" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-16 Company E

This article about Eric appeared in the Old Colony Memorial last week.

Just thought I would share.

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2005-03-16 Question

What if any magazines do you subscribe to?

As for me, here is the list:



Family Fun

Redbook (used to be a subscription to "Lifetime Magazine" but they stopped publication so it automatically switched to Redbook. I won't be renewing though when it expires.).

My favorite of those listed is without a doubt is Family Fun(published by Disney BTW). I have found so many good recipes and fun ideas to do with with the kids in that magazine I can't even tell you.

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2005-03-16 Sew What

I need to ask Ryun to sew Emily's badges to her vest. Yeah, I said ask Ryun. I don't sew, c'mon now.

Iron on's.

'Nuff said.

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2005-03-16 Aging

So, I have been thinking a lot lately about the fact that in about 6 months I am going to be 30.

Yeah, it's just a number, and no, it really doesn't mean anything, but I can't help thinking that I am on the verge of something big.

It's a milestone in many ways no doubt but, the first thing that comes to mind is that I will really be a full fledged adult. Of course I have been an adult since at least the age of 20 when I found out I was pregnant with Emily but, there is just something so much more adult-like about saying, "I'm 30" rather than "I'm 29." I can't really explain it.

Thinking about all of this has also, for some reason got thinking more seriously about the future, and more specifically what I want from it. Being "old" (and not that 30 is old) has always seemed so far off. Looking back though, the past ten years flew by in the blink of an eye. I am sure the next 10, 20, 30 years will seem like nothing.

For some reason, I could never picture myself "old." Now, all of a sudden, when I see an older person, I think, "Oh my God, that's gonna be me someday."

There certainly isn't anything wrong with getting older. It's the natural way of life. I'm not so vain that I worry about such trivial things as my appearance. Wrinkles, hair loss or color change, and other changes to physical attributes don't concern me.

For some unexplainable reason, I have this deep fear that I am going to look back some day and say, "What the hell did I do with my life?"

Aside from raising three children of course.

It's almost a sort of feeling that there is "something" out there that I am supposed to do or some feeling that I am supposed to feel but haven't yet.

And it's very hard to put in words, obviously.

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