" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-02-26 Every Kiss

People are f'ing weird. Well at least teenagers at the mall on a Friday night are.

Our "big night at the mall" went well...very well actually. I took Emily to her appointment (read all about that here )while Ryun walked around with Julia and Katherine. On the way back to pick up her glasses, Emily took Katherine's spot in the carriage ( I had Jules with us, Ryun had Katherine). I decided to call my sister Suzanne while we were walking to tell her about Emily. I was walking rather slowly while I was talking and apparently, Emily thought there may have been a technical problem. I assumed this after she said, "What did the carriage run out of gas or something?" LOL

We continued walking and out of the blue a few minutes later, Emily busts out with, "Every kiss begins with Kay." It should be fairly evident which store we were passing at that moment.

We went to Build A Bear and the girls were very happy. Emily made a unicorn that she is calling "Sunshine" and Katherine made a dog named, "Max". They had the cutest little green St. Patrick's bear that I so wanted to make but I resisted the urge.

Anyway,it is getting late so I guess I should go to bed. Big day at the Expo tomorrow!

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2005-02-25 Who's The Leader Of The Club...

Katherine has two loose teeth! Apparently, she is going to be the "leader" with the teeth milestones, at least for now. Emily got her first tooth at 10 months, Katherine was 4 months. Emily's first loose tooth was in first grade, Katherine isn't even in kindergarten. So far, at the age of 7 months, Julia has none, obviously in regard to loosing teeth only time will tell!

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2005-02-25 Been Around A Long Time...

Happy Blogiversary to Jay who has been blogging for 2 years as of today!

His entry got me thinking...I have been doing this (blogging) since October 22, 2001...making this October 22 the 4 year anniversary of my foray in to online journaling. I don't think I ever would have started had it not been forDoug (who seriously needs to update... hint, hint, wink, wink). I knew nothing (and I do mean nothing) about HTML so he set up my original site, taught me the basics, and as they say, the rest is history.

In the early days, before it became an addiction (and it is an addiction you know) I had occasionally thought about "quiting" with the usual gripes (Does anyone even read this thing? Does anyone even care? blah blah blah). It didn't take me long to realize that I should be doing this for myself...using it as a tool to record my life, my thoughts etc. Having people actually read it is nice though...and I love to get feedback!

Apparently, being around for almost 4 years is considered a long time in the Blogisphere, which I really didn't know. I can't imagine ever not doing this now. It's too much fun!

I have no idea what I will write when the actual anniversary comes about...now that I have gone ahead and written this! Something wil come to mind I am sure, and if not you can always come back and read this entry!

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2005-02-25 Weekend Plans and Grandparents

It's still snowing, but so far we have about 10 inches or so I would say. Fun. The only good thing about it is that it is the light and fluffy kind, easy to shovel, and in Ryun's case, easy to drive out of when our driveway hasn't been plowed. Heh.

I am hoping to actually get motivated and get some things done around here, namely laundry, which, for any one who has been reading this journal right along knows, is my most loathed household chore.

I am pretty sure we are going to go to the mall as a family tonight (Emily's eye appointment is at Lenscrafter's in the mall),to eat dinner, go to Em's appointment and then take the kids to Build A Bear so that they can use their gift certificates. I feel kind of weird hoping that Emily has something wrong with her eyes, but, when I think of all the other possibilities...glasses seem so much better.

Tomorrow we are going in to Boston to attend the Boston Kids Expo. There will be live entertainment for the kids and shopping opportunities for the parents. I think I may have mentioned in a previous entry, but I can't remember.

I think we will be getting together with Ryun's grandparents on Sunday morning and then with my parents on Sunday afternoon. Mom and Dad have been on a cruise all week and have decided that they will be suffering from "Grandaughter Withdrawal" if we don't head on over for a visit there Sunday.

Seriously, I love how much my parents love my kids and how much my kids love them. The kids look so forward to seeing them and they always have so much fun when they do. I envy the relationship in a way because I never had it with any of my grandparents as a child...there was love of course but my grandparents were either older, sick, or unfortunately, passed on. My maternal grandmother is still alive and up until last year, Ryun had all immediate grandparents still living. Even with Mum's passing though (Mum being his grandmother) he still has 4 grandparents (4 because his paternal grandparents got divorced way back when and his grandfather remarried) and 1 great grandparent. This means that my children have a great-great grandmother still liviing. Not many people can say that.

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2005-02-24 ER Snow and other stuff

YAY for good episode of ER. Seriously, I have been rather disappointed lately, but tonight's episode brought back Gallant, one of my all time favorite characters on the show. It was what I think is a good show of what the medical personnel over in Iraq have to deal with on a daily basis, and I like how they kept crossing over between Iraq and Chicago.

It's snowing here, and, although they keep changing the amounts, last time I checked when all is said and done we will have between 7-12 inches. YUCK. The kids are excited though, because I told them we will be able to go play in it tomorrrow.

Bowling went well today...except that I had to go get Emily from camp again in the middle of a game because she was having a "spell" (which is what I have decided to call these random headaches etc). Katherine's bowling skills have dramatically improved since the last time we went...the ball actually makes it down the entire stretch now! I still suck though...ha ha ha.

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2005-02-24 EP Update

Emily's Page has been updated!

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2005-02-24 Cranky

I was cranky yesterday, with good reason I think but yeah, sorry about that.

Today is fixing to be a much better day so far. I had coffee at a reasonable time, Emily's camp was held in a different place, free of potholes and not in the middle of nowhere, and I am taking Katherine bowling later today. So yeah, all in all, the day is looking up.

