" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-23 EP Update

Emily's Page has been updated.

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2005-03-23 Julia

Julia has started rolling all over the place. She has physically been able to do it for months(since she was about 3-4 months old) but she never really did it all that often. She got around by scooting on her back, using her feet to push off.

Seemingly out of the blue, she has discovered that mobility is a fabulous thing, and is much easier attained by rolling rather than scooting. We have a rather large living room and she has managed to roll from one end to the other a number of times. Oddly, considering how well she is doing, the other day she rolled right into the bottom of the love seat, and got "stuck." Rather than just rolling back the other way, she screamed in frustration and I ended up going to move her over.

She seems to be feeling better today which is good. Random fevers with no associated illness always seems odd to me, but, she is better and that's all that really matters.

She is really talking up a storm lately too...so much so that I am starting to get nervous that she might never stop. Heh.

Julai was 8 months old yesterday which I forgot to mention. I can't believe that in four months she will be a year old.

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2005-03-23 Spring back?

It's going to snow.

Eight to twelve inches.

I know this is New England but seriously, I'm pretty sure I'm about done with snow.


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