" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-04-13 Conversation with Katherine

"Katherine, can I please, please, please have your curls?"

"No, I love them and I don't want to give them away."

(Sadly) "Okay."

"But you can have a kiss instead!"

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2005-04-13 Just Hangin' Around...

Oops! I forgot, in my last entry, to show you Julia's favorite place to hang out lately...

Ryun finally made a bracket type thingy to hang her jumpster from and she loves it!

Seriously, she will fall asleep anywhere, anytime.

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2005-04-13 Jula and snoring

For some reason which I have yet to figure out, Julia absolutely refuses to hold her sippy cup with both hands. She will only hold it with one hand, usually her left, and even when I place her other hand on the handle, she moves it back. This wouldn't be a big deal but she has a difficult time conrolling the cup using one hand and the whole scene usually ends with me holding the cup in her mouth for her. I can't figure this out for the life of me. It's not like it has happened once...it occurs every time she uses a cup. I don't think it is a problem with her right hand or arm...I have seen her use it for other things(picking up toys, maneuvering herself around the room etc). I might try using a different kind of cup, perhaps one with no handles that is wide enough that she will have no choice but to use two hands?

I don't know...it's just weird.

Her teeth are still stubbornly sitting just below her gumline. I can see them quite clearly on both the top and the bottom so I know that they are there. Come in teeth! Stop being so stubborn and making my baby sad!

All in all, she hasn't been that miserable...an occasional bout of crankiness here and there, and over the past couple of days, a bit of difficulty falling to sleep. Tylenol seems to work to an extent(which reminds me, I need to get some more).

I am almost positive that her hair will be curly as it continues to come in...just like Emily and Katherine. There are a few wispy curls that are there naturally, and with just a little scrunching from Mom, her whole head is full of them! Her hair is coming in thick(no surprise there...look at Ryun and I) and it is getting long enough to actually be "messy" when she wakes in the morning. It's still blonde too (AHEM RYUN!).

She snores. Have I ever mentioned that here? Yeah, she got it from me acording to Ryun. Katherine snores too so apparently, it's a female thing in this family anyway. Emily only snores when she is sick, and since she is so like Ryun in every other way, this isn't too shocking either.

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2005-04-13 Hall and Oates

I might do something really Ryun-like and alphabetize all of our cd's. Last night's episode of American Idol really got me in the mood for some Hall and Oates and I can't find our "Best Of" cd. Dammit.

We do have a rather extensive collection of cd's I must say, and quite a variety of musical tastes as well. We have everything from Frank Sinatra to the Gin Blossoms to Miles Davis, and everything inbetween. I am pretty sure that the musical period from which we have the most cd's is the 80's though. Ahhh, the memories.

Anyway, I just didn't have the patience to look more thoroughly for the cd and I was thinking that if they were in alphabetical order it might be easier.

Of course I could always download the music...not that I ever do that.

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