" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-08 Cars Suck...and Italian Style Pork Chops

My car is in the shop having a wheel bearing replaced. Blech. I hate cars.

Anyway, we are supposed to go pick it up later but, Pete says the weather is supposed to go downhill fast, with snow and winds of over 50 mph. I seriously doubt that we will be packing up the family and driving in that which means it will have to wait until tomorrow, which also means that I have no idea how Katherine will be getting to preschool.

Let me again say, I hate cars.

In other news, I was planning on making Italian Style Pork Chops but I just checked the fridge and I don't have any italian dressing. Dagnammit. Any thoughts on a substitution?

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2005-03-08 Dog Shock

What in the hell is going on here?

Dogs are being shocked left in right walking in Boston and neighboring communities. 7 News is reporting that another dog was shocked in Roslindale today.

Is the city so unsafe that you can't even walk your dog with out fear of getting shocked?

Time to fix this problem NSTAR, and fast.

(and just an fyi...I am not entirely sure that I agree with the family suing for so much money...Is it going to bring the dog back? No. Ease the pain of the loss? Doubt it. So why bother?)

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2005-03-08 Shazzy Rocks and other nicknames!

A recent email asking me where the name "shazzyrocks" came from has prompted this post.

"Shazzy" originated back in the day when my younger sister Suzanne was learning how to talk. "Sharon" somehow got interpreted by her as "Shazzy" and the name stuck. Bob, a friend of ours who was old enough to babysit us when we were younger but is one of our close friends now, kept the tradition going and as a result, no one (except for my family) calls me Sharon. It's either Shazzy or Shaz. So, "shazzyrocks"= my name is shazzy, and well, I rock. Heh.

Interestingly, Bob has a nickname for our entire group of friends, and never calls anyone by their actual name. It's kind of funny actually.

Here is the list (real names and nicknames) and if I know, how they came about.

Ryun = Runyan (the "odd" spelling of his name("u" instead of "a") awarded him this nickname...Ryun just went to Runyan)

Micheal = "Crpty" (Michael is a big time storyteller so "The Crypt Keeper" got shortened to "Crypty", he is sometimes referred to as "Peeps", origins unknown.)

Kelly = "Mrs. Peeps"(Michael's wife)

Eric = "Dow/Mit/HitaHo" (absolutely no idea how any of theses nicknames came about)

Bill = "Billiam" (take William, drop the "W", add the "B" what do you get? Also referred to as "Biz" origins unknown)

Shane = "Bane" (it ryhmes!)

Darren = "Deek" (no clue)

Michelle = "Bea" (when Bob was little he called his baby sister "B" short for "baby")

John R. = "C" (middle name begins with C)

John P. = "Stu" (looks like Matthew Lillard, "Stu" was is character's name in the movie "Scream")

Sean = "Wheatgerm" (he is allergic to wheat I think)

Jeff = "Cousin" (cousin of Roy...so everyone calls him "Cousin Jeff")

Mike = "Rogan" (derived from his last name)

Jeff U. = "Ugely" (derived from his last name)

That's all I can think of right now, but I am sure there are more. No one is actually called by their given name which is kind of funny I think. Hearing a friend call me "Sharon" almost sounds wrong!

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2005-03-08 Julia!

Julia has discovered that whacking her belly while talking produces a "different" sound to her voice. She spends a good part of her day doing this (whacking her belly) and laughing at the sound she produces.

She has begun to maintain her weight on her legs, and does it automatically when given the opportunity. As soon as you get her in to position on a lap or the floor, she stands up tall and can stay up for a good period of time.

Julia absolutely loves to play peek a boo. Yesterday I was putting a blanket lightly over her head and saying, "Where's Julia?" She would pull it off and laugh hysterically.

She is the happiest baby...even more so than her sisters were I think. She smiles all of the time. She laughs when we make silly faces at her and especially when Daddy tickles her belly with his beard.

Here are some pictures of her...in the very random places where she decides to nap.

the high chair...

the exersaucer...

the playmat...

the playpen...

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2005-03-08 Question

If you could pump enormous amounts of money in to one area of scientific research, which area would you choose?

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