" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-10 Where In The World Are You?

What I'd like to know, though, is about you. - Why do you live where you live? - Where would you like to live? -What is keeping you from living there, really?

As for me, I live in Plymouth County, Massachusetts. I live here for a lot of reasons, the main one being this is where my husband's work is. I would just about do anything to be able to live in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire but yeah, there aren't a heck of a lot of elevators to be installed there so that poses a problem for Ryun.

Via Acidman

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2005-03-10 Here I Am

I usually update first thing in the morning, before any children are up. Today though, I actually slept until Julia woke up (which was at about 7), rather than getting up at 6:15 as usual.

I am tired (and have been with Julia waking up a couple hours earlier than normal Tuesday and Wednesday) and I am dealing with a full-fledged head cold and getting my monthly visitor and...and...and...

Thats it.

Emily is home with me today too...having woken up with the complaint of a head and stomach ache. She seems ok now and I kind of think she just needed a "mental health" day. She came home off the bus yesterday saying she wanted to transfer schools or something so she didn't have to ride the bus anymore. I frickin' hate mean kids...and seriously, they better be thankful that I have decided to let Em handle this in her own way(which will not include taking mental health days on a regular basis just in case you were wondering).

Julia is most definitely going through a growth spurt. This morning I was holding her while sitting next to the end table that had her morning bottle still sitting on it. She had left maybe a 1/2 of an ounce in it and she was straining to reach it and crying longingly for it. I ended up making some cereal for her and even made a little more than I normally would. She ate it all and cried when it was gone. I gave her a sipppy cup with apple juice in it which made her very happy.

Anyway I don't anticipate being around much with all three children around today(one of them who is in need of constant entertainment/attention even when she isn't at her best(ahem-Emily-ahem)).

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