" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-04-16 Mild

The doctor did say that Emily's condition is considered to be mild and that was one of the reasons the results took so long to come in. This is obviously a bit of good news and since the past two entries have been filled with nothing but bad stuff, I just thought I would throw in some good!

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2005-04-16 When it rains...

I forgot to mention that Ryun's car was hit on Thursday. He parked his car and commuted the rest of the way in with another mechanic. He came home to find his right headlight smashed and the fender cracked. The guy left his number though so it will be taken care of by his insurance. Still, a complete pain in the ass.

Then, on his way home yesterday, he stopped and picked up a basketball hoop that someone left in their yard marked "free" and he smashed his windshield putting the damn thing in his car.

On a completely unrelated note, I think Julia has the same blood sugar problems as Katherine. She gets that same fruity smell on her breath that Katherine does when her blood sugar is low. The first time I noticed this was awhile back so I called the doctor. She had an ear infection at the time and he said that it is not uncommon for a sick child to become midly ketotic. The past two times however, she was not sick at all and still had the same smell. If you type "fruity breath" in to any search engine anywhere the only results that come up are blood sugar related. So, at her 9 month check up this coming Friday I will mention it.

I am really freakin' cranky and honestly not in the mood to write, so don't be surprised if I am not around much over the next couple of days. Trust me, you wouldn't want me here anyway.

P.S. Thanks for the hugs Wayne! ;)

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2005-04-15 I'll Take Bad News for 1000, Alex.

Emily has a genetic disorder.

Ryun got laid off.

That's it.

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2005-04-15 Damn Yankee

Your Linguistic Profile:

55% Yankee

30% General American English

10% Dixie

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Midwestern

Stolen from Accidental Verbosity

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