I am off now to update Emily's Pagewith the details of yesterday's "illness" so check it out!

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2005-02-23 Things I have been meaning to write about but haven't until...now

1. I love living in the same area in which I grew up. It's fun being able to say that I went to the same preschool that Katherine currently attends and for Ryun to be able to say the same thing about the school Emily attends. I love running in to people I know at the supermarket. I love going to some of the same places I did when I was little and telling my children various stories about my childhood.

2. Don't ever, ever beleive any one that tells you labor gets easier or faster or in anyway better with each child. It simply isn't true...at least not in all cases. Emily=no drugs, all natural birth...12 hours in labor. Katherine=pretty serious pain, epidural, 14 hours in labor. Julia=bone shattering, mind numbing, excrutiating pain, 20 hours in labor. See?

3. I have actually been scheduling my life around LOST. Yes, I do find this to be rather pathetic but I simply can't miss an episode.

4. I am longing for spring to arrive with such a passion that words can not even express. When I found out that we are expecting 12 inches of snow tomorrow, tears were threatening to fall (this is no lie...of course it could have just been the day from hell but still).

5. I love lists (just in case the last couple of entries haven't shown that clearly enough for you).

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2005-02-23 A List. Yeah that's it.

1. Baby wakes up at 5 rather than 7 to eat. This of course happens on a night where I, for no apparent reason slept like crap.

2. Feed baby, watch news, go to make coffee. Realize we ran out of coffee.

3. Grumble incherently and realize I will have to wait til 9 for coffee, as I will be going out to bring Emily to camp and can stop at Dunkin's on the way.

4. Leave late...don't have time to stop at Dunkin's...thus coffee will be delayed for another hour or so until after I drop her off.

5. Drive to camp, go to the wrong entrance, drive all the way back out to main road(and I do mean all the way) go down yet another long-ass road FULL of potholes. Worse than Boston...and for anyone who knows Boston, that should tell you how bad it was. NO lie..pothole every 5 feet and this is not an exxageration.

8. Get to camp 10 minutes late, drop her off, head out.

9. Decide that since it is almost 11, baby is asleep and I promised Katherine we would do something fun, we will go to Friendly's for lunch.

10. Realize this means coffee will have to wait yet again...had my heart set on Dunky's...no way I was settling for Friendly's at this point.

11. Highlight of the day Enjoy a nice burger with fries and a nice time with Katherine who was very happy we decided to go.

12. Go Home.

13. Get a call from camp...Emily has a bad headache and feels sick to her stomach. Need to come get her.

14. Pack up the two kids I have at home with me, leave.

15. Freak out (well in my head anyway) thinking about all the horrible things that could be wrong with Emily.

16. Curse frequently and in the presence of two of my children while driving down the pothole-laden road on the way to get Emily. Think to myself, "Why the fuck has this road not been repaved?"

17. Get Emily who is now feeling basically fine and head home.

18. Notice my car seems to be running a little rough, think nothing of it get on the highway.

19. Stay in the right lane just in case, notice somone beeping and waving frantically at me in the left lane.

20. Pull over. FUCKING FLAT TIRE, on the side of the highway, with all three kids in tow.

21. Thank God for AAA, call, am considered a "Priority One" because I am on the highway. Oh yeah, and I have three small children in the car.

22. Curse some more, call Ryun, and my sister who had beep in while I called AAA. Curse some more.

23. Pray to God that the kids will be able to remain in the car while the guy puts on the spare, because there is just no way in hell I am going to stand on the side of the highway with all three kids. Massholes. I will just leave it at that.

24. Lock the car doors, and tell the kids (even though the lock are automatic) to push them down. Just in case. The world is full of psychos and there ain't no way I am letting them at my kids.

25. AAA comes (in record time...I think 20 minutes) kids can stay in car...YAY.

26. Leave.

27. Doc calls my cell, Emily's bloodwork is fine...call eye doctor.

28. Listen to Katherine in the back saying, "OH MY FREAKIN' GOD."

29. Laugh so that she can't hear me.

30. Have long conversation about how my language was bad, and I shouldn't have said what I did...blah blah blah.

31. Arrive home, sit at computer, make eye appointment for Emily.

32. Enjoy coffee that I finally got on the way home.

33. Think about suing the town of Plymouth, or the Girl Scouts, or whoever the hell owns that road for the cost of replacing my tire, even though it is still under warranty.

34. Realize I am just pissed, not thinking straight.

35. Type this entry, all while praying that the rest of my day goes better than it has so far.

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2005-02-23 Where in the U. S.

bold the states you've been to, underline the states you've lived in and italicize the state you're in now...

Alabama / Alaska / Arizona / Arkansas / California / Colorado / Connecticut / Delaware / Florida / Georgia / Hawaii / Idaho / Illinois / Indiana / Iowa / Kansas / Kentucky / Louisiana / Maine / Maryland / Massachusetts / Michigan / Minnesota / Mississippi / Missouri / Montana / Nebraska / Nevada / New Hampshire / New Jersey / New Mexico / New York / North Carolina / North Dakota / Ohio / Oklahoma / Oregon / Pennsylvania / Rhode Island / South Carolina / South Dakota / Tennessee / Texas / Utah / Vermont / Virginia / Washington / West Virginia / Wisconsin / Wyoming / Washington D.C /

Go HERE to have a form generate the HTML for you.

Via Accidental Verbosity

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