" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-04-21 Job

Ryun has a job! YAY! More later...just wanted to share the good news!

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2005-04-21 Bourne Scenic Park

I took the kids to Bourne Scenic Park yesterday for a picnic. It was so much fun!

We left here at about noon, just after my friend Kelly arrived with her truck so we could bring the bikes down with us. When we got there at 12:30 we went right over to the picnic area and had lunch. The picnic area runs right along the canal and the scenery is just beautiful. After lunch we took the kids to the playground. It was nice...they had the whole playground to themselves!

We went back to the picnic area, the kids hoped on their bikes and we walked/pushed the carriages/rode from the Bourne Bridge to the Train Bridge and back again. This is a 2 1/2 mile walk round trip. It was nice...the kids got tired towards the end(so did we for that matter!) but all in all it was a great day.

Here are a few pictures...

Emily standing by the canal.

A candid of Katherine laughing at something Nate (my friend's son who is 5 months younger than Katherine) said.

The Bourne Bridge.

The Train Bridge. This bridge lowers to the water when the train comes so that it may cross. Incidently, this is the same train that runs right behind our house. Pretty neat, huh?

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2005-04-20 Here's Your Sign...

Fuck you Diaryland.

Oh wait this is an actual entry isn't it?


I just typed this whole big entry and it freakin' disappeared. I am already mad at Diaryland because my comments are screwed up (I can read them and get an email when I get one but when someone comments on one entry, the whole page comment count goes up)and I can't set up a user name and password for my private entries page and now this?


Anyway, moving on.

Remember when I told y'all that Ryun had a job for the day? Yeah well he called me at about 11 am or so to say he was on his way home. Why you ask? Oh it was nothing big really. He was just on top of the elevator when it free fell 20 feet to the ground. Sound familiar? Could it be because the exact same thing happened in September? The chances of it happening ever are slim...happening twice within such a short period of time and to the same person must be one in a million. He has a sprained ligament and in typical Ryun style, he is refusing to use the crutches the doctor gave him.

On the flip side of things and coincidently just as I was beginning to think that all of this bad shit was an omen or a sign from God, he has an interview tomorrow. It sounds rather promising so pray that he gets it, k?

Oh yeah, and his swimmers have...um, gone in to retirement.

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2005-04-19 It's the Ryun Show

1. Ryun went to the hospital lab to make sure that we can't reproduce anymore. And that's just about the most respectable way I could think of to say that. There is bit of sadness attached to that because, I mean damn, we make the best kids in the world. But, you know, kids cost money and as sad as it is to look at it that way, you just have to.

2. He has a job, well for tomorrow anyway. He will be working in Springfield, MA for the day(and maybe on Thursday) helping some dude assemble something. So 1 or 2 days of work is better than none for sure.

3. His stepmother died, which, well it's just hard to explain. He didn't have a great relationship with her(actually it basically sucked) but he does have a realtionship with his father (which oddly enough seems sort of like role reversal...Ryun seems more like the Dad and his father seems like the kid but that's just a whole other entry all together) and he does have half siblings who have just lost their mother. And no matter what the situation was with her, or his father, it's just sad. You just don't expect your mother to die when you are 14, 15, and 17 years old...it's not supposed to happen that way. And even though his father was divorced from her, I (we) still feel bad for him too. So, we will probably make an appearance at the wake for the sake of...well the sake of everyone involved.

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2005-04-18 Weekend Review

Despite the "rough" start to the weekend, it did turn out to be pretty nice.

Saturday we all kind of just hung around the house. Ryun cleaned outside and I cleaned in. Emily and Katherine rode their Barbie Jeep and their bikes, played on the swing set and just spent the entire day outside enjoying the weather.

It seems like Julia really enjoyed being outside. She spent a good part of the day in the carriage and some time on the ground. The "ground" time was limited though...since she was trying to eat the grass. Heh.

Sunday we brought Emily and Katherine to Cape Cod to sleep over at Mimi and Papa's timeshare. Ryun and I went to our friends daughter Jackie's christening (Ryun is her godfather) and then we came home and chilled all night in front of the tv.

Ryun spent today cleaning the basement and I spent it organizing spring clothes. FUN!

i just came back from picking Emily and Katherine up, after enjoying a nice dinner at Christopher's, my favorite restaurant on Cpae Cod.

It sounds like the girls had a great time playing at the beach and swimming in the pool. They went to the Zooquarium and miniature golfing today. Emily got 2 hole in ones! While at the Zooquarium she also got called up on stage and was kissed by a sea lion. Yummy!

Anyway, it was a nice weekend.

Now, if we could please pray that this "nice" stuff continues in to the week.

Ryun will get a job...

Emily will be fine...

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