" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-12 Quote

"Carol Burnett is on, forget Jimmy Neutron." ~Ryun~

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2005-03-11 Question

As many of you know, I am a scrapbooking fanatic. I love using quotes in my books and I was wondering, what is your favorite quote?

It can be about anything, so don't worry about the topic!

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2005-03-11 Mental Illness

I have been wanting to write about this
since it happened a few days ago but I wanted to wait for the whole story to come out.

I understand mental illness more than most people might think. Without getting in to great detail, I can tell you that I understand it firsthand.

What I can't in my wildest imaginings comprehend is how a mother could do this to her own child...no matter how ill she may be. How could a mother grab a child by the neck, choke him...and watch as he gasps for air, turns blue, falls unconcious and dies? How?

It pains me to know that this woman will probably spend her life in the "comforts" of a mental institution. How fair is that? Why should she even be allowed to live? Why shouldn't she be killed by the same method in which she killed her son?

The news has been reporting that she attempted suicide after she, thinking that her son was the devil, KILLED HIM. It's too fucking bad she wasn't successful in that attempt.

She killed her innocent three year old son. People like her just don't deserve to live.

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