" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-04-01 Nothing Interesting

Yeah, I am still here. I have all three kids with me today though. I add one kid to the usual mix, and it seems like my "busy" factor triples. Weird how that works.

Emily is really better today and, even though I think she would have made it through the day today with out a problem, I kept her home. One extra day of rest certainly can't hurt.

Anyway, Emily and Katherine are keeping busy upstairs (Emily reading a book on her bed, Katherine playing with her dollhouse) and Julia is sleeping in her playpen.

I am going to go food shopping tonight when Ryun gets home (I usually go in the mornign on Friday's while Katherine is at school but I had Emily with me and...just no)and I think I might pop in at the Burlington Coat Factory and see what they have for spring/summer clothes for the kids. Both Emily and Katherine need spring coats in a bad way and Julia is barely fitting in to her 6-9 month clothing. There prices aren't too bad but I don't plan on spending a ton anyway.

That's it really. I have time to update and nothing interesting to say. Go figure.

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2005-03-31 Reduction Time

Stress reduction that is.

Between worrying about Emily, being pissed off about the phone and the car, I gave my self a migraine this morning. I felt it coming on though, took a shower, some Motrin and ate something and it never quite developed in to a full fledged head pounding.

I shudder to think about what would ever happen to me should I not have the calm, peacable manner about myself.

Seriously, I could end up institutionalized.

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2005-03-31 Cross Posting

At the last minute, Emily decided that she really, really wanted to try to go to school today, so I let her. She didn't have a fever, and wasn't contagious anymore. I explained that I didn't have a car and told Emily that if she wanted to go it was fine, but to only go to the nurse if she was so sick that she couldn't possibly make it through the day.

Surely, you know where I am going with this.

At 9:30, seconds after the Verizon guy left upon fixing my phone, it rang.

"Town Of Middleboro" read the caller id.

It was Carolyn (yeah I am pretty much on a first name basis with the school nurse). Emily was there, not feeling well and could I come get her.

I called Mom, who left work in Carver, got Emily and brought her to me.

I have decided that unless she is 100% better, the absolute picture of health, she will be home with me tomorrow.

She never, ever used to get sick. Then this summer happened and she was diagnosed with epilepsy. Since then she has had two serious ear infections, strep throat and gotten glasses. Don't ask me what the relationship between being sick and her being diagnosed is but I am telling you there is one.

Has her immune system been somehow weakened? Is the "thing that is different about her brain that they can't explain and have never even seen before" causing illness aside from the seizures?

Just what the heck is going on?

*will also be posted at Emily's Page

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2005-03-31 Gripe

Emily woke up this morning with no fever, and four doses of medicine behind her but she still says she doesn't feel well. I hate to have her miss school again but I don't have a car today if I sent her and needed to pick her up(Ryun's brakes were scraping, he went to replace the pads and something was wrong with another part so he couldn't finish because all stores were closed). So, I guess I will keep her here with me.

Katherine is definitely better but for the third time, I have to reschedule her kindergarten screening. She was supposed to go Monday but she was sick, yesterday Emily was sick and I was busy getting her when Katherine was supposed to be there, and today, I have no car. GRRR.

Cars suck just like Verizon who still have not fixed my phone. Really, I can't beleieve that it's even legal to be without phone service for this long. Yeah it's only been two days and I do have a cell phone. What if I didn't though? Not everyone does. What if I had an emergency? It isn't completely out of the realm of possibility given the fact that I have a child with a serious medical condition. I live in the middle of nowhere as well...running "next door" to use the neighbor's phone isn't exactly possible. I mean it's possible but it's not just a quick run next door. I really am one of the few people in this world who has a cell phone for "emergency purposes, and 90% of the time only uses it for that reason. My plan includes very few minutes...I don't even want to think about what my bill will be after the past two days of using it exclusively.

Anyway, that's my gripe for the day.

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