" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-07 Time

Remember the days when Emily and Katherine were little, and they would wake up in the middle of the night, come in to our room, and snuggle in bed with us for the rest of the night? Remember clinging on to the edge of the mattress for fear that if we let go we may fall off? Remember Emily sleeping across our bed feet in one belly, head in the other? Remember "pre night night" when Katherine woudl use a white cloth diaper to suck her thumb with?

Unless you are Ryun, you will of course remember none of this, but I remember it...sometimes as if it were yesterday and other times as if it were in a completely different lifetime.

I miss those days something fierce...not just the bed sleeping thing, just those days in general. Back when the innocence was there...or at least more present than it is now. Back before school and all these other extra curricular things kicked in to high gear. Back when in their eyes, I could do no wrong.

I have no idea what brought on this sudden wave of nostalgia, but I think I would give just about anything to have to cling to the edge of my mattress again.

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2005-03-07 WARNING!

WARNING! Below entry not for the weak of stomach!

A few minutes ago, Julia let out a burp that her father would be proud of (yeah, just don't even ask). Anyway, I looked pack to find her proudly sticking her hands in a puddle of spit up and licking her fingers.

Man, I am not one that usually feels ill after witnessing blood or throw up but this...OH. MY. GOD.

I was close to making my own puddle. YUCK.

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2005-03-07 Question

If you had to give up your favorite food forever, what is the minimum amount of money you would demand in return?

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2005-03-07 American Dreams

American Dreams which, although I don't plug it nearly as much as I do LOST is one of my all time favorite shows ever, is moving to Wednesday's at 8...the same time slot in which LOST airs. This is not that big of a deal (that's why VCR's were invented) except that there's talk that it might be cancelled, since the competition is so stiff.

That would just be the most awful thing. American Dreams is one of the very few family shows that I would actually consider viewing with my children, when they get a bit older. Almost every other show on tv is crap as far as "family" viewing is concerned. The acting is superb, the storylines are wonderful, and the American Bandstand portion of the show is so much fun to watch.

I will be so sad if goes away. :(

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