to move a little further south...

So let's see. We have a busy weekend coming up. Heather is coming over tonight to watch The Amazing Race finale which we recorded the other night. I already know who won (c'mon now I just couldn't wait) but it will still be interesting to see how they got to that point. I have to food shop first though, which I plan on doing when Ryun gets home.

Suz is coming home tomorrow for the night, so we are going to have a "Girl's Night Out" and go to dinner and a movie. We are going to spend the day here though doing one of my favorite things...playing board games! YAY! I wish I could get Ryun to play, but board games just aren't his thing.

Sunday morning Ryun is helping our friend Bill, a recent grad of the Fire Academy install lights in his car. It is supposed to rain but I think they will do it anyway. I think we are supposed to have an egg hunt at Ryun's grandmother's that afternoon(it was supposed to be last weekend but it rained, and we called various people to find out if it was still gonna happen and never heard back, so we are assuming it's this weekend instead) but it's will be raining again so I don't know. Ryun's grandmother did say on the phone with me that if it wasn't last weekend, it would be this but now the weather is going to be crappy again so I don't know.

Anyway, I have to go get Katherine from school. Not sure how much I'll be around this weekend, but we'll see.

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2005-05-12 Introducing Mickey and Minnie

Theses are the Candian Geese that live on the pond, right next to our house. This isn't exactly the best picture but it was as close as I could get without trudging through the bogs!

Emily, Katherine, and I have decided to call them Mickey and Minnie.

Aren't they cute?

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2005-05-12 Julia Update

Julia rolls over in her sleep. She has been rolling back and forth for quite some time obviously, but she never used to move from her back when placed that way in her crib. She seems to prefer sleeping on her belly, which is usually the way we find her when she wakes in the morning.

She tried yogurt for the first time the other day and she loved it! She yelled when the jar was empty and yelled even louder when I took it in to the kitchen and out of her view. Julia is quite the litter eater...she even likes chicken now, which was something she despised on the first try.

Her favorite place to play, other than just on the floor is in her jolly jumper. She even folds her hands properly on the tray, like the polite little girl that she is.


The other day, something rather miraculous happened. She actually liked her bath! Giving her a bath used to be a rather hurried, miserable experience in which she would whine and scream until she was taken out. Nothing I tried worked, including letting Katherine climb in the tub with her (I don't know why but my line of thinking was, "She loves Katherine so much maybe if Katherine is with her she will like it"). It didn't work. On Tuesday, I did the usual routine ("Isn't this this so much fun?" "Look you can splash the water!" yadda yadda yadda) and it took. She smiled, played happily with the water, and even posed for the camera!

Something else that she has been doing for a while...clapping and playing peek a boo. She claps pretty much on cue (the cue being someone saying "YAY!") and the peek a boo thing (which we actually call "Where's The Baby") she usually does while sitting on someone's lap. She puts her head down on the person's chest. Person says, "Where's the baby?" She raises her head and says something to the effect of "AHHHH".

Seriously, she is the cutest thing on the planet.

Her and her sisters of course.

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2005-05-12 Toothless

Katherine lost her first baby tooth this morning! I do mean "lost her tooth" quite literally.

She was using Julia's jolly jumper as a swing for her teddy bear and it came back and hit her in the face. It didn't hit her hard, and her tooth was definitely going to fall out any day anyway, but it hit her just hard enough to knock it right out. She came in to the kitchen, where I was about to unload the dishwasher and said, "It's gone!" When I figured out what she was talking about, we went in to the living room, scoured the rug, and found her tooth.

She is so excited! I think we have called everyone we know...and their brother!

Here is a picture of the "toothless wonder."

He he he.

It's still hard for me to grasp sometimes that she really isn't a "baby" anymore. Kids grow up way the hell too fast.

And on a completely unrelated note, wouldn't you just kill for that hair? So. Beautiful.

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2005-05-12 Absence Explained...sort of.

I have received a number of emails over the past few days, curiously inquiring about my brief absence from blogging last week.

I am not going to go in to detail here. Basically, I had a few emotional, family related issues to deal with and get over, and I needed some time away from the "real world" to do that. Ryun and I are fine, and the kids are fine...and everything is just...fine.

It doesn't seem like such a short time (three days give or take) would be enough to make any major changes. It was though. My outlook is different, my focus is different, and I sort of feel like I am a different person altogether. This is all good news though, I needed to make some changes. I feel better, and oddly enough, I think I look better as a result (don't ask).

Anyway, that's all. We're all fine, we're all healthy, and finally, it seems like all is right with the world.

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2005-05-10 Graduation Day and Colds

Julia has officially graduated from the infant carseat and now rides prouldy in an Eddie Bauer "big girl" car seat. She is very happy with this change. She seems to like sitting up, rather than lying down in the infant car seat, and happily clapped away when we put her in it so that Ryun could adjust the belts.

Over the course of the past week or so, what started as a mildy sore throat has turned in to the "my head hurts, my voice is gone, and I can't even attempt to talk without coughing so hard that I feel like something inside must be broken" cold. And, it's that time of month.

Maybe you don't want to know this but it seems like, for the past few months anyway, everytime this this time of month comes, I get a cold. This one is by far the worst of the bunch but still, it's just weird.

Oh, and I'm pissed off at our prescription plan.

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2005-05-08 Horoscope

My horoscope for week in which I was absent from blogging was as follows:

"Something will happen over the next week that changes the way you look at the world. More important, it will change the way you look at yourself. Your world is a reflection of what is in your head. Change that and you change everything."

Never in my life have I ever had a more real and appropriate horoscope.


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2005-05-08 Cutie Pies

Wanna see some cute kids?



We got these pics back last week (they were taken at Katherine's preschool which is why Emily wasn't there...she had hers done at school earlier this year).

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2005-05-07 Sharon's back and she's better than before...

I'm back and...I'm better. I won't go in to detail, but a few days of non-blogging, and well, other things have renewed me in ways that I can't even begin to express.

So, a short entry will have to do for today, as I have a lot to do, but I will be back with more soon!

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