" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-15 Quiz Observations

Did you ever notice that almost every quiz has the same result?

Seriously, at least for me they do.

They always come back something like this.

You are the _________________. This means you are loyal, friendly, people like you, you're a natural leader, helpful to others yadda yadda yadda.

Different titles but all the same stuff, and fun to take regardless.

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2005-03-15 Another Quiz

The Prioress
You scored 21% Cardinal, 56% Monk, 64% Lady, and 29% Knight!
You are a moral person and are also highly intellectual. You like your solitude but are also kind and helpful to those around you. Guided by a belief in the goodness of mankind you will likely be christened a saint after your life is over.

You scored high as both the Lady and the Monk. You can try again to get a more precise description of either the Monk or the lady, or you can be happy that you're an individual.

Link: The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test written by KnightlyKnave on Ok Cupid

Via Accidental Verbosity

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2005-03-15 d20

I am a d20

Take the quiz at dicepool.com

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2005-03-15 Like Sands Through The Hour Glass...

I haven't been around much for the past coiple of days, mostly because I have been kind of busy but I also haven't been feeling inspired to post about much.

I could tell you about how I finished one of the two Disney albums.

I could also tell you about the time where my sisters and I actually paid to go see the stars of Days Of Our Lives at the South Shore Music Circus a few years back.

And how we actually go to go up on stage and hug the actors and acted like giddy teenagers when we did.

I could even show you pictures.

I could tell you again how much I hate laundry and how I have a pile to do and how I would honestly rather buy the family enough clothes to last an entire month so I wouldn't have to do it for that long.

But yeah basically, I've got nothing.



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2005-03-15 Pictures

I have added new picturesover at Webshots. There are a few new pictures in Julia's album, and I have added albums for Emily and Katherine.

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2005-03-14 Question

If you had to name an issue that will be most important in the next presidential election, what would it be?

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2005-03-14 Random

Katherine doesn't have preschool today because the funeral for the boy in Carver who was allegedly strangled by his own mother is taking taking place at the church where her school is held. The director was afraid that the parking lot would be too full, and that the media attention might be a bit overwhelming so she opted to cancel. They will make it up later by having an extended day which will include lunch and a storyteller.

It's weird sitting around on a Monday morning and not getting ready to head out the door. Weird, but nice.

My cold is finally coming to an end, but I did pass it on to Emily. Oops. She isn't suffering too much though, with just a runny nose so far. I gave her a nasal decongestant before she left this morning so she should be fine for school.

I am just about finished with one of the two Disney books I had left to make. I think I have one, maybe two more pages to create and it will be all set. After I complete the last Disneyt book, I plan on continuing with Julia's and then making a sample book(showing what I can do) to use as examples for my business.

Anyway, I plan on keeping busy all day so I doubt I will be back around these parts much.

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2005-03-14 Party People!

We had a busy weekend around here, which is why I didn't update.

On Saturday we went to the first of the monthly get togethers with al of our friends. This party included the children which was fun but hectic. The girls were good though and had fun playing with everybody.

That party ended, and it was on to the next one...Eric's welcome home party! It was so good to see him! It was interesting hearing some of his stories from his time in Iraq and then Kuwait.

The best part of the party(besides seeing Eric and knowing that he was ok of course)? The DJ had KARAOKE! I sang Pat Benetar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot", John Denver's "Country Roads" and a number of other smash hits...ha ha ha. We all sang (all meaning the whole crowd of people that attended) Lee Greenwood's "God Bless The USA".

I took pictures of course!

Welcome Home!

Here's Eric taking part in the Karaoke!

Brian, and the parents-to-be, Suzanne and John.

As you can see, Eric and I weren't the only ones singing. Here is a shot of Mike, Mike, Jeff and John belting it out.

Michael and Eric posing for the "shazzycam."

Me, Jen, Kelly, Suz, and Linda pose for a picture.

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