" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-06 Food And Family

I got my spring issue of Kraft Food And Family Magazine yesterday.

I love that magazine! Not only do I get all kinds of great recipes from it, but the subscription is free of charge!

Obviously, it's a marketing thing for Kraft (hoping that by providing you with a free magazine that has recipes using their products that you will actually buy their products). It doesn't always work that way for me though, since I don't alwayy by Kraft products when trying the various recipes.

I have been a subscriber now for a couple of years. Most of the magazine consists of recipes but, usually includes a few articles as well. Articles dealing with such topics has healthy eating, cooking tips, and seasonal type activities have appeared on many occasions.

If this sounds like something that you may be interested in, go here to subscribe.

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2005-03-06 Weekend Bravery

It's been (and continues to be) a rather busy weekend.

Friday night was Burtwood Idol at which Emily sang, on stage, in front of a full auditorium, a capella, solo. She did an absolutely wonderful job and we are so proud of her.

It still amazes me how brave she is and in how many ways. Given who her parents are, it shouldn't really amaze me as much as it does. As far as public presentations are concerned, both Ryun and I have never feared presenting in front of people. Half of my life in school was all about public speaking and I was also a lector at church...you know back in the days where I actually went. Heh.

Not only does she have no fear of speaking in front of large crowds, but she also will try absolutely anything. This she gets solely from her father though. I am a big old baby when it comes to amusement park rides and things of that nature.

Anyway, yesterday was the twins first birthday party. I haven't seen them in quiet a while...I can't believe how big they have gotten. Matthew looks just like his father, and oddly, Olivia has her mother's skin tone but looks just like her aunt. They are walking (or waddling as children do at this stage of the game) and had a great time cruising around the dance floor at the hall in which the party was held.

Today we have "Sundae Sunday" at Katherine's preschool. This is an annual event in which for $1.00 each, the entire family goes and makes a sundae and socializes with other parents and students of the school. Sadly (well in some respects anyway) this is our last year attending until Julia goes, since Katherine starts kindergarten in September.

Kindergarten. In September. OH. MY. GOD.

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2005-03-05 Today's Question

If you could be given the complete film library of any one actor/actress, who woudl you pick?

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