" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-02-18 The Never Ending StoryList

--Organize my recipes into the recipe box I bought umm, months ago.

--Make the "rainy day folder/box" full of crapfun things to do with the kids.

--finish the calendar for the once a month get together with friends club I started...GO ME.

(side note: We always say we are going to get together and we never do, so I started a club...friends chose month and date to host a get together, potluck, I will send out invites and voila...we have a get together!)

--print the gazillion pics still on the digi camera card.

--Make my Josh Groban mix cd.

See, told you there was more!

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