" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-02-02 Dammit.

AHHHHH!!! I just had this whole entry typed...a really interesting one at that and poof! It's gone. Dammit. I really need to look into something other than Diaryland. Arrrggggghhhh. Time to retype the whole darn thing.

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2005-02-01 Lazy=me

I had this whole list of things I wanted to get done tonight...one of which was go to bed at a reasonable hour(oops). Instead, I took a nice long bubble bath, complete with a good book and bath pillow, rocked Julia to sleep, and curled up on the couch for the rest of the night to finish the book.

It was kind of nice to have a lazy night even if I got nothing done. There is always tomorrow I guess.

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2005-02-01 Hair Color

And oh yeah, doesn't her hair look reddish in that picture? Funny how certain lighting can change the way her hair color looks. Generally, she looks like a little blondie, with an occasional fleck of red or brown thrown in. This one though, really looks red to me. Ryun, just because he is Ryun thinks her hair is brown. He just says that though because his is brown, and Emily and Katherine have brown(Katherine has these really cool blond streaks throughout so it looks like she has her hair colored)so he thinks Julia's should be too I guess.

But yeah, that's my silly husband for you.

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2005-02-01 Julia's 6 month picture

Julia was 6 months old on the 22nd of January. Since I am a picture nut, I usually get my kids pictures done every 3 months until they turn 1, and then every 6 months until they are school age. Yes, I really do follow a picture taking schedule.

Anyway, it get's expensive obviously. So for Julia's 6 month picture, I decided to take my own. I have been told many times that I should be a photographer so I figured what the heck? I would give it a shot, no pun intended.

And damn if it doesn't look just as good as a proffesional one would.

Of course, it certainly helps that I have the cutest baby in the world modelling for me.

What do you think?

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2005-01-31 EP Update

Emily's Page has been updated!

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2005-01-31 Hair Eating

Julia's Journal will officially be closing in a few days...so all updates regarding her will be here.

And here's one now...she has taken a liking to eating my hair. No not pulling it, eating it.

Seriously, she grabs a handful of my hair and heads for her mouth.

Now I will be the first to admit that my hair may be appealing to some...but I have never, ever experienced someone wanting to actually taste it.

No doubt this is some weird teething thing.

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2005-01-31 Political Crap...And I Do Mean Crap

God I really hate to get political here but I have something(s)to say, so what better place?

America's interference in events across the world just annoys me. I am not selfish and while I recognize that there are certainly people who need out help, there are also people, right here, in this country that need us too. I am not talking about tsunami aid or any aid given to victims of natural disasters. Aside from those types of events, I think that the focus of this country should be, well...this country.

Too much attention has been given (and is continuing to be given) to certain events taking place in another country specifically(although I am all for the election if it means our troops will be home sooner). Why though, does this country's government always think that our way is best?

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't(jury's still out for me personally)but who are we to try and force our way on others?

I constantly debate this(whether or not I think we should have invaded and all that seems to be attached to that) and I can never come to a decision.

For me, the only thing that would have justified an invasion would have been the finding of the supposed weapons, or some other direct and definite threat against this country.

I also think that just because we didn't find anything, doesn't mean it's not there.

There is afterall a chance that we aren't perfect afterall(GASP). Maybe we just didn't find the weapons.

Maybe the weapons weren't there.

Blah blah blah.

It never ends...and for the record, neither will terrorism. There will always, always be someone, somewhere who doesn't like this country and what we stand for.

Thinking otherwise is just plain dumb.

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2005-01-31 JJ update...again

Julia's Journal has been updated again. Silly Mama forgot to put one of her pictures up!

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2005-01-30 JJ Update

Julia's Journal has been updated, with pictures and everything!

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2005-01-30 College etc.

I always found it funny the impression I gave others. I mean I never felt that strongly about myself. I was very involved and did care deeply for "the cause" I was behind but really, a lot of those extra activites were for my benefit rathers than others...it kept me busy and gave me "something" to do. Despite my being involved and active in so many things, I didn't have a ton of friends and really wasn't the most social person. I'm still not. I feel comfortable with the small group of friends I (we) have but I am not one to go introduce myself to someone and start a new friendship. Contrary to popular belief, I am a rather shy person.

No, really I am.

Which is why, or at least one of the reasons why, I didn't stay in college. I was living there(had to I went to Merrimack in North Andover...it would have been a hell of a commute) and the whole social scene was very difficult for me. I had never experienced such a social life...or such a sense of freedom. I was the oldest and my parents were, as a lot of parents seem to be with the first, a little overprotective. So, I took advantage.

I did "ok" acdemically but I never(or barely) studied and could have done a million times better if I had. My average GPA was a 3.0 give or take but I honestly think that if I put any effort into it I could have had a 4.0. Seriously. I was the same in high school...I got all A's and B's but never did anything in the way of studying(except for Math because it was definitely a struggle for me to do well in that subject). I could have had all A's.

Anyway, eventually, after two years of college(as a sociology major and psychology minor BTW)I left. I finally realized that perhaps living at college wasn't for me, and maybe even college itself wasn't.

I came home, got a job at Adelphia shortly there after and about a year later(96) met Ryun (well I had actually known him so I gues I should say started dating him).

The rest, as they say, is history.

I may or may not decide at some point to return to school. I only have about 6 college courses left in order to have an associates degree(and if I took just one more class at Merrimack the degree would come from them). I don't know though...sometimes it seems silly not to finish since I have so little left, other times though, I just don't care if I do. Other things matter to me more you know? Like my kids, and just my family in general.

