" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-01-28 Open

Now that is scary.

Anyone see Open Water?

That's what I'm saying.

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2005-01-28 My Family As The Cast Of Annie

Ryun: Rooster Hannigan

Sharon: Mrs. Hannigan (got the red hair, and I figure that acting like a drunk can't be that difficult...I do a pretty good imitation of the voice too.)

Emily: Annie (as if there was any doubt)

Katherine: Molly(the cute little orphan that Annie takes care of)

Julia...too little to cast.

Auntie Suzanne: Grace Farell

Uncle John: Punjab

Aunty Heather: Pepper(the orphan with attitude)

Mimi(my mother) Mrs. Roosevelt

Papa(my father): FDR

Still casting...

Daddy Warbucks
Lily(Rooster's girlfriend or wife, can't remember)
Mr. Bundles

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2005-01-28 Humor

So someone, please tell me what humor was there in my life before my kids?

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2005-01-28 Old Journal

The next 7 entries are being imported from my old journal. Incidently, you will see that these entries are written before Katherine wanted to be called Katherine. We were still calling her Katie at that point...just a fyi.

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2005-01-28 Internet Age

Originally posted on 1/5/03

"Dad, what is the kid's name that plays David on Flight of the Navigator?"

"I don't know Emily."

"Well, Dad why don't you just look it up on the internet?"

A conversation with the modern day five year old.

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2005-01-28 The Good The Bad And The...Cuteness

Originally posted on 1/16/03

Emily: "Mom, I know who teaches Katie all the good things, like when she is nice to her parents or takes care of her cats."

Me: "Who teaches her all of that?"

Emily: (pointing to herself):"I do."

Me(joking with her):"So Emily, who teaches her all of the bad stuff?"

Emily(looking around for someone):"I do."

Too funny.

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2005-01-28 Bring On The Pepperoni

Orginally posted 04/14/03

Emily: "What do you think Bridget will name her knew baby?"

Me: "I don't know, maybe they will wait and decide when the baby is born."

Emily: "Well, if she wants the baby to be born, why doesn't she just eat some pepperoni pizza?"

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2005-01-28 Time Out

Originally posted on 3/13/03

Katie: "Mama, guess who I am talking to?"

Me: "Who?"

Katie: "My foot."

Me: "(holding back the laughter)Oh really? What are you talking about?"

Katie: "We are talking about my hand going on a time out for hitting my foot."

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2005-01-28 Get Out Of Jail Free Card Needed Please

Originally posted 4/13/03

The other day Katie asked if she could sit in the "big girl seat" in the car. Lately she never wants to get in her car seat. Of course, I said no. She put up a bit of a fight so I told her if she didn't get in her car seat, that it would be against the law and the police would come get me. She said, "And you will go to jail?" Humoring her, I said yes. She said, "Ok." I said to her, "But then you will never get to see me again." She said, "Oh fine...I will go to jail with you." Not "Oh fine I will get in my carseat." How funny she is.

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2005-01-28 Kindergarten Graduate

Originally posted on 6/22/03

Emily graduated from kindergarten on Wednesday. Strangley enough, it was more emotional than the first day she went. Everyone, not just me cried this time...the teacher, the aid, Emily. Her teacher commented on how sweet Emily was and then said, "They just don't make them like her, do they?" I agree. She is one in a million.

Another year gone by. Crazy how incredibly fast it went. Wasn't I just writing about her going to kindergarten and how fast she was growing? Seems like yesterday.

When asking Emily recently if she was happy or sad about school ending, she said, "both." "Mrs. Medeiros," she said, "Is probably very happy because now she won't have to speak to Robert anymore."

I just love her humor.

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2005-01-28 MWAH

Originally posted on 8/5/03

Funny story. The first part isn't funny but has to be included so bear with me. Emily and Katie were playing together. Emily ripped a bottle(pretend one of course...she is three!) out of Katie's mouth, causing her lip to bleed. Katie came to me and explained the situation so I spoke to Emily, put her in a time out and tended to Katie's lip. While hugging her, I said, "Oh Katie, you poor baby," trying to console her you know? She looked up at me and said, "Don't worry Mama, I can still make a kiss."

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