" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-25 Comments

Just a quick note...

For some reason, when someone leaves a comment here, it does not show up in the comment count. I am not sure why this is happening but, rest assured, if you leave a comment, I still get an email indicating that you have and am able to read the it.

Not that I get a lot of feedback or anything like that but yeah, just figured I would point it out.

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2005-03-25 Everyone else is doing it...

Blogging about Terri Schiavo that is.

I briefly expressed my horror at the involvement of the government in all of this, but I have yet to express my opinion on the many other issues surrounding this situation.

According Florida law, Michael Schiavo has the legal right to decide his wife's fate. I don't think that he is the monster he is made out to be and I do believe him when he says that this was Terri's wish. It's a damn shame that starvation and dehydration are the only legal methods in which this can be carried out. Death row prisoners die a better death and she hasn't done anything wrong but, it is the way it is and we have to do what we have to do.

Do I think she is in a peristent vegetative state? I really don't know. I'm not a doctor and I don't claim to be. I did go over to a website called Terri's Fight just to get some more information before I made my own personal judegement on this. I watched a few of the videos that in my opinion show some sort of responsiveness on her part but, again I am not a doctor.

It is beyond tragic that one persons own personal hell has turned into a worldwide political game. Who the fuck do the "officials" making these decicions think they are? The government has it's place and it most certainly is not to decide whether or not Terri should live or die. Is nothing sacred?

Their involvement pisses me off to a point that I can't even express in words.

All of this talk about living wills has made me realize that I have never made my wishes clear...at least not regarding this specific topic. This is slack on my part but it is depressing to think of such tragic things at the age of 29 and perhaps that is why I have never said anything. Honestly though, it could be because I just don't care now, and chances are, if I am ever in a situation where machines are keeping me alive, I won't have the mental capacity to care then either. Really, the only thing I have to say about this is that if it ever does come to a point where a decision has to be made, Ryun will be the one making the decision. If he is not around any longer or for some medical reason of his own, unable to decide, I will leave the choice to my children, provided that they are old enough (18). If they are not old enough, not alive, or can't come to some sort of a decision, then I will leave it to my parents.

Perhaps the decision not to make a decision is a bad thing, but I don't want to hurt any feelings. Yes, it is my life but do whatever makes you happy. If it makes you happy to keep me alive, go ahead. If not, pull the plug. When and if the time comes, I won't know or even care.

The whole situation is just...awful. Watching your child starve to death, no matter what the situation, must be a pain beyond words. Making the decision to let your wife die, despite the fact that you may have moved on, must be horrific too.

Her parents and some docotrs keep saying that she could benefit from therapy, therapy that she hasn't has since 1991. Why? Why hasn't she been in therapy for 14 years? I don't know the answer to that but it would seem to me that if her parents and doctors really wanted her to improve and really thought that therapy would help, she would have been geting it all this time. Again, I don't know exactly why she hasn't been in therapy so far be it for me to pass judgement.

No matter how you look at this, it's hard to even imagine how difficult this must be for all involved. Does one really know what they would do in this situation? Emotions are a rather powerful thing. What you think now could very possibly change if you were ever actually presented with a decision like this. As easy as it is to say one thing, doing it is another story altogether.

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2005-03-24 You know you live in the country when...

The local newspaper announces a seminar called, "From The Backyard To The Kitchen Table: Raising Backyard Animals For Food."


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2005-03-24 Easter Crafts

If I ever did/do decide to homeschool my children, their education in the arts and crafts would be stellar.

Seriously, I think that one of the best things I like about being a Mom is the opportunity to work on various art projects with my kids. They love it and I love watching their creativity shine through. Emily especially comes up with some very "crafty" ideas and usually, they work!

Today, Katherine and I are going to be cutting out bunny paper dolls that I just printed on white cardstock. I printed out outfits as well and we are going to color them in and then dress the bunnies. I am also going to print out some coloring pages that we can paint/color and give to various family members on Easter. I will be saving a few for Emily to work on too, possibly tomorrow since she has the day off.

After dinner tonight, our bi-weekly family meeting will involve the usual stuff (emergency phone and evacuation plans which we go over at the beginning of every meeting and any other comments or concerns that anyone has). After tending to "business" we will be coloring Easter Eggs using various techniques I found in my favorite magazine, Family Fun.

I love this stuff, I'm telling you.

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2005-03-24 AI

Anyone out there watch American Idol?

I am not ashamed to say that I do, quite obsessively in fact.

I love listening to Simon and Paula go at it, which, even if the contestants were all lousy, would make the show worth watching.

So far, I think I like Bo the best. He has a good voice and his style is just so different from the usual idol style that it makes watching him do his thing that much more interesting.

I absolutely hope that Mikalah gets the boot tonight. I can sing better than her for goodness sake.

Who is your American Idol?

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2005-03-24 Question

If every night you could choose one singer(alive or dead) to serenade you, who would you pick?

My choice?

Josh Groban.

If he could only sing one song to me and I was given a choice as to which one, I would pick his rendition of "O Holy Night". He sings that song so beautifully, it has actually on occasion brought a tear to my eye. His voice is just so...powerful and magnificent.

If I never heard another person sing again aside from him, I can honestly say that I would be okay with that.

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2005-03-24 Weatherman Wrong!

YAY for the weatherman being wrong! We only have about 3, maybe 4 inches of snow and it isn't sticking to the pavement at all. I wish he was so wrong that there wasn't any but, 4 inches is way better than a foot.

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