" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-02-18 Kidding

I am way too tired to be here typing this but I am waiting for laundry to dry so I can transfer so, here I am.

I am happy to report that the following items have been crossed of the list:

Celebration Book complete

Calendar for friends get together done

Josh Groban CD burned.

So yeah not much, but some is better than none right?

In other news, my sisters and I are taking Emily and Katherine to see Disney On Ice tomorrow night at the Fleet. Suzanne is then taking the kids back to her house and keeping them until Monday.

This you realize means that after the weekend is over, Suz and John will probably make the decision never to have children.



Ryun and I will only have one child for the weekend which, even though I will miss the other two, will be nice.

So yeah, that's it. I may not be around much this weekend but hey check back! Maybe I will suprise you!

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2005-02-18 The Never Ending StoryList

--Organize my recipes into the recipe box I bought umm, months ago.

--Make the "rainy day folder/box" full of crap fun things to do with the kids.

--finish the calendar for the once a month get together with friends club I started...GO ME.

(side note: We always say we are going to get together and we never do, so I started a club...friends chose month and date to host a get together, potluck, I will send out invites and voila...we have a get together!)

--print the gazillion pics still on the digi camera card.

--Make my Josh Groban mix cd.

See, told you there was more!

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