" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-01-29 High School Drama

Because I am completely bored, and I just feel like being a total geek, I am going to list(in no particular order)all of the extra-curricular activities I took part in in high school.


Editor-In-Chief, Carver High School Crusader(school newspaper just in case that wasn't obvious!)junior and senior year

Manager, Wrestling Team, freshman-senior year

Manager, Softball Team, freshman-senior year

Students Against Driving Drunk(SADD)freshman-senior year, President junior and senior year

Peer Leader, freshman-senior year

HALT Community Partnership, student rep, junior and senior year

Coca Cola Youth Advisory Board, student rep, junior year

Governor's Alliance Against Drugs, student rep, sophomore year

Carver Community Action Council, student rep, senior year

Model UN New York Delegate, junior year

National SADD conference delegate, junior and senior year

I was a busy girl, no?

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2005-01-29 Boring

So, I finally changed the picture on top to one of all 3 kids. Julia isn't smiling but I loved the expression anyway. Very serious.

Ryun is off playing poker tonight with "the boys". He usually goes on Monday nights but they were having a game tonight so he went to that one instead. He will be home on Monday which will be very weird...he is always out on Monday nights.

so yeah. That's it. I am boring tonight.

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2005-01-29 Pennance

Emily had her first reconciliation today. I went too...I mean obviously I went with her but I "conffessed" too. It was a rather odd expereince having not done it since I was confirmed...which was 14(gulp) years ago. You would have thought I had a long list of sins having not gone for so long but it wasn't too bad. I'm a good girl remember?

Anyway, I left thinking I would feel all "good" inside. I didn't. I didn't feel bad or anything just not as "refreshed" or "relieved" as I would have thought.

It's not really a big surprise given how I have been feeling about the catholic church as of late, and how "not filled with the spirit" I feel when and if I go to church.

I just think I should feel something...and I never do.

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