So there, you have it...the story of my college experience...with some high school sprinkled in for good measure.

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2005-01-29 High School Drama, Take 2

I recently found my high school transcript, complete with reccommendations written by various teachers, which is what inspired my last post...and coincidently, this one.

So now, I am going to share with you in their entirety, the reccommendations by my journalism and social studies teachers, as well as by my guidance counselor.

Ms. MacNeil, Journalism

A �straight-arrow��If I ever has a student who deserved this appellation, it is Sharon Sullivan. Sharon is so conscientious, so fundamentally grounded in her moral beliefs, that it is difficult to imagine her failing to complete a class assignment, gossiping about a friend, or being disrespectful to her mother�or even not making her bed neatly each morning. Acting irresponsibly or selfishly would make Sharon feel uncomfortable in her own skin.

Nowhere is that strong sense of responsibility more obvious than in Sharon�s devotion to the CHS S.A.D.D. program. A charter member and president for the past several years, Sharon has been a major reason for the chapter�s amazing success. The CHS chapter has been chosen repeatedly by the national founder to represent the Massachusetts S.A.D.D. chapters at national conventions and to host special exhibits around the commonwealth. Sharon glows when she talks about the S.A.D.D. program to booth visitors.

Because I recognized and treasured these qualities in Sharon, I selected her to be editor-in-chief of the school newspaper. While a competent writer, Sharon is not what I would call a wordsmith. Instead she is a purveyor of standards, an important guidepost on life�s road for her contemporaries. Her editorials are simply but cleanly written, and speak to the moral heart. They help spread Sharon�s moral influence throughout the school. High school however, is just a beginning for Sharon; she will be one of the next generation�s strong healers.

Mr. Green, Sociology and Psychology, Justice And Society and Economics

It has been my extreme pleasure to have been associated with Sharon Sullivan for the past two years. I am more than willing to write this recommendation for her. Sharon has been enrolled in several college preparatory courses which I teach here at Carver High School. During the past two years, I have come to know Sharon not only as a consistent student, but also as one of the finest young ladies I have ever been associated with.

In the number of highly competitive courses which Sharon has taken with me, she has been exposed to a wide variety of teaching techniques from group projects, classroom discussions, lecture, debates to research and a great deal of independent study. Sharon responds quickly and performs well under any learning atmosphere. In a recent essay, Sharon displayed tremendous insight into the multiple complex issues affecting the crime rate in our society and put forth a comprehensive plan including short and long range that could be taken to reduce crime in our society. Sharon�s crisp and fresh observations not only showed a clear understanding of the complex issues facing our society, but also displayed a very sensitive and mature approach as to how to deal with these issues. I have encountered few high school students with her degree of sensitivity and awareness.

Sharon has shown a strong interest in areas of study relating to sociology and sociological issues. In these areas Sharon is extremely motivated and always works to her fullest potential. She is conscientious, diligent, and meticulous. Sharon has a genuine thirst for knowledge and for helping persons less fortunate than herself. To this end, Sharon is willing to go far beyond what is expected of her, in an attempt to satisfy that desire.

Sharon has a deep sense of responsibility. She is extremely active in many high school and community activities: SADD, Peer Leadership, Editor of the school newspaper, The Governor�s Alliance Against Drugs. Sharon works extremely hard and is considered a valuable member in each. As a member of several of these organizations, Sharon has been entrusted with a wide range of responsibilities which she has handled superbly and without the need of adult supervision. These activities have never interfered with her academics, which reflects the tremendous responsibility and pride Sharon has.

Besides being a solid student, Sharon possesses extraordinary qualities as an individual. Sharon is bright, sensitive, introspective, caring, considerate, unassuming, determined and quite mature. She is extremely likeable and is very popular with peers and adults alike.

During her stay at CHS, Sharon has demonstrated remarkable leadership qualities. Sharon, although unassuming, leads by the example she sets for others, by the lifestyle she leads. Sharon inspires and brings out the best in those who know or associate with her. It is no surprise that Sharon was selected to be the President of the SADD chapter here at CHS. Sharon�s leadership is extended beyond the clubs and organizations she belongs to. Her leadership is felt in the classroom, in the corridors, in the lunchroom, by the way she conducts herself.

There are many things that I could write in this recommendation. I sincerely hope that I have made you aware of how strongly I feel and how impressed I am with Sharon Sullivan. In closing, I highly recommend Sharon without any reservations. I am confident that Sharon will be an asset to any college or university fortunate enough to have her.

Mr. Noyes, Guidance Counselor

IN my years as a teacher and then as a guidance counselor, I have seldom met students with the integrity and concern shown for others shown by Sharon Sullivan. She is a leader among her peers and shows the quiet determination needed to get things done.

Sharon is President of SADD and has traveled to both regional and national gatherings as a spokesperson. She shows such enthusiasm about going to the elementary schools to give a presentation about SADD. She is a fine role model to the younger students. Her kindness and caring are exemplary.

If you are looking for a student who will become involved and give freely of her time, working hard and getting things done, Sharon fits the role.

If you are looking for a student who likes working in the community, teaching under-privileged children, and being involved in student activities, Sharon is your best choice.

When I describe Sharon as a caring, considerate, genuine person. I truly mean it.

The college she attends will be fortunate to have her.

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