" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-02 Linkage

Just a quick FYI: Links on the sidebar have been updated! YAY!

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2005-03-02 Brand Name Update

In thinking further about my entry regarding brand name preferences, and after viewing the comments left, I have decided that there actually a couple of things that I must buy name brand.

The first one, and perhaps the one thing that popped in to my head immediately, was soda. Store brand simply does not cut it. Ryun drinks most of the soda in this house (Caffeine Free Diet Coke just in case you were curious) and when I do drink soda, it has to be Coca Cola, not store brand and most definitely not Pepsi.

I buy store brand Milk (Skim or 1%)as a rule. Garelick and Hood seem no different to me than store brand.

Icecream varies. If I am looking to really spoil the family, I will shell out the cash for Brighams Vanilla or Peppermint Stick. I don't know if it really tastes any better...it could be all in my head. Usually though, I buy whatever happens to be on sale.

I only buy name brand diapers if they are on sale or I have a coupon and they will be cheaper than store brand. Frankly, I have used store brand diapers and wipes on all three of my children, and they work just as well.

Most of the time, store brand cereal seems just as good to me with one noteable exception. Raisin Bran must be made by Kellog or I will not eat it. Again, other than that, if it is on sale, I buy it.

Pasta and condiments seem to be the same no matter what the brand. I have bought store and name brand and noticed no real difference.

Paper towel definitely needs to be Bounty as store brand does not hold up as well. Store brand paper goods are fine. Household cleaning supplies must be name brand.

Basically though, when shopping for food, I look at all options, but usually go with what is on sale, with a few minor exceptions.

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2005-03-01 Crock Pot Recipes

The crock pot recipe from the cookbook came out ok...not my favorite meal and just a tad too spicy. It was nice to assemble dinner early this afternoon and come dinner time, have nothing to do but serve it. I really am not a person who loves to cook (although I have taken a bit more of a liking to it lately) so crock pot recipes are my favorite.

Do you have any that you would like to share?

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2005-03-01 Snow and other things...

We ended up with about a foot of snow. Emily didn't have school and was rather happy about it. She loves school...but she loves her days off just as much.

I brought all three of the kids out in to the snow. Julia did nothing but cry though, so her and I came in and I am getting up every five minutes to look out at the other two. Normally, they are allowed to play in the yard by themselves but with the snow, I was a lttle nervous about it. I didn't want to make them come in after 5 minutes though, especially after spending all that time getting ready to go out there! They can barely walk they are bundled so well!

It was interesting to see Julia's reaction since the last time she I took her out she fell asleep! I am not sure what it was she didn't like about it...it could have just been that she was getting hungry too. I brought her in, got her all "undone" , settled her into her exersaucer only to hear her start to cry again a few minutes later. A little rice cereal and prunes was all it took to make her happy again.

I am trying a new recipe tonight from the "Fix It And Forget About It" Cookbook I bought the other night at BJ's. I will let you know how it turns out!

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2005-02-28 Brand Name

Are you particular about buying "brand name" items when doing the food shopping?

Just curious.

As for me, I usually just buy whatever happens to be on sale...brand name or not.

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2005-02-28 Weekend

So, we had a really great time at the expo. Too much money was spent, but it was worth it I think. Emily and Katherine loved all of the shows and Emily even won a prize at one of them. Ryun and I got these really cool id cards for the kids(expcept Julia because she will change so dramatically over the next couple of years it really didn't make any sense to get one). The id cards are plastic, like a credit card and include their name, finger print, picture, address info, allergies, medical concerns etc. It is supposed to be used for the purpose of providing information to authorities should your child go missing or be taken.

Emily and Katherine had their faces painted. I stupidly left my camera card in my PictureMate, so I couldn't take any pictures there. I took this one below when we got home, and considering how long it had been since they had gotten them painted, they still looked pretty good.

Katherine was insistent on being called "Spiderman" and not Spidergirl or Spiderwoman which was rather funny. No surprise that Emily wanted to be painted as a fairy princess. She is such a girl!

On the way back home, we stopped at BJ's in Stoughton and stocked up our formula, diapers and wipes supply and of course, because it is next to impossible to go in there and buy only what you've come for, we bought a bunch of other crap things as well.

On Sunday Ryun's grandparents came for a visit, in which Ryun was a wise ass and hid some of their Girl Scout cookies that they were coming to pick up and, after putting them back in the bad, tied the bag in millions of knots only to find out that Kathy had bought one box of those cookies for us. HAH. He is so fresh isn't he?

After that, we went over to Marie and Pete's (AKA Mom and Dad, Mimi and Papa) for a yummy spaghetti and meatballs dinner, and a blueberry pie for desert. We were able to watch their vacation videos and see their pictures which was nice.

It is supposed to snow here again over night...YUCK YUCK YUCK!

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2005-02-28 Aunty Sharon

I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNT!!!!!!!!! YAY! Suzanne and John are having a baby! She just found out(literally...she isn't due until November 8) but OH MY GOD I am soooooooo excited! WOO HOO!

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