" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-30 A Pictorial Review

Julia tried chicken today for her first time. Here we have a pictorial review of her reaction.

"Hmmm, this is something new."

"OH MY GOD, what is this crap?"

"Ok Mom, I'm not having any more of that."

"I'm serious, no more."

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2005-03-30 Out of Order

Verizon sucks. Yesterday I came home to find I had no dial tone on my phone. I checked all phones, unplugged, replugged etc. and still, no dial tone. I called. The rep said they would have someone out today by 6. I called to check on the status a little while ago and the rep I spoke with this time said it was in for tomorrow, by 6pm. Pardon me? I have to go two days with no phone service? This would n't be any big deal really, if I didn't have a child with a chronic medical condition, an infant, and now two children with strep throat(Emily came home from school today with a temp of 102).

Of course the school tried to call my home phone which is sounding like a busy signal to anyone calling from the outside. They tried my cell, which went right to voicemail because I must have had no signal, then they tried Ryun's cell which they had the wrong number, then they tried my mother at work who must have been on the other line because her phone went to voicemail, and finally they called my friend Kelly who went and picked her up. While all of this was going on, I happened to grab my phone to check the time, saw that I had 4 missed calls, listened to my voicemail and got the low down on what was wrong, who had my kid etc.

Modern technology...gotta love it.

Anyway, Emily had complained of a sore throat last night, so I took her to the doctor and they swabbed her throat. The immediate result was negative but when I called this morning, they told me the overnight culture was positive and that they would call in a prescription to CVS. They too had been trying to call me to no avail.

So yeah, normally having a phone out of service wouldn't be an issue. Today, it was.

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2005-03-29 Archives

I have changed the archived entries page so that they are group monthly rahter than just in one long list. I thought this would make it easier to navigate.

Just an FYI

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2005-03-29 Throat

I took Katherine to the doctor to have the pain while urinating thing checked out and, as it turns out, she has strep throat. She has a cold, but hasn't once complained that her throat hurt. Weird. The urine culture will take a day to come back so I will call tomorrow to get the results. She is on an antibiotic for the throat, and if the test comes back positive for a UTI, it should take care of that too.

Julia was funny while we were there. Dr. B was checking Katherine out, listenig to her breath, checking her ears etc. and I swear to God Julia was yelling at him. Everytime he went over to Katherine, Julia yelled, when he stepped away, she stopped.

"Don't mess with my big sister or you will have me to deal with!"

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2005-03-29 Screaming Kids, Mating Cats

This morning, I thought I heard one of the kids crying for me. It was a low, moaning sort of cry, with the occasional high pitched wail thrown in for good measure. As I was getting out of bed to respond I noticed that the sound was not coming through over the monitor. It was on and if one is on and the other isn't, it makes a lovely static noise. It took me a few minutes to realize that the sound was coming from below me, in the crawlspace that is just below our bedroom floor in the basement.

The sound was not kids crying, but cats mating.

We have three male cats, two of which are fixed (Joey and Pal) and one who will be "taken care of" in the next couple of months when he is old enough. I don't know much about cats (love them to pieces but Ryun is the cat person here) so I called him.

I said to him, "Trip is definitely a boy, right, with really well defined male parts?"

(What I actually said was a bit more graphic but to keep this entry pg-rated, we will just say male parts).

"Um yeah, why?"

I explained the noise and confirmed that only female cats are ever "in heat".

I asked him if there was any way that other animals from outside could ever get in to those crawl spaces somehow and he said he blocked off the only way he ever saw that would make that possible. He did say that he had tried at one point to shine a flahslight in the space but that he couldn't really see.

We have occasionally had a mouse or two down there(which of course the cats take care of for us) and we do live on a bog, in the middle of nowhere, surounded by woods, so the possibility of stray cats is very likely. Although the sound really sounded like it was coming from the inside of the house, it is possible that the cast were on the deck outside my room, or at the cellar window which is just off the deck. It really, really sounded like it was coming from below though.

Oddly enough, I have had a dream before about this, or at least similar to this. The dream was that I opened the cellar door, and an entire group of farm animals walked up the stairs, including a bunch of kittens.

How weird would it be if that came true...at least the cat part?

Needless to say I might fall down the entire flight of stairs if I ever opened the door and saw a bunch of kittens walking up.

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2005-03-29 Spring

This morning while waiting outside for Emily to get on the bus, I smelled something. Although the smell seemed vaguely familiar, I couldn't quite place it at first. It was a very distinct smell...sort of a wet, flowerly scent. Then, it struck me. I smelled spring!

It can't be captured (as hard as those candlemakers may try!) and it isn't a scent that seems to last for the duration of the season. I have only ever noticed it during early spring, just as Old Man Winter seems to loosen his grasp, and the rains come and bring everything back to life.

The scent of spring has to be one of the best smells in the world.

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2005-03-28 Well Trained

"Is that Barry?"

Emily, after walking in and hearing "Mandy" blaring through the computer speakers, and me singing it like the fool I am.

Seriously, I have them "well-trained" musically I think.

Emily adores Barry, Katherine begs to listen to my 80's cd, and I swear to God Julia dances when I play Toby Keith's, "I Wanna Talk About Me."

Fabulous isn't it?

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2005-03-28 Spicy Urine

I think Katherine may have a bladder infection. Why do I think this? Aside from the fact that she has had a slight fever over the past couple of days, this is what she said to me after returning from the bathroom this afternoon...

"Mama, my pee hurts. It's spicy."

God she is so funny. I am assuming she associated spicy food with either an upset stomach or a fiery feeling tongue, and thought that if her pee hurt, it must be spicy too.

TMI? Yeah probably but funny nonetheless.

Anyway, I will be calling the doctor tomorrow to make an appointment.

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2005-03-28 Back

I have decided to back to the weblog style...I just like it better. I am still going to try to figure out how to make the permalinks by the entry and not the page though.

So yeah, that's it.